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May 1 – 3

Friday, May 1

Suspicious Circumstances / Welfare Check: Mountain Avenue / 7-11, it was reported an older lady was in the bathroom for over an hour. She arrived by herself and walked into the bathroom and has been there since. Turns out the nice lady was charging her phone using the outlets in the bathroom. Not the one of the locations I would have picked, but to each his/her own.

Saturday, May 2

Assist to Boulder / Armed Car Jacking Suspect: CSP and Boulder County had a pursuit involving a Lexus that was associated with an armed carjacking in Boulder. The vehicle was located traveling north on I-25 by Berthoud. Law enforcement attempted to follow the vehicle at a distance due to heavy traffic conditions, the vehicle was last seen entering the city limits of Greeley after visual was lost. The vehicle started to travel at a high rate of speed, so all law enforcement units stopped following for safety reasons due to traffic conditions.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle / Possession of Schedule II drugs: 3800 E Hwy 56, a Mercedes Benz was located in the parking lot with the doors open and no one around. The vehicle had dealer plates on it belonging to Mercedes-Benz of Westminster. Additional items were found in the vehicle suggesting the suspect may be using high end stolen vehicles for trafficking narcotics. If you are going to be a thief, might as well go out in style.

Warrant Arrest: 3800 E HWY 56, a 39-year-old Montana man was contacted at Love’s Travel Center and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Sunday, May 3

Welfare Check: Victoria Street, a resident needs a welfare check on his wife if she is found walking around. Last week she was threatening to sleep under a culvert. As deputies were looking for her, she returned home. She was transported to the hospital for evaluation.

Suspicious Circumstances: 8th Street, a resident reported dog treats thrown in her yard on two occasions and has concerns someone may be trying to poison her dog. The resident said that past tenants had problems according to the landlords. Lowest of lows!

Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: Bimson Avenue, a man came to this address and cut off an anti-theft device from his ex’s vehicle. Why? I think she needs to invest into an Anti-Ex device.

Mental Health Hold: Berthoud, a 51-year-old woman was contacted after having a manic episode and running from the home. She came back home and was still very manic. She believed her husband had replaced her son with another person while she was away last week. There are some parents that would pay well to trade their kids for another.

May 4-May10

Monday, May 4

Possession of Controlled Substance / Drug Paraphernalia: Bunyan Av and Bunyan Court, a suspicious vehicle was reported in this area in. A man and woman were seen leaving the vehicle and then getting into another vehicle at this location. K9 sniff led to drug paraphernalia and user amount of meth. Summonsed. You can’t fool mother nature nor a K-9 unit.

Tuesday, May 5 Feliz Cinco de Mayo

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Mountain Av and 6th St, a driver rear ended another vehicle who was slowing for a turning vehicle brake lights, Brake Lights, BRAKE LIGHTS!

Suspicious Circumstances: 2nd St, a resident received multiple calls from a blocked number that told her, her Xfinity account would be cancelled. The resident gave the unknown suspect answers to her security questions without knowing it. Her bank account was also frozen for an unknown reason. She is now working with her bank and Xfinity. No money lost that is known yet. DO NOT give personal information over the phone!

Wednesday, May 6

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Reckless Driving / Speeding / Felony Warrants: 500 Blk S. Hwy 287, a 30-year-old Ft. Collins man was stopped for speeding 117mph in 65mph zone. He was also under the influence of drugs. Booked. Maybe he was being chased by a COVID germ and he was speeding to get away. Or, he just has a lead foot.

Driving Under Suspension / Possession of a Schedule-I Drugs / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Mountain Av, a 32-year-old Ft. Collins man was stopped for a traffic violation. It was discovered his license was suspended for not having insurance. The driver had a large amount of cash in his pocket and paraphernalia indicative of selling drugs. The passenger possessed heroin on his person. Both charged. See, some people still are making money through this epidemic.

