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May 1 to May 5

Wednesday, May 1

Welfare Check: Common Drive, we received an anonymous tip that someone was being held hostage at this residence. Everyone was checked on and no one was being held captive.

Open Door: Carrie Martin Elementary, after school hours and while doing checks around the school a deputy found an open door. School was checked and found no one inside. Staff came and secured the door.

Thursday, May 2

Follow Up / Runaway Juvenile: Canyonlands Street, a juvenile boy was located by his father at a friend’s house in Loveland. The father said the living arrangements are acceptable and his son has his permission to be at his friend’s house.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft/Trespass: N 83rd St. (Boulder County), a Boulder man reported to Boulder his 2003 Kawasaki Motorcycle as stolen. Vehicle was located and recovered by Boulder and Larimer County Deputies and charges are being brought into Larimer County for the two juvenile males for this incident and from their recent crime spree.

Suspicious Circumstances: Berthoud High, a resident who lives near the high school reported a white light outside the school flashing on the east side of the building, almost as if the fire alarm is going off. It turned out to be a malfunctioning light.

Friday, May 3

Found Property: CR 23 and CR 8, a big bag of tools was found and turned in to the Berthoud Squad. Tools will be stored at the town hall for a short while.

Trespass: Redwood Circle. A resident reported there were some juveniles trespassing on his property. They are not there now, but he has video of them. Met with the resident who showed us a video of three kids walking past his property on the sidewalk. one male stepped onto his property and rang the doorbell. The resident refused to email video and stated that he only wanted us to tell the kids to stay off his property. Basically: Get off my lawn!

Saturday, May the 4th be with you

Recovered Stolen Plates: 2nd Street, two “stolen” plates from a previous report were recovered after the owner of the home found them under his deck. Oops

Abandoning A Motor Vehicle/Traffic Violations: 3rd Street and Massachusetts Ave., a yellow box truck was parked in the fire lane, partially blocking a fire hydrant and right in front of a no parking sign. The same vehicle was an issue for expired plates last year. Not able to get hold of owner so the vehicle was towed. The fire department is very unforgiving with a car parked in front of a hydrant when they need it.

Welfare Check: E. Nebraska Ave., an anonymous caller reported a woman texted him suicidal comments and a photo of a hand full of pills. The woman and her mother were moderately uncooperative with law enforcement.

Sunday, Cinco de Mayo

Suspicious / Warrant Arrest / Protection Order Violation: 1st Street, a man was contacted during a suspicious call. He was booked on a felony warrant. The man’s brother was also on scene and is restrained from his ex-wife who is now his brother’s girlfriend. What? Sounds like a new episode for the Maury Povich show.

Warrant Arrest: a Berthoud man was contacted at his residence and arrested on LCSO felony warrant for Aggravated Incest and Sexual Assault on a Child. Booked.

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 7th Street, a resident reported that someone crashed into her car while it was parked in front of her house.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / 1st Degree Criminal Trespass: 4th Street, a vehicle was stolen and dumped one block away and at least three other vehicles that we know of were entered. The vehicle that was stolen was processed for evidence and returned to its owner. The other vehicles were documented, and the owners were made aware of the situation.

May 6 to May 12

Monday, May 6

Vehicle Trespass: 5th Street, two unlocked vehicles were trespassed in last night. Most likely related to the trespasses and vehicle theft from the night before.

Found Property: Hwy 60 / CR 1, a backpack and gas can were found at this intersection. Initially believed to be related to the vehicle trespasses in Berthoud. Later found an owner and he was left a voicemail to come pick up his stuff from town hall as it was not related to the trespasses. 

Criminal Impersonation / Identity Theft / Warrant Arrest / Follow Up: Buena Vista and Boulder Drive, Loveland. A Loveland man was contacted as being a suspect in a vehicle theft from Berthoud. He stated he bought the camper from the last owner and provided a handwritten bill of sale signed by that man. But the suspect gave his brother’s name and date of birth to the deputy today to avoid his warrants. He also gave the same name to another deputy last night and confessed today after Miranda. Booked on his two warrants and new charges. 

