By Patrol Sergeant James Anderson
March 1 – 5
Wednesday, March 1
Motor Vehicle Accident/Exceeded Safe Speeds: North Highway 287 – A male driver was traveling southbound at approximately 55 miles per hour when he lost control of his vehicle. The vehicle slid off the roadway and struck a traffic delineation post and a gas line warning signpost. The driver admitted driving 55 miles per hour was too fast for the icy and slick conditions present. He was issued a summons.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Exceeded Safe Speeds: North Berthoud Parkway – A woman was driving 45 miles per hour Northbound on Berthoud Parkway. The roads were completely black ice. The driver said she lost control, tried to overcorrect, and went off the road. She struck a tree with her vehicle causing damage and destroying sod. The driver said she thought she was driving too fast for the conditions and a summons was issued. Be careful out there on icy roads… winter driving is snow joke!
Thursday, March 2
Vehicle Trespass: South County Road 23E – A woman reported that a man was inside her vehicle in the parking lot. The victim later reported her card was used at Walmart. The suspect is also associated with other thefts at equestrian stables along the front range. Don’t horse around, lock your vehicle up wherever you go.
Warrant Arrest x2: Highway 287 – A vehicle was contacted, and the driver and passenger were found to each have misdemeanor warrants for their arrest. Both were booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Failure to Yield: Woodcock Street/Berthoud Parkway – A driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic and caused a crash. Summons issued.
Trespassing: Welch Avenue – A woman was extremely intoxicated at a local business and caused a disturbance, she was issued a trespass notice and given a ride home.
Stolen Vehicle Recovery – Waterman Street – Boulder County Sheriff’s Office recovered a stolen Ford F250 that was stolen from Berthoud last week. The vehicle was impounded for evidence processing. The license plate associated with the truck was not recovered and is still listed as stolen.
Friday, March 3
Felony Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive – A female was transported by the Longmont Police Department for Larimer County Sheriff’s Deputies to transport to the Larimer County Jail for an outstanding warrant out of Larimer County. On contact with Larimer County deputies, the woman said she swallowed a “small balloon” containing unknown drugs and was now experiencing pain. She was transported to the hospital and was medically cleared, then booked at the jail. I hope that balloon was not one of those “weather” surveillance balloons flying over the U.S.
Driving Under the Influence: South Highway 287/County Road 8 – A man was contacted for driving at high rates of speed and weaving. The man was found to be under the influence and was booked at the Larimer County Jail. The female passenger was given a ride as she was also unable to drive. A bit of dating advice… Don’t drink and drive, it makes for a memorable date when you go to jail and the cops drive your date home!
Motor Vehicle Theft Recovery/Felony Vehicular Eluding/Criminal Mischief/Reckless Driving: County Road 23/County Road 10 – A stolen 1998 Chevy Silverado was spotted driving south on County Road 23. The truck turned onto County Road 10 and began eluding after a traffic stop was attempted. The pursuit was terminated for public safety as the suspect vehicle ran a red light at Highway 287 and West County Road 8, continuing into Berthoud. Approximately 40 minutes later the vehicle was found parked in an alley in Berthoud. A drone was used to help in clearing the vehicle. The owner of the vehicle was contacted and responded to recover the truck. The truck was processed for evidence.
Saturday, March 4
Vehicle Theft: Westport Avenue – A white/black Kenworth dump truck was stolen from the construction area.
Driving Under the Influence/Driving Without Proof of Insurance: North 107th/Yellowstone Road – A male driver was contacted for traffic violations while driving within Larimer County and was located and stopped. He was found to be under the influence of alcohol and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Vehicular Eluding/Child Abuse: East Highway 56 – A gray Nissan Versa was contacted for a handicap parking violation. The driver briefly spoke with the deputy before driving off. A pursuit was initiated but quickly terminated for public safety. After obtaining video footage, it appears there was a child in the vehicle who was not initially seen due to the heavily tinted windows.