Thursday, May 7

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / felony Theft / Criminal Possession of 18 ID Documents / Criminal Possession of 16 Transaction Devices / Possession of A Forged Instrument / Forgery / Possession of A Schedule II drugs / Possession of A Schedule I / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Possession of Burglary Tools: 3800 E. Hwy 56, a Ft Collins man and a Littleton woman were called in as suspicious persons. During the investigation, the vehicle was found to be stolen out of Nevada. Upon a search of the vehicle, numerous ID’s and credit cards were located, and an obvious forged check. Additional stolen items were found. Meth, Heroin and paraphernalia were found throughout the vehicle. Both parties booked into Weld County Jail.

Driving Under Revocation: CR 21 and CR 8, a man was contacted for operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license. Found to have two active warrants out of Boulder and Adams Counties. Neither county would extradite due to COVID-19. Released on a summons.

Friday, May 8

Driving License Revoked / False Reporting / Warrants: 5100 Blk S Hwy 287, a 40-year-old Loveland woman was contacted for a traffic violation. The woman provided false information to avoid her two warrants out of Loveland and Boulder. Booked on the warrants and summonsed for new charges.

Dog Bite: 10E and Berthoud Pkwy, a resident was walking on west side of CR10E when a dog ran down from grassy knoll and bit his dog on the eye. The owner of other dog got his dog and made threats “do you want to go”and left in a Black dodge flatbed truck. Nice condition, newer, possibly Shepard mix. There was another story about a grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas in 1963.

Saturday, May 9

Trespass: 3800 E Hwy 56, a 46-year-old Ft. Collins woman was asked to leave after acting suspiciously and possibly shoplifting. She was belligerent with staff and Law Enforcement on scene. Issued a trespass warning and sent on her way with a stern warning! We watched as she walked away waving back at us! It’s too bad she lost 3 of her 4 fingers though.

Family Problems: CR 8, disturbance began when parents got angry at their son for bringing a chicken inside. I bet that got eggciting.

Sunday, May 10

Recovered Stolen Vehicle / Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Possession Schedule I Drugs: 3rd St and Welch, an occupied stolen vehicle was located near this intersection. Once the vehicle was stopped it was discovered the 28-year-old Longmont man’s license to be revoked Habitual Traffic Offender, and in possession of heroin with three or more prior possession convictions. Additionally, the man was under the influence of narcotics. Booked.

Disturbance: 3500 Hwy 56, a report came in that there is a male and he assaulted another male. the suspect just left in a gold Chevy Blazer with a busted-out driver side window. The vehicle went north on I-25. the victim is still at the store and will wait for deputies at Subway. Suspect turns out to be the victim’s brother and they were heading to California. This is going to be a very long trip.

The Berthoud Squad would like to Congratulate all the Berthoud High School Graduating Seniors of 2020!

May 11 – 17

Monday, May 11

Theft: Franklin Ave, an employee reported a missing some Hydrocodone. The medication was missing along with the log sheet for the medication. Waiting for suspect information from a third-party nursing agency.

Tuesday, May 12

Vehicle Crash / Failure to Yield Right of Way: 8th St. and Welch Ave., a driver failed to yield the right of way and struck another vehicle. The first driver was issued a summons and license re-exam submitted to DMV.

DUI: Love’s Travel Center, a 28-year-old Oklahoma man was passed out in the Taco John’s drive through window. Booked and transported to the Weld County Jail. Boy, it must have been a long wait for his food.

DUI / Careless Driving: Hwy 56 and CR 5, a 26-year-old Ft. Lupton woman was swerving into oncoming traffic. Booked into Weld County Jail. We even get them from Ft. Lupton.

Wednesday, May 13

Violation of Protection Order / Violation of Bail Bond: Mountain Ave., a 41-year-old Berthoud man was contacted on a welfare check. The man consented to a Portable Breath Test which was over twice the legal limit. Protection Order and Bond conditions stated no alcohol or drugs. Marijuana located on his person. Booked. If you get out of jail and to stay out, you must not do certain things. Kinda simple math here.