Tuesday, May 7

Warrant Arrest / Introduction of Contraband / Possession of Schedule II narcotics: Loves Travel Center, a man and woman were contacted after a deputy found a warrant while running plates. Both transported to jail. While at the Jail, deputies found 10 Oxycodone pills hidden in a coin pocket now he’s booked with new felony charges. In the back of the car, deputies told their sergeant there was a black lab. The sergeant opened the door and found a HUGE Rottweiler laying in the back. Black lab my foot!

Runaway/Stolen Vehicle: Spartan Avenue, the SRO Deputy was informed that a couple of 16-year-old fugitives were at the school. They fled in a stolen Mercedes-Benz which is stolen out of Loveland PD. One of the boys is a runaway and cut off his ankle monitor but was never reported until we called dad today. There was a handgun in the stolen car so all of them should be considered armed and dangerous.

Family Problems: Greenwood Ave, a 14-year-old boy was contacted at his home after his mom called 911 for his violent behavior.

Criminal Mischief / Menacing: 1st St. / E Iowa Ave., a resident was driving to work when three young adults flipped him off. He attempted to photograph them, at which point the suspects kicked his vehicle and threw rocks which shattered his driver-side window. They also yelled, “You are going to die”. Parents? Donde estas?

Wednesday, May 8

Burglary/Theft: Glen Drive, a resident came home from work and noticed his gun safe had been entered by key and two rifles were taken along with two 30 round magazines, 2 black carry bags, and a pistol. Only 2 keys have access, one that he has and one that was on the key ring that his son took when he stole his father’s Mercedes-Benz. These kids have been on a crime spree in Berthoud, Loveland and Ft. Collins

Thursday, May 9

Harassment: 4th St. Berthoud Laundry: a woman reported that an unidentified man removed her wet clothing from a dryer. This caused a verbal altercation. The woman stated that the man made the statement, “I should just pull my .45 out and shoot you.” Video to be recovered to hopefully we can identify the man. The suspect will come clean soon as he is found.

Suspicious: Franklin Av, a resident reported that he came home after work and noticed that the front doorknob was locked. He stated that he never locks the bottom lock. No signs of forced entry, nothing moved, nothing taken, and the neighbors did not see anything. 

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287 / Hwy 56, a driver couldn’t stop on the wet roads and struck the back of a stopped vehicle.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / Burglary/Warrant Arrest: one of the crime spree boys and the stolen vehicle and one of the stolen rifles were recovered located at his father’s residence in Berthoud. The other kid had been located in Denver. The Berthoud boy was returned to Platte Juvenile Facility for his current warrants and the above-mentioned new charges.

Vehicular Assault / Recovered Stolen Vehicle / Motor Vehicle Theft: NE Frontage Rd. / Weld CR40, a stolen flatbed truck traveling North on I-25 attempts to enter the frontage road by crossing the grass median. A Suburban traveling North on the frontage road had no warning of the vehicle crossing the median and collides with the flatbed truck. Driver of the Suburban is extricated and taken to the hospital with Serious Bodily Injuries. Driver of the stolen truck is also transported and admitted to being at Sylvan Dale Ranch where his vehicle got stuck and taking the truck. Booked

Friday, May 10

Report of an Airplane Crash: Over Berthoud, received calls from obvious city slickers that a plane was flying very low and smoke coming out of it. Turned out it was a crop-dusting plane spraying the fields.

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287 / Hwy 56, a driver tried to change lanes when there was a vehicle in that lane already. Minor damage.

Possible Harassment / Possible Violation of Protection Order: Windom Peaks Dr., a resident reported that her ex-husband was harassing her through the Talking Parents app. He sent 4 more messages to her after she asked him to stop and even cited state law when doing so. But oh no he would not listen.

Runaway Juvenile: Angora Dr., a 17-year-old Berthoud High School student, ran away from his home sometime today. The mother called later to report her son had returned home and was ok. He claimed his phone battery died and that was why he could call them or respond to messages left.

