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May 1 -8

Sunday, May 1

Harassment/Domestic Violence: 6th Street Court – A man tried to illegally remove his wife from the residence by dragging her out of the house. The man was arrested and booked into the Larimer County Jail. Isn’t that what cavemen used to do?

Violation of a Protection Order: Hwy 56 – A man was contacted at a local business while he was in contact with a protected party of a Protection Order. The man was arrested for being in violation of a protection order.

Vehicular Eluding/Driving Under Revocation: Hwy 56 – A white GMC Sierra pickup was contacted for a traffic infraction and a pursuit was initiated. The pursuit was ended due to public safety. The driver was identified, and an arrest warrant is forthcoming.

Stolen License Plate/Vehicular Eluding: Hwy 56 – A suspicious 2001-2006 gray Chevy Avalanche was seen leaving a local business, blacked out at a high rate of speed. The vehicle continued without lights. The plate on the vehicle was confirmed as stolen. The vehicle was later seen weaving and a traffic stop was attempted. The vehicle fled southbound, and a pursuit was initiated. The pursuit was terminated for public safety.

Scam/Theft: Lemonade Drive – An elderly citizen was defrauded out of $5,000 by an unknown online scammer.

Monday, May 2

Runaway Juvenile: Berthoud – A female juvenile ran away from her father’s residence. The juvenile was contacted by phone and agreed to go home. Instead she was picked up by her biological mother who allegedly has no custody over the juvenile. The mother was later found at Loveland Police Department and the juvenile was ultimately taken to the Hub and then released to her father.

False Reporting to Authorities: 4th Street – A woman stated her ex-boyfriend came to her residence, choked her, and then left. The woman was highly intoxicated and there were many inconsistencies in her story. She later alluded to making up the incident and was issued a summons for False Reporting to Authorities. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Shoplifting: East Highway 56 – An unknown white male stole three items from a local business. The suspect was dressed in a white hooded sweatshirt, white sweatpants, and a white hat. The man left in a dark-colored GMC Yukon. I thought good guys only wore white. Well, I guess he made up for it with the dark-colored Yukon.

Lost Property: 5th Street – A woman lost her license plate on Highway 287 between Berthoud and Longmont. The plate was entered into a law enforcement database as missing.

Theft: West County Road 8 – A tarp was stolen from a customer’s boat at a local business.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: East County Road 12 & 1st Street – A vehicle was traveling southbound on 1st street in Berthoud at approximately 50 in a 45. Another vehicle was traveling eastbound on Larimer County Road 12 and then proceeded southbound on 1st Street from the stop sign. It pulled out in front of the vehicle traveling on 1st Street and collided with the driver’s side. The at-fault driver was cited for disregarding the stop sign. STOP means stop! not slow down, or roll slowly through it, it means STOP!

Tuesday, May 3

Warrant Arrest: West County Road 14 – A man was contacted walking down 42nd Street Southwest after his girlfriend reported he was trying to hurt himself. He did not meet the criteria for a mental health hold and was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

Missing/Found Juvenile: Berthoud – A 6-year-old female was discovered missing from her residence. An extensive search was conducted of the residence and multiple surrounding properties. The juvenile was found between a bed and the wall, covered by blankets. Nothing suspicious was seen during the exit interview. Thanks to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Unit for their prompt response.

Theft: West County Road 10E – Two air compressors were stolen from the Town of Berthoud. The investigation is currently ongoing.

Found Property: Mountain Avenue – A purse with over $20,000 inside of it was found at a local business and turned into the Sheriff’s Office. Deputies were able to locate the owner of the purse and the money the same day. Those of you saying, “why didn’t the finder keep it”, need to take a lesson in honesty and integrity from the finder.

Theft: Jay Place – A resident reported that an unknown person stole a license plate from his trailer. The plate was entered into a law enforcement database as stolen.

Wednesday, May 4

Motor Vehicle Accident: South 10th Street/Spartan Avenue – A vehicle was traveling eastbound on Spartan Avenue when another vehicle collided with the side of the vehicle after turning left onto Spartan Avenue from 10th Street. Neither driver was injured.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Welch Avenue – A driver collided with a parked vehicle. The driver was not injured.