Vehicle Crash: Love’s Travel Center, a truck driver parked his semi-truck in a no parking spot. Another trucker was trying to turn his semi-truck but hit the illegally parked semi-truck in the process. Several Posted Signs: “NO PARKING”, again simple math here too.

Vehicle Crash: Love’s Travel Center, a truck driver backed into another semi while trying to park. The other truck driver was sleeping in the truck that was hit. I’m not going to bring up simple math again, it just doesn’t add up.

Thursday, May 14

Careless/Hit and Run: 600 Block of CR8, an elderly driver was westbound on E CR8 when she decided to pull over on the shoulder and do a U-turn as another vehicle was passing. Driver #1 fled the scene to her house and could not remember what happened, declined medical and had no signs of intoxication. She was issued a summons. License re-exam submitted to DMV. 

Fraud: Mt. Meeker, a resident discovered that on his bank statement there was a charge to a company he does not know or use. He saw that after he made a payment to QVC another charge was right after it to this company. The resident stated he lost approximately $1000. But he lost it with 3 easy payments and free shipping.

Friday, May 15

Warrant Arrest: 9th Street, a Parole Officer contacted a 37-year-old Longmont man on 9th Street in Berthoud and told us he had two active warrants for his arrest. Booked.

Saturday, May 16

Possession of Schedule I Drug / Possession of Schedule II Drug / Warrant / Fictitious Plates: Mountain Ave, a Longmont woman was contacted for fictitious plates and suspicious behavior. She was found to have a warrant and arrested. Search led to discovery of heroin and meth. Front seat passenger from Berthoud arrested as well. Both charged with possession and booked.

Driving After Revocation Prohibited: 600 Block of 1st Street, a 45-year-old Johnstown man was contacted for a traffic violation. He was found to be revoked Habitual Traffic Offender with 28 active restraints on his license. Booked. Habitual offender, 28 active restraints and still driving. How’s that justice system working for us?

Sunday, May 17

Mental Health Hold: 2nd Street, a woman was intoxicated and pushed her mother to the ground before cutting her own wrists with a pair of scissors and being restrained. Woman was placed on a mental health hold at the hospital.

Suspicious Circumstances: Loves Travel Center, a staff member reported a man who has been sitting in one of the showers since 3:00 am. He came out about 30 mins ago and then entered another shower with another man. The man has been trespassed from the property and is waiting for a waiting for a taxi. He went in as a 30-year-old man but after 7 hours in the shower he came out wrinkled and looked 100.

Fraud: Harebell Street, a new resident was in process of moving to Colorado from another state and they were selling lots of items before they left. Someone who bought their boat sent them a fraudulent check for more than the boat was worth and asked them to pay the extra money to the delivery driver. The resident did before she realized it was a scam and was able to stop the extra funds with her bank. however, she had used the “Venmo app”, and Venmo still processed the transaction. Venmo is now telling her she must pay the additional fee that Venmo paid to the scammers.

NOTE: When buying stuff online it is easy setting up an account and buying stuff but if you ever have tried to get a hold of Customer Service, let’s just put it this way; it would be easier to balance a hippo on a hockey stick. I’m going to call it Customer Serveless.

May 18-24

Monday, May 18

Suspicious Circumstances / Mental Health: E. Nebraska, a 41-year-old Berthoud woman believed her mother and father-in-law were kicking her and abusing her. She went to the neighbors and asked them to call the police. When deputies arrived on scene, the woman appeared to not be an accurate historian reporting that she was 189 years old and presented timelines that were impossible to follow. She was unwilling to return home and appeared unable to care for herself outside of her parent’s assistance. The woman then pulled up her shirt exposing herself and ran down the street. She was taken to the hospital and placed on a 72-hour hold. Sorry folks, you just can’t make this stuff up.

Family Problems: 2nd Street, a resident reported her sister is out of control and said they need someone to pick her up. The sister is being violent, and their mom needs medical attention because she fell trying to hold her daughter down. Sister was transported to the hospital for evaluation and 72-hour hold.