Active Shooter/Felony Menacing: N. 2nd Street, employees of Lehman Printing Center were reporting a male actively shooting a gun in the parking lot of the business and employees were sheltering in place. Male was still armed and on scene when Deputies arrived. Male turned when deputies driving up pointing the shotgun at them but then immediately dropped the gun when he saw who it was. Male was compliant with commands and was taken into custody without further incident. This was a very lucky man as this could have ended differently.

Saturday, May 11

Criminal Mischief: Bunyan Av, the property caretaker reported 3 windows broken on the back of the unoccupied farmhouse. Property is owned by an investor who lives in California and is slated for development. No one except the caretaker is allowed on the property.

Theft: Welch Av, a resident reported that his 2014 Black/Gray Trek bike was stolen from his fenced in backyard sometime in the last week.

Disturbance / Landlord Tenant Dispute: 2nd St, a renter came to pay his landlord and was short on rent. The landlord confronted him about past due rent and other issues, and then it got physical. Thanks a lot, now I have Olivia Newton-John singing; Let’s get physical, stuck in my head.

Criminal Mischief / Graffiti: Mountain Ave, the word “status” was spray painted in two spots on the back of the building. I will let you know their “status” when we find them.

Sunday, May 12

Criminal Impersonation: W CR8, a homeless man and woman were contacted walking on CR8. The woman advised they were walking to her Aunt’s house who lives Estes Park.

May 13-May 19

Monday, May 13

Abandoned Vehicle/Civil Issue: 2nd Street, a white Ford F-250 was towed from this location after it was tagged for 48 hours. It also had registration that expired in May of 2018. Contacted the owner who stated he “loaned” the truck to a friend who was supposed to get it fixed. Mechanics said they’ve been working on it for a year and the customer is overdue on his bills. Registered owner advised it was being towed. 

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: 6th Street and Massachusetts Ave., a front bumper was found in the middle of the road with the plate attached. Deputy found the suspect vehicle on Mt Meeker Street, the vehicle had heavy frontend damage and no bumper. But officer I would like to now report my car was stolen.

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: I-25, deputy began to merge onto Interstate 25 Southbound from County Road 48. As he was attempting to merge onto Interstate 25, a vehicle sped beside him. He sped up to attempt to merge, and the vehicle sped up to match his speed, preventing him from merging. He attempted to slow down and let the vehicle pass in front of him, and the vehicle slowed down and matched his speed again. He was forced to come to a complete stop on the side of the interstate and let the vehicle pass in order to merge onto the interstate. She was stopped and arrested for driving under the influence of drugs (Marijuana). Don’t try not to get the cop’s attention when you’re high.

Tuesday, May 14

Disturbance: Franklin Ave, 2 residents were involved in a disturbance over a piece of toast. I thought it was let go of my Eggo. 

Wednesday, May 15

Vehicle Crash with Injury: E CR 8, a woman driver missed her turn and tried to make a U-Turn near this address. She was T-boned by another car who could not stop in time due to the woman pulling out quickly. She was issued a summons.

Theft: Massachusetts Avenue, a boy took another boy’s iPhone XS Max ($1200) during class. The boy and the iPhone were found in Evans after tracking the iPhone with an application. The phone had been smashed and thrown into a field after the boy realized that it was likely being tracked. Isn’t that like a politician? Destroy it before they can investigate it.

Possible Assault / Domestic Violence: Bimson Ave, a hospital reported that a woman was there being treated for injuries that she said her boyfriend of two months pushed her off the bed and she hit her head and lost consciousness. She refused to release any medical information for her visit today or cooperate with the investigation.

DUI / Child Abuse / Failure to Stop at Stop Sign / Speeding: Spartan Ave. and 9th St. a driver was stopped for traffic violations. He was found to be intoxicated and he also had a 1-year-old and 2-year-old in the vehicle.