Violation of a Protection Order: 8th Street – A man was contacted in violation of a restraining order from a second-degree assault/domestic violence incident the week prior. He was arrested for violating a protection order and violating felony bail bond conditions and subsequently booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Accident: 10th Street – A woman crashed her vehicle into a 10-foot-deep ditch. The vehicle was severely damaged at had to be towed. The driver was cited for careless driving and failure to present evidence of insurance upon request.

Thursday, May 5

Vandalism/Graffiti: Spartan Avenue – A juvenile was seen by town staff drawing on the brick wall in a baseball dugout at the park. The juvenile was released to a parent with a summons into the Berthoud Municipal Court for a town ordinance violation. Ticket issued. The kid drew very inappropriate pictures. Although anatomically correct, it was still inappropriate.

Fraud: South County Road 15 – A woman reported fraudulent charges on her debit card by an unknown individual after she had made an online purchase. The woman was reimbursed lost money by her bank.

Friday, May 6

Driving Under the Influence: Canyonlands Street – A male driver was contacted after a Report Every Drunk Driver Immediately (REDDI) report was called into the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch. The driver was arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Found Property: South 9th Street – A wallet was found by a citizen during a walk. Deputies tried to locate the owner but were not able to find recent phone numbers. The wallet was logged into the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Evidence/Property Room as found property. Another lesson in honesty goes to show how great the people in Berthoud really are.

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: West County Road 8/Highway 287 – A vehicle was traveling northbound on Highway 287 approaching West County Road 8 and was unable to stop, colliding with the vehicle in front that was stopped at the intersection. The driver of the vehicle that was hit complained of injuries but declined medical services. The at-fault driver was issued a summons for Careless Driving.

Saturday, May 7

Unlawful Sexual Contact/Child Abuse: Berthoud – A family member of a juvenile made allegations of sex assault on a child by the parents. The investigation is ongoing, and the Department of Human Services placed the children with another family member.

Sunday, May 8

Second-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence/Violation of a Protection Order: Woodcock Street – A man was arrested after attempting to strangle his wife. There was a Protection Order set in place protecting her from him. He was charged with Violation of a Protection Order, Second-Degree Assault, and Domestic Violence and booked into the Larimer County Jail. Till death do you part does not mean you can cause the death to happen sooner.

Warrant Arrest: East Highway 56 – Deputies contacted a woman at a local business. She was found to have an outstanding warrant for her arrest and was subsequently booked into the Larimer County Jail.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please follow this link (https://leta911.org/) and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. If something happens as it did in Boulder County, we want to be able to notify you quickly.

May 9 – 15

Monday, May 9

DUI / Open Container: E. Hwy 56 & WCR 5, a 36-year-old Johnstown man was contacted for a traffic violation. He failed roadsides and completed a breath test of 0.272 BrAC. Booked. 

Tuesday, May 10

Missing Person: Massachusetts Ave, family requested their brother be entered as missing. He is transient in Colorado and his exact whereabouts are unknown.

Welfare Check: High Country Road, a resident called to report their neighbor had not been seen for two months. Deputies made entry into the residence and found a man deceased. Coroner and Investigations responded. 

Welfare Check: Waterman Street, neighbors reported a man and woman had a verbal argument. They were fighting over the man’s drinking and meth use. The man was transported to SummitStone for resources and help with illegal drug use. 

Wednesday, May 11

Vehicle Eluding: Berthoud Parkway & CR 14, a stop was attempted on a gray Jeep Grand Cherokee with no plates for reckless driving. The vehicle eluded after running a red light. The driver kept trying to get the Deputy to rear end them and was swerving. Pursuit was terminated for public safety. After the pursuit was terminated Loveland advised that they had a shooting involving a black Jeep and a silver jeep at Taft and Carlisle. A black Jeep was originally observed with this one and the gray jeep was likely a diversion. Both Jeeps were last seen southbound on highway 287 from county road 8.

Thursday, May 12

Mental Health / Disorderly Conduct: 9th Street, a 54-year-old resident continued to generate calls through the evening due to his mental health. Neighbors state he also uses multiple narcotics and believe this is the worst state he has ever been in. The man would set off car alarms on his two vehicles for several hours tonight. A summons will be served to the man for the unreasonable noise. He also made aggressive statements to deputies that he will fight if contacted. 

Friday, May 13

Disorderly Conduct: 9th Street, the same man from earlier has been continually setting off his vehicle car alarms since contact was attempted last night. He did not want to speak to Deputies and the Co-Responder unit attempted contact with no response. Another summons will be issued.