Assist to Medical: Urban Place, a 16-year-old male fell off his skateboard and began acting strange and uncooperative with family members. Ambulance is requesting that LCSO respond also. Transported by ambulance to the hospital.

Tuesday, May 19

Vehicle Crash with Injury: I-25 Frontage Road, a truck with trailer was making a left turn when another vehicle driven by a 57-year-old Mead woman, was attempting to pass on the left. This did not fare well as she crashed into the trailer causing severe damage to her vehicle and injuring her back. To add insult to injury she was cited for unsafe passing.

Suspicious Circumstances: River Glenn Way, a female sounded intoxicated and could barely give dispatch her address. She told the dispatcher she needed to find a rock and when she was asked if she needed police, fire or medical she responded, “all of them”. The woman is saying she needs help digging up a rock for her friend Joe because they need to find something for Joe. She is saying everyone is safe and that Joe is married to the rock and that she is in danger because she can’t find her voice. The woman did say that she did smoke a little marijuana. A little she says, me thinks a little means a lot!

Early morning Traffic Stop: Mountain Avenue and Berthoud Parkway, a vehicle was stopped for a traffic violation but was let go immediately when they told the deputy their father was in Hospice Care and they were just contacted stating he was passing. Sometimes you get hit right in the heart.

Wednesday, May 20

Trespass Notice/Mental Health: 1st Street, a 52-year-old Berthoud woman was called in for acting suspiciously. Determined to be a continuation of calls made at this address in the past couple of days. The woman was issued a trespass notice for this address. 

Fraud: Woodcock Street, a resident reported she was notified that accounts were opened for AT&T and Sprint in her name. It was discovered that whoever opened the accounts had all of her personal information.

Fraud: Mt. Meeker Avenue, a resident reported he hired a contractor to do a fence and sprinkler work. He paid the man over $1,700 as a down payment back in March. The man never started work and has not returned any phone calls.

Traffic / Minor in Possession: Hwy 287 and CR 6, a vehicle stopped for 85 in a 65. Deputy smelled odor of marijuana in vehicle. The juvenile driver was upfront and honest and provided the deputy with the small amount of marijuana, but she had, no signs of impairment. Deputy contacted the parents and informed them of the marijuana. She was cited for speed and had to dump her marijuana out on roadside. The odor was that of marijuana or a skunk (they smell the same). Sure glad it was not the skunk.

Thursday, May 21

Vehicle Crash: 1st Street and E. Nebraska, a construction truck driver turned onto E. Nebraska and saw the “No Construction Traffic” sign. He was attempting to back up onto 1st St from E. Nebraska and struck another vehicle with the I-beam he was hauling. Truck driver summonsed for unsafe backing. Truck driver said the other vehicle was speeding even though he didn’t see him while he backed a huge I-beam into the other vehicle.

Fraud by Check / Identity Theft / Possession of a Financial Device / 2nd Degree Burglary: 1st Street, staff called for us to give items back to an ex-employee that she left at the business. Upon an inventory of the items inside her purse, a photocopy of a Driver’s license and Social Security card for another employee. Also found was a receipt for a check written out to the other employee from the business but it was cashed into the ex-employee’s account. I don’t think that counts as severance pay.

Friday, May 22

Warrant Arrest: Yellowstone Road and Hwy 287, Boulder Sheriff contacted a 36-year-old Berthoud woman during a vehicle crash investigation. The woman was taken into custody for her warrants out of LCSO and booked. 

Violation of a Protection Order / Violation of Bond Conditions: 2nd Street, a 41-year-old Berthoud man was under the influence of alcohol, violating his Protection Order and Bond Conditions to have no alcohol. Booked.

Saturday, May 23

Vehicle Crash: CR8 and Hwy 287, a 48-year-old Northglenn man rear ended another vehicle driven by a 70-year-old Broomfield man at this intersection. The first driver was issued summons for following too closely. 