 Warrant Arrest: S Iowa St., an 18-year-old was contacted at the above address and arrested for a felony warrant out of the Colorado Department of Youth Services. Booked.

Thursday, May 16

Vehicle Pursuit / Warrant Arrest / DUI-Drugs / Reckless Driving / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Fictitious Plates: I-25, a report of a suspicious vehicle was reported by Loves Travel Stop. A deputy attempted to stop a green Subaru Outback for traffic violations. The vehicle failed to yield northbound on I-25 and the driver started to reach under the seat and into the center console. The man accelerated to 60 MPH after the siren was activated but could not go faster due to traffic. He then exited at the Johnstown exit and passed a semi on the ramp. He also ran the red light at Highway 60 and I-25 and traveled north bound in the south bound lanes of the frontage road. The deputy conducted a successful intervention technique sending the vehicle into the ditch and disabling the vehicle. The man had 10 active warrants for his arrest, Revoked, and showed signs of being under the influence of Heroin. The vehicle was towed pending a search warrant due to possible burglary tools and stolen items inside.

Suspicious Circumstances: Southwind Road, a contractor reported that he returned to a construction project today and found his Forklift in the lake. He believed that someone intentionally removed the blocks behind the tires, disengaged the brake, and allowed it to roll down the steep grade and into the lake. However, his story changed more than once. Likely the result of not securing the equipment appropriately. Gravity will win every time.

Forgery (Counterfeit Currency): 1st Street, employees at the CONOCO reported that a male attempted to purchase items using a counterfeit $50 bill. However, the clerk discovered it was fake before any loss occurred and retained the bill to turn in to Law Enforcement. The male was described as a white male, approximately 5’7″ tall, and driving a blue sedan.

Friday, May 17

Vehicle Crash / Possible Injury: 1st Street and CR 10E, a 4-car chain reaction crash. Roads were wet. One person wrote in their statement that they were hurt but told deputies on scene that they were ok and there were no obvious injuries. The driver causing the crash was cited for careless driving.

Saturday, May 18

Reckless Driving / Disorderly Conduct: 8th St. and Turner Ave, a 44-year-old Berthoud man was impatient and drove on the wrong side of the road passing vehicles waiting in line for the community trash drop off. He tried to cut in back in line in front of a 79-year-old driver also was in line and caused a vehicle crash. The 44-year-old man stopped his vehicle in the middle of the street and started cursing at the older driver and donkey kicking his car door. Multiple witnesses and video of incident. Citation issued.

Traffic Complaint: Redwood Circle, a chronic complaining resident has started calling dispatch again with similar complaints as before about the kids at the high school. Last year this same man called in 727 times to dispatch with traffic complaints especially about the high school kids.

Mental Health: Hwy 56 and Weld CR 13, a female was contacted and transported to the hospital for a mental health evaluation after she made concerning statements to Deputies. She refused to identify or didn’t know her correct name. She was later identified by her mother when she called in that her daughter walked away from their home.

Mental Health: Turner Ave, a man who is bipolar and was having a manic episode called in. Tonight, he called 911 saying people were following him.

Missing Adult: Turner Ave, a woman reported her husband left the residence after stating the furnace was unsafe and has not returned. That’s the way, go away and leave the wife to deal with it.

Sunday, May 19

Child Abuse: Greenwood Drive, during a family disturbance which originated from a call of a young teen out of control and violent, it was discovered the mother slapped the juvenile’s right shoulder blade with such force as to leave a clear and highly visible handprint. It was also determined the juvenile’s stepdad had caused injury by pushing the juvenile against a cabinet in the garage. Both mom and stepdad booked.

Missing Person: Turner Ave., a Berthoud man was reported as missing. He was later located in Longmont.

Monday, May 20

Identity Theft / Computer Crime: Aspen Drive, a resident reported that someone ordered several prepaid debit cards from thre different companies. Some were in her name and others were in her company’s name. Those prepaid debit card companies confirmed that they had her personal info. The cards were not loaded with money, so she is not out any money at this time.