Sunday, March 5
Domestic Violence/Criminal Mischief: Bimson Avenue – A man broke a window and damaged property at this residence after breaking up with his girlfriend. The man was not located and would not return phone calls. A warrant for his arrest is forthcoming.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
March 6 – 12
Monday, March 6
Driving Under the Influence/Failure to Notify Police of Accident/Careless Driving/Tampering with Evidence/Resisting Arrest/Obstructing/Attempted Second-Degree Assault/Bribery/Drove Vehicle without a Valid License: 4th Street – A male driver struck a vehicle driven by a female driver. The at-fault driver provided his name to the female driver before fleeing. The man was found driving back to his residence approximately twenty minutes later. He was found to be under the influence of alcohol and multiple drugs. On the scene, the man ate a baggie of unknown narcotics, which was later recovered, and he physically resisted arrest while being placed into custody and attempted to headbutt a deputy. While at the hospital, he scratched a security guard and tried to spit on a nurse. A search warrant was obtained for a sample of the man’s blood. While waiting for the search warrant, he attempted to bribe deputies to take him home for various dollar amounts. The man was eventually booked uncooperative after the hospital medically cleared him. During the incident he made numerous statements of harming LCSO deputies.
Warrant Arrest: West County Road 8/Highway 287 – A woman was contacted and found to have an outstanding warrant for her arrest. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Tuesday, March 7
Family Problems: Berthoud – A juvenile male was involved in an argument and pushing match with his father over drug use. After deputies responded to the scene, the family decided that nobody wanted to press charges. A bag of drug paraphernalia was booked into the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office for destruction.
Wednesday, March 8
Vehicle Trespass: Urban Place – A resident had two of his vehicles trespassed into at 2:50 am. Nothing was taken, and both cars were unlocked. Don’t make it easy to be a criminal… lock your vehicle!
Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive – A man was booked on an outstanding warrant at the Larimer County Jail.
Felony Warrant Arrest: Wagon Bend Road – A man was contacted for an outstanding Felony Warrant and a search warrant was issued for the residence.
Found Property: Travner Court – A wallet was turned into the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office at the Berthoud substation containing a driver’s license and cash.
Thursday, March 9
Driving Under the Influence/Driving Under Revocation: Mountain Avenue – A vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation. The driver was found to be intoxicated and did not perform voluntary roadside tests in a manner consistent with a sober driver. The driver was also found to be driving after her license had been revoked. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Felony Warrant Arrest: Canyonlands Street – A man was contacted with an outstanding Felony warrant and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Friday, March 10
Search Warrant: Berthoud – A search warrant was executed by the All-Hazards Crisis Response team. A male with a felony Warrant Arrest was found at the residence and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Fraud/Identity Theft: West County Road 6 – A woman reported that her identity was stolen and was being used to apply for several credit cards. Always monitor your credit reports and sign up for fraud alerts through the major credit bureaus. Oddly, my identity has yet to be stolen… I am guessing it just isn’t that attractive!
Saturday, March 11
Mental Health Hold: Berthoud – A juvenile male made suicidal statements during an argument with family members and caused self-harm. He was transported to the hospital for mental health evaluation.
Criminal Mischief: Mountain Avenue – A customer parked at a local business and when he walked back to his vehicle, he noticed a deep scratch on the driver’s side of the vehicle from the rear quarter panel to the front quarter panel.
Driving Under Revocation/Warrant Arrest x2: East Highway 56 – A man was contacted at a local business and was found to be driving without a license. He also had two outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substances/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Speeding: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A woman was stopped for speeding and found to be under the influence of drugs. Upon a search incident to arrest, methamphetamine was located in her pocket and drug paraphernalia was located in plain view within the vehicle. She was booked into the Larimer County Jail. Speeding on speed equals 3 hots and a cot.
Sunday, March 12
Warrant Arrest: West County Road 10E – A man was contacted and found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was booked in at the Larimer County Jail.
Warrant Arrest – Another man was contacted and found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was booked in at the Larimer County Jail.
Trespass/Mental Health Hold: West County Road 10E – A woman was reported to be having a mental health crisis. Upon contact with the woman, deputies found she was obviously under the influence of a narcotic and was found to be a danger to herself. She was transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold. The owner of the address where she was found asked that she be trespassed from the property.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
March 13 – 19
Monday, March 13
Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: 2nd Street – A 1994 Homemade 10 ft trailer was stolen sometime in the last two weeks.