Violation of Protection Order: 1st Street, a 33-year-old Platteville man violated a protection order by contacting a Loveland man by phone. The man’s car was parked near the home, but he was not found on the property, but it is suspected he was in another house with a friend, but he jumped out a window before Deputies arrived. The hunt is on.

Traffic / Revoked License / Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO): Mountain Avenue and 1st Street, a 36-year-old Denver man was stopped for passing a vehicle on the shoulder. He was found to be Revoked HTO with 28 active restraints. Issued a summons. Why drive stupid when you know you are breaking the law?

Obstruction of Telephone Service / Theft / Domestic Violence: Woodcock Street, a man took his girlfriend’s iPad and ripped her phone from her hands while she was trying to call 911 after an argument. The man was not located, and an arrest warrant was applied for. 

Sunday, May 24

Vehicle Crash with Injury / Violation of Protection Order: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, deputies investigated a two-vehicle crash with four people transported to the hospital. A 38-year-old Longmont man was in violation of a restraining order with a woman he is restrained from. He was booked and pending charges from the accident investigation.

Assist Medical / Overdose: 2nd Street, a 27-year-old man overdosed on heroin. Administered Narcan by medical and became physically uncooperative. Transported to the hospital. Saved his life and he wants to fight. I just shake my head.

Traffic / Violation of a Protection Order / Possession of Weapon Previous Offender / Possession of Defaced Firearm: E Hwy 56, during a traffic stop it was discovered that a 36-year-old Ft. Collins man was in possession of a firearm during a vehicle contact. Charged and Booked into the Weld County Jail. He could have used that gun on us. This is why we carry guns too.

May 25-May31

Monday, May 25

Vehicle Crash: Mountain Avenue and Berthoud Parkway, a driver who said that she was in the eastbound lane at the stop light when she could hear screeching tires and looked in her rear view mirror and saw the white truck almost sideways running into her rear bumper.

Criminal Trespass / Degree Assault: CR8 and Hwy 287, a Longmont man Punched another driver in the face through his car window due to road rage. Remember “Longmont Man”.

Possession of a Schedule I Controlled Substance with Intent to Distribute / Possession of a Schedule II Controlled Substance / Felony Violation of Bail Bond Conditions / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / DUI of Drugs / Speeding: Berthoud Parkway and Hwy 287 a Longmont man was contacted for speeding. Showed signs of drug impaired and failed roadsides. The driver was on bond out of Denver County for Possession with Intent to Distribute. A K9 unit responded and performed a sniff. 6 grams of Heroin and 1.5 grams of methamphetamine located. The driver gave a confession that he was planning on selling the Heroin. Booked. Another “Longmont Man”.

Search Warrant: Woodcock Drive, assisted SWAT and investigations in executing a search warrant at this location.

Tuesday, May 26

Traffic / Possession Schedule II / Contraband: W CR 8/N Hwy 287, yet another “Longmont man” was contacted for a traffic violation. The loving husband switched seats with his wife upon pulling over so she could get the ticket, but eventually admitted to driving. Before transferring custody to the jail, a second search yielded a small baggy of meth concealed on him. Oops, forgot to tell you about that. Oh, by the way another “Longmont Man”.

Assist to Medical: Colorado Ave, an 18-year-old man stayed the night at a friend’s house, and they consumed multiple tabs of LSD. This young man became combative and had to be restrained while Deputies were in route. He continued to resist and was chemically sedated by medical before being transported to the hospital. Chemicals to get high, chemicals to calm down.

Wednesday, May 27

Mental Health Hold: 7th Street, a resident made statements of being manic and having no support. The man used a lit butane torch to imply self-harm. He also resisted when being placed into protective custody. Placed on a mental health hold. Things got a little hot on this one.

Vehicle Crash / with Injury: 1700 Block of N Hwy 287, a driver struck an elk in the roadway causing lacerations to her hands and face as the elk crashed through her windshield. The elk did not fare as well.