Tuesday, May 21

Vehicle Crash / Minor Injury: Hwy 287 and Mountain, a driver was traveling East bound and went through a red light striking another vehicle. Both vehicles had to be towed from the scene. Summons issued for disregarding a traffic control device. What did the traffic light say to the other traffic light? Don’t look I’m changing.

Stolen Plate: Park-n-Ride Hwy 56 and I-25, a woman called to report her rear license plate was stolen while parked during the day. The screws were behind the vehicle on the ground.

Warrant Arrest: Bruce Drive, a 15-year-old boy’s welfare was checked on and he was found to be OK, but he also had 3 warrants for his arrest. He was taken into custody and to the HUB.

Wednesday, May 22

Found Drugs: Mountain Avenue, staff found a small red baggie with a mushroom logo on it that was presumptive positive for Heroin. Staff is working on looking at video footage for possible suspect info. If it is yours, please come see us to claim it.

Motor Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Mountain Av. and 3rd St, two cars were rear ended due to traffic backing up. Only property damage and no injuries to either drivers. Witnesses on scene confirmed that traffic stopped suddenly. 

Thursday, May 23

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Cedar Drive, a driver was pulling in to pick up her child when she struck a parked vehicle outside this address.

Civil – Custody Dispute: 9th Street, a man called and reported that he thinks his ex-wife is going to take their 5-year-old son out of state. He said that there is a court order stating that she can’t.

Friday, May 24

Vehicle Crash / Injury: 3600 Block of Hwy 56, a driver of a Mercedes was reported speeding 100+ and rear ended a tan Dodge pickup truck causing the Mercedes to go into the oncoming lane. The Mercedes collided head on with a Ram pickup truck resulting in the truck to roll. The driver of the Mercedes, a 26-year-old Longmont man was ejected from the vehicle and transported to an area hospital where he remains in critical condition. The driver of the Ram was a 23-year-old man from Fort Collins. He was treated and released at the scene. The driver and passenger of the Dodge pickup were both from Berthoud, and they were treated and released at the scene. This is a good lesson of why we should BUCKLE UP!

Assist to Ambulance / Warrant Arrest: 6th St. and Capitol Avenue, a 29-year-old man was found unresponsive at the above intersection, by a passerby. The man was extremely intoxicated and was transported to the hospital on a detox hold. The man also had a warrant and when he was released from the hospital later that day, a deputy picked him up and he was booked.

Saturday, May 25

Vehicle Fire: 4th Street, a vehicle caught on fire in the alley. A fire fighter was injured after a piece of metal hit him in the chest when the vehicle exploded. Firefighter taken to the hospital and was released. Investigations was notified, and the van was towed to the sheriff’s office for evidence processing. Berthoud Fire, you are amazing!

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Ten Gallon Drive and Barnswallow Drive, a black BMW was called in as a suspicious vehicle. It was determined to be stolen out of Ft. Collins in reference to a Ft. Collins Police burglary cases. The vehicle was towed to Ft. Collins Police Headquarters.

Sunday, May 26

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Kwik Korner, a white semi with red flames, pulling a trailer with a bobcat struck a parked vehicle. He spoke with the other driver but then said that he doesn’t have insurance and fled. At least he was honest about his insurance.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: E. Colorado Avenue, a resident was attempting to back out of his driveway. He unintentionally hit the gas, instead of the brake, and crashed into a camper trailer. The camper trailer pushed into the garage door and a Ford Mustang, causing damage to both.

School is out so be extra cautious when driving. This is a “No Kid Gets Hurt Summer”

Saturday is Berthoud Day. Please do not park on mountain between 3rd Street and 8th Street between 10:00 am and noon.

Criminal Mischief: Nicholson St. a resident reported that someone spray painted a bad racial word and an inappropriate picture on the concrete curb in front of his house. Boy someone sure went into the gutter.

Friday, May 31

Warrant Arrest / Window Tint/Turn Violation: Mile Marker 327 on Hwy 287, a vehicle was stopped for window tint and turn

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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