Drug Paraphernalia: Curlew Drive – A drug pipe was found, and the owner of the paraphernalia threatened to burn down the residence since he was served an eviction notice. Deputies increased patrol around the area.
Fourth-Degree Arson: South Highway 287 – Unknown suspects detonated an improvised explosive device underneath an overpass, melting some of the plastic pipe in the concrete. There was no apparent damage to the bridge. The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Bomb Squad and the Investigations Unit responded.
Tuesday, March 14
Felony Warrant: Highway 56 – A woman was located that had an outstanding Felony warrant for her arrest. She was booked into the Larimer County Jail.
Wednesday, March 15
Warrant Arrest/Driving Under Revocation: 7th Street/Franklin Avenue – A man was contacted for driving while under revocation. The passenger was found to have an outstanding warrant and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: Bunyan Avenue/Berthoud Parkway – A female driver struck another vehicle, pushing the vehicle head-on into another vehicle. Both drivers that were hit were transported to the hospital for serious but not life-threatening injuries. The at-fault driver was cited.
Thursday, March 16
Protection Order Violation/Tampering with Evidence/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 2nd Street – A man was at this residence violating a mandatory protection order. The man was arrested and transported to the Larimer County Jail. While en route, the man attempted to conceal three used syringes by kicking them under a metal partition in the patrol car; however, the syringes were still visible. One syringe had to be pulled out of the man’s foot in the booking vestibule after it came uncapped in his shoe. Talk about stepping right into trouble!
Friday, March 17
Animal Problem: Malibu Drive/West County Road 8E – Deputies helped with containing five horses that had gotten out through an open gate. Our Deputy the horse whisperer calmed all of the horses. The deputy hitched up her git-along and brought the horses home.
Scam/Fraud: Canyonlands Street – A man gave full access to his bank account to a scam with “Apple Support.” Per his bank’s fraud department, there was no monetary loss at this time.
Felony Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Trespass: TPC Parkway – A man drove his vehicle onto the TPC Golf Course. The driver was found to have been convicted of a prior Felony DUI. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail and Trespassed from TPC Golf Course. I believe the golf cry is “fore!” not “4X4”.
Minor in Consumption: Berthoud – A 16-year-old female was contacted as a passenger at a traffic stop. She was found to be under the influence of alcohol and was issued a summons. She was then released to her mother. Which is worse? A ticket or mom’s wrath?
Saturday, March 18
Trespass/Suspicious Circumstances: Highplains Drive – A woman resident reported that someone was able to open her gate, which has a code-only entry. The suspect drove into the property but nothing was seen missing. A similar incident took place six weeks ago when a neighbor had his truck and camper stolen.
Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries/Driving Under the Influence/Driving Under Revocation: South County Road 17/County Road 4 – A vehicle left the roadway sometime during the night and rolled several times. The vehicle was spotted by a passerby with the driver’s leg sticking out of the vehicle. It was evident by frost on the vehicle and other frozen fluids that the vehicle had been there for several hours. The driver was transported to the hospital with serious injuries, alcohol is suspected as a contributing factor.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: West County Road 10E/1st Street – A female driver was stopped on the roadway waiting to turn left. Another vehicle came up behind the stopped vehicle and was unable to stop, colliding with the rear end of the woman’s vehicle. The at-fault driver was issued a summons.
Sunday, March 19
Hit and Run/Stolen Vehicle Recovery/Driving Under Revocation/Careless Driving/Warrant Arrest: South Highway 287 – A male driver was unable to maneuver the curve on the off-ramp of north Highway 287 at 1st Street and lost control of the motorcycle he was on. The man ran on foot from the scene and was contacted a short distance from the accident. The motorcycle he was driving was discovered to be stolen out of Fort Collins. The driver already has a warrant for his arrest and was driving under revocation with 13 additional actives. The man was transported to the hospital for medical treatment and when released will be transported to the Hospital. There once was a man on a Harley. Whose crashed motorcycle looked gnarly. He took off real fast but that didn’t last, when he was caught in a field of barley.