Thursday, May 28

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Prairie Star Neighborhood, a dozen confirmed vehicle trespasses occurred last night.: Lots of powered hand tools, a wallet, newest generation iPhone charger, women’s reading glasses, vehicle registration, brand new women’s swimsuit, 2 firearms. Both had ammo and were in waxed canvas cases. Pay attention to car alarms! Many neighbors reported hearing alarms for the three nights prior around the same time but never called.

Possession of Schedule I Drugs / Possession of Schedule II drugs / Possession of Schedule IV Drugs / Possession. With Intent to Distribute / Drug Paraphernalia: 1111 Mountain Ave, two Longmont people were contacted. They were about to be released however, drug paraphernalia was in plain view which resulted in a vehicle sniff conducted by a K9 led to the discovery of roughly 12 grams of meth, .5 grams of heroin, suspected fentanyl pills, and several other prescription medications. Additional distribution materials including a drug ledger were located in vehicle. Both parties booked at the jail. This time it’s two “Longmont people”.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / Theft / Possession of a Weapon by a Previous Offender / Felony Warrant Arrest / Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest / First Degree Criminal Trespass / Possession of a Controlled Substance / Violation of Bail Bond Conditions: Grand Market Boulder PD called to report they had tracked a motor vehicle theft suspect to this location. Located outside the house was a stolen truck out of Boulder County SO, a stolen trailer, and a stolen Audi sedan. Occupants initially refused to exit but came out after security cameras at the residence were disabled. Three additional motorcycles that were reported as stolen were also located in the garage. A man and a woman were both taken into custody. A search warrant was executed where items from the vehicle trespasses that occurred earlier in the day were recovered including the two firearms. Methamphetamine and various other drugs were also found. More charges forthcoming to everyone involved. Hmmm, isn’t Longmont in Boulder County? There seems to be a pattern developing.

Friday, May 29

DUI / Traffic: Hwy 287 and Hwy 56, a 49-year-old man was contacted for weaving. Breath test, then booked. 

Saturday, May 30

Suspicious Vehicle: Grand Market Ave., neighbor confronted two males taking items near the dumpster at this home under construction. The vehicle left before Deputies arrived. Will be following up with the license plate given by the neighbor.

Trespass / Possible Burglary: Grand Market Ave., the home from yesterday’s search warrant was found to have a broken window by the landlord. Looks like the suspect punched through the window and unlocked the door, Deputy responded with K9 to assist with the building search. No one was located inside. Tools belonging to one of the victims from 20-4208 were seized as evidence after they were observed in the garage. Unknown if any items were taken until the renters can check when they are released from Jail. Karma, what goes around, comes around.

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: Massachusetts Ave. and 3rd St., a driver was parked on the south side of Massachusetts Avenue. He pulled out and hit an oncoming car, who was traveling west. He was issued a careless driving ticket.

Drove while License Cancelled – Denied / Expired Plates: Grand Market Ave, a driver was contacted in his vehicle near this address. He was trying to get his tattoo equipment from the residence. His license is canceled/denied, and he had expired plates. Summons issued. Deputies assisted him with getting his tattoo equipment.

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Pkwy., a Wheatridge man drove straight through the turn lane and struck a vehicle turning. He then struck 3 other vehicles that were stopped for the red light. No injuries. Needless to say, the driver was got a ticket.

Vehicle Crash with Injury: CR10E, a driver was involved in a single-vehicle rollover that injured her passenger. Investigation ongoing.

Sunday, May 31

Harassment/Domestic Violence: 7th St., a man and woman were involved in a verbal disturbance where stuff was thrown at each other. The man was determined to be the primary aggressor as he threw a Slim Jim Beef Jerky stick at the woman hitting her. Booked.

Warrant / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Wagon Bend Rd / Big Thunder Rd, a 19-year-old Berthoud man was stopped for a traffic violation and found to have a warrant. Booked.

Missing Person (Elderly Adult): 2nd St., a resident called to report her husband had left on foot several hours ago and had not returned. The husband suffers from dementia and has been reported missing in the past. Deputies searched the area for several hours. He was located at Whiteside’s Western Wear and brought back home.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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