Warrant: 3800 E. Highway 56, a 47-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted for his warrant. The Larimer Animal Control responded for his dog. Both were Booked 

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts: Berthoud Parkway, a suspicious GMC Sierra was contacted by a Berthoud Deputy at the car wash at this location. Vehicle was confirmed stolen and the 53-year-old driver from Estes Park had a story consistent with stealing the truck. Additional stolen property was in the vehicle. Driver booked. “Stole a car? Stolen property inside? Oh, I can explain all of that”.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 31-year-old Longmont man was contacted and arrested for his warrants.

Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Ave, a resident reported strange occurrences at her home that made her believe someone had been trespassing.

Mental Health: 9th Street, the same man continues to disturb his neighbors with his erratic behavior. Contact attempted but he would only scream profanities and continued to threaten to escalate his behavior. He has also posted several nonsensical messages all over his front door and vehicle. Co-Responders are aware of this issue, and we are working towards contacting him.

Saturday, May 14

Vehicle Crash with Injury: I-25, a driver rear-ended another vehicle who was stopped for traffic. Both parties complained of injuries, but both declined medical assistance. 

Unattended Death: Timeless Circle, a resident was found deceased in bed. The person had an extensive medical history. Investigations notified. The Weld County Coroner and Victim’s Advocates responded to the scene. It was not so “timeless” after all.

Sunday, May 15

Attempt Burglary / Obstructing A Peace Officer: 2nd Street, a resident reported possible suspicious activity in progress at the mini storage. Upon Deputies arrival, an unknown male and female suspect were interrupted in the process of breaking into a storage locker and fled the area in a white late model chevy S10 pickup with a bedazzled unknown Colorado license plate. Bedazzled plates? At least they are stylish.

Vehicle Crash: Heron Lakes, one of the construction workers ran over a tree at this address while texting and driving. He was fired and sent away in the truck, but they did not have his information. Investigation continues.

Attempted Fraud / ID Theft: Mountain Av, suspect attempted to cash a fraudulent check at Independent Bank. Used a fake driver’s license with a number belonging to a deceased male. The bank realized it was fake, but the suspect fled before contact could be made. Investigation continues.

Warrant Arrest: 7th Street, a Berthoud man was contacted after accidentally setting his boat on fire in the front yard. The man had a warrant and was booked. Lesson Learned: Watch where you flick your cigarette butts.

Warrant Arrest: 2nd Street., a 33-year-old Berthoud woman was arrested for her warrants. 

Warrant Arrest: 3800 E. Hwy 56, a 30-year-old Brush, Colorado man was arrested for his warrants.

May 16 – 22

Monday, May 16

Vehicle Crash: Heron Lakes, one of the construction workers ran over a tree at this address while texting and driving. He was fired and sent away in his truck, but they did not have his information. Investigation continues. Why would an employer not have any information on his workers?

Attempted Fraud / ID Theft: Mountain Av, suspect attempted to cash a fraudulent check at a Berthoud bank. Used a fake driver’s license with a number belonging to a deceased male. Suspect fled before contact could be made. Investigation continues. The bank tellers were very alert discovering this before handing him any money.

Warrant: 7th Street, a resident was contacted after accidentally setting his boat on fire in the front yard. He had a warrant and was later booked. Now this is what is called a very bad day.

Tuesday, May 17

Fraud: Cooperland Blvd., a resident reported a credit card was opened in her name and being used to purchase items. Investigation continues.

Suspicious Circumstances: 3rd St, a person who lives in Indiana, uses a PO Box in Berthoud as his business address. He is reporting that an employee in the Denver area has been stealing contracting jobs from the company. Investigations were consulted, and the criminal aspect and jurisdiction is undetermined at this time. Lives in Indiana but gets his mail here. Hmm, nothing suspicious here.

Follow-Up / Disorderly Conduct: 9th St, a resident continued to set off his car alarms throughout the night to upset his neighbors (which worked). Several of the neighbors were calling in and threatening to handle the situation themselves based on their diminished quality of life. Both his vehicles were towed to resolve the issue.