Motor Vehicle Accident with Pedestrian with Injuries: Welch Avenue/4th Street – A female driver was southbound on 4th Street making a left turn onto Welch Avenue. An adult male was crossing Welch Avenue northbound when he was struck by the woman’s vehicle. The man suffered minor injuries and was transported to the hospital for follow-up.
Fraud/Scam: Mount Meeker Avenue – Unknown scammers posted a resident’s house for rent online. Several people already paid $1,600 to rent it without viewing it.
Mental Health Hold: West County Road 14 – A man took several prescriptions in an effort to commit suicide. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital for a mental health evaluation.
March 20 – 26
Monday, March 20
Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 56 – A male driver was westbound on Highway 56 when the left front tire of the vehicle fell off causing damage to his vehicle as he pulled to the side of the road. The tire hit an eastbound car driven by a female driver. Her vehicle sustained minor damage. The tire came to rest in a field approximately 200 yards south of Highway 56. The driver and his family members were transported to a local gas station to wait for a ride. Three young children were in the vehicle and hungry. The deputy went above and beyond and bought the family food while they waited for a ride. “We’ve been meaning to reach you about your vehicle’s extended warranty”.
Driving Under the Influence/Warrant Arrest: East Highway 56/County Road 13 – A man was stopped for several traffic infractions and was found to be driving under the influence of alcohol. He also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Tuesday, March 21
Possible Cold Assault/Mental Health: Sun River Road – A woman reported that she let two friends in her house, and they assaulted her and beat her head on the ground. Follow-up with family and alleged subjects revealed the woman suffers from dementia and the two suspects do not know where she currently lives. According to the family, the injuries sustained to the woman are common with a fall. So, every time I fall, which is getting more frequent, I will blame my friends for beating me up.
Felony Warrant Arrest x2: Danzate Bay Court – A man was contacted with two felony warrants and booked into the Larimer County Jail.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving/Driving Under the Influence: North Highway 287 – A man was reportedly speeding and driving recklessly in the center median of north and southbound traffic on Highway 287. He lost control of the vehicle and crashed on the west side of the highway. The man was medically cleared on scene. He was found to be intoxicated and booked at the Larimer County Jail. It’s the trifecta: Drunk, speeding, losing control. The perfect storm!
Attempted Vehicular Assault/Hit & Run: North Highway 287/Berthoud Parkway – A road rage incident started in Longmont and continued into Berthoud. The victim reported he was being followed by an “old and dirty” white Chevy truck with rusty door panels. The white truck then rammed into the other vehicle and conducted what the victim described as a “PIT maneuver”, immobilizing his vehicle. No injuries were sustained. The suspect Chevy truck was last seen eastbound on Highway 287 towards Loveland. The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, March 22
Traffic Control Saturation: Berthoud – In response to a high number of traffic crashes, the Traffic Safety Unit of the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office conducted an enforcement operation on Highway 287 between County Road 8 and Berthoud Parkway. In total 36 vehicles were stopped, 25 citations, and 9 warnings were issued. Three vehicles were stopped traveling over 90 MPH on Highway 287. Deputies also arrested an impaired driver who was on her way to pick up her children from school and for a misdemeanor warrant arrest. All the speeders are bad enough but to be intoxicated and going to pick up your kids is just plain dumb!
Driving Under the Influence/Open Container Violation: Berthoud Parkway/Waterman Street – A woman was stopped for weaving while she was driving and found to have an open alcoholic beverage in her vehicle. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail. She took drinking and driving to a whole new level
Warrant Arrest: North Berthoud Parkway/Heart Wood Drive – A man was contacted and found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Driving Under Revocation/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Mountain Avenue/Berthoud Parkway – A female driver was contacted for a traffic infraction. A K9 alerted to drug paraphernalia and a search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a large quantity of cash. The woman is currently on pretrial for possession with intent to distribute. The woman was summonsed.
Thursday, March 23
Fraud: Vision Way – A woman reported she had two fraudulent charges on her credit card. It appears the origin of the fraud occurred from a compromised online shopping account.
Friday, March 24
Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance: South Highway 287/County Road 8 – A man was contacted for a traffic infraction. A search of the vehicle following a K9 alert yielded user quantities of cocaine and drug paraphernalia. A summons was issued to the man. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool the K9.
Minor in Possession of Alcohol: Berthoud – A male juvenile was contacted after reportedly stumbling in the street and falling into a ditch. The juvenile was found to be under the influence of alcohol and transported by ambulance to the hospital. The juvenile was released to his mother with a summons.
Mental Health Hold: 1st Street – A woman was contacted after a family member reported she was making suicidal statements. The woman said she wanted to go to the hospital for more mental health help. A deputy that gained rapport with the woman drove her to the hospital for a mental health hold. Our hats consist of being counselor, pastor, mom, dad, EMT, firefighter, teacher, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on.
Saturday, March 25
Hit and Run – Tabor Street – A vehicle parked on the side of the road was hit by an unknown vehicle. Video evidence was submitted, and the investigation is ongoing.
Sunday, March 26
Theft: North Berthoud Parkway – A woman reported that her wallet was stolen from a locker room. The wallet was later found and returned to the owner. See, there are still good people in this world.
Mental Health: 4th Street – A man was reported by family members as being suicidal due to his methamphetamine use. The man was unable to be found and a Be On the Lookout (BOLO) was sent to surrounding agencies. The Sheriff’s Office mental health co-responders were notified so they can follow up with the man’s wellbeing.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
March 27 – 31
Monday, March 27
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Berthoud Parkway/North Highway 287 – A man driving a septic truck was north on Highway 287 approaching the intersection with Berthoud Parkway. The semi-truck jackknifed and struck another vehicle due to the icy road conditions. There were no leaks on the septic truck as the snow stayed white.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 56 – A male driver was westbound on Highway 56 in his yellow Charger. The man lost control and struck a truck. Another male driver was eastbound and swerved to avoid the collision, sliding off the roadway and impacting a drainage ditch causing significant damage to his vehicle.
Tuesday, March 28
Driving Under the Influence/Child Abuse/Reckless Endangerment/Left Scene of the Accident: Little Branch Lane – A male driver crashed into a parked vehicle that had a two-year-old child inside of it. The man continued to try and drive through the vehicle. The mother was able to safely get her two-year-old out of the vehicle. Eyewitnesses told deputies that the male driver parked the truck and went into a nearby residence. The man was contacted and found to be extremely intoxicated. He was uncooperative with the investigation and was arrested for the above charges.
Wednesday, March 29
Theft: Woodcock Street – A man reported that his license plate was stolen from his parked truck. The plate was entered as stolen.
Theft: East Highway 56 – A credit card was stolen and fraudulently used to purchase items in Mead, Firestone, and Longmont. The investigation is ongoing.
Scam: 8th Street – A resident received a message at her place of employment saying a Longmont Police Department detective called. Upon returning the call to the number, she was told she had two federal warrants out for her arrest for not showing up for a federal jury trial. She was advised she needed to pay the penalties. The man asked for $2,250 in cash placed in a manila envelope. He told her to mail it to the US Department of Treasury; however, to place it in the blue Postal Service boxes outside the Post Office and not to bring it inside. The man told her to record the serial number on the blue box and give it to him. The woman did not provide any money, or any information to the scammer.
Driving Under Restraint/Unsafe Backing/Leaving the Scene of an Accident: 8th Street – A woman reported that an unknown driver backed into her parked car and then drove off. The woman provided the license plate number of the vehicle that hit her car. The owner of the vehicle was contacted and found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He stated he was unaware he hit another vehicle. He was booked on his outstanding warrant and given a citation for driving under restraint, leaving the scene of an accident, and improper backing.
Thursday, March 30
Fraud: Malibu Drive – A man reported that his information was used to apply for a credit card that he did not authorize.
Friday, March 31
Vehicular Eluding: East Highway 56 – A vehicle fled from a traffic stop. A short pursuit was initiated but terminated for public safety.