Unreported Vehicle Crash Causing Serious Injuries / Leaving the Scene of an Accident / Assault / Careless Driving: CR14 & CR21, an unreported rollover crash was found in a field that totaled a Jeep. Blood was found but no one was found in the car or around in the field. Later, two 16-year-old juvenile males were brought into the hospital with serious injuries by family. They were identified as the driver and a passenger. Three additional juvenile passengers were contacted at two different residences and all sustained bodily injury. C.R.A.S.H. Team responded to the scene & the hospital for interviews. The Crime Lab responded along with a drone operator. Family members responded. Investigation continues. Vehicle processed and towed.

Wednesday, May 18

Suspicious Circumstances: Berthoud Reservoir, a resident called in reporting there is a motorized boat on the reservoir and believes it is supposed to be wakeless. Contact was made and discovered that it was Department of Wildlife conducting survey to determine if fishing restriction are working. DOW officers were cited for illegal boating on the reservoir. No, just kidding.

Thursday, May 19

Mental Health / Officer Safety: 9th St., Co-Responders and deputies were planning to contact the resident at this address today alfter multiple calls at his residence over the last few weeks. He was contacted before 10:00 a.m. and he was highly intoxicated. He did come to the door and began to talk to us. He swung between weeping and being angry and was also very delusional. When it was apparent that he wasn’t going to accept help for sobriety or mental health he was issued the two Summons from behavior the last few days. He refused to sign them and shut the door.

Warrant Arrest / Assist Boulder Police: Meadowlark Dr., a 21-year-old man was contacted in a suspicious vehicle. There was an Attempt to Locate on the vehicle as it was involved in a hit & run in Boulder. The driver provided an interview about the crash and was booked on his warrants. 

Friday, May 20

Assault / Domestic Violence: Capitol Reef Court, a woman slapped and then threw a TV remote at her husband hitting him in the eye and causing injury. The woman was booked. 

Family Problems: 4th Street, a man and his girlfriend were involved in a physical disturbance with each other. Statements from both were conflicting, no injuries and no on scene evidence to determine if a crime actually occurred. The man went to stay with family for the night and their 15-month-old daughter went with family while both parties sobered up. This must be “beat up your significant other” day.

Saturday, May 21

DUI / NARCO Intel: Rolling View Drive, a 34-year-old Westminster man and a 34-year-old Longmont man were contacted during a suspicious call after it was believed that they were casing the neighborhood. The Westminster man was arrested for DUI and upon a search of his person and vehicle deputies located 22 Xanax bars that are suspected to be fentanyl. Deputy spotted on his phone text messages indicating that both men just went and purchased narcotics in Berthoud. The cell phone was seized pending a search warrant and the Xanax will be sent to CBI for testing. 

Sunday, May 22

Warrant: 3800 E. Highway 56 (Loves), a 39-year-old Windsor man was contacted and arrested for his warrants.

Vehicle Crash: Berthoud Pkwy, a 19-year-old Greeley woman was involved in a single vehicle rollover after she lost control in the roundabout. 

May 23 – 29

Monday, May 23

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: North Berthoud Parkway/Highway 287 – A driver did not see traffic that was slowing for a turning vehicle and applied the brakes too late, resulting in striking the rear of the vehicle in front at approximately 20 miles per hour. No injuries sustained to either driver.

Assist Other Agency: Victoria Street – Multiple units responded to assist the Longmont Police Department with contacting a bank robbery/attempted murder suspect. The subject barricaded for a short time but eventually exited and was taken into custody.

Vehicular Eluding/Reckless Driving/Driving Under Revocation/Fictitious Plate/Third-Degree Trespass/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/No Proof of Insurance/Warrant Arrest x3: County Road 2E / Riverglen Drive – A female driver was contacted for fictitious plates and then eluded deputies from town to near Highway 287 and County Road 2E, where she crashed into a farm field. The driver was transported to the hospital and was released. She was found to have two Felony warrants and one Misdemeanor warrant for eluding and vehicle theft. Methamphetamine paraphernalia was found in the car. The driver was transported and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Tuesday, May 24

Fraud/Criminal Impersonation: Arleigh Court – A man called to report his identity was used to order items online to be sent to Dubai; however, the items were returned to the reporting party’s home. There is currently no suspect information.

Wednesday, May 25

Suspicious Circumstances: Wagon Bend Road – A woman screamed obscenities at and sprayed the vehicle of the Berthoud Neighborhood Service Officer with a hose.

Neighborhood Problems: Gunn Avenue – Two neighbors were involved in a disturbance. Deputies responded to the scene and helped to de-escalate the situation.

Motor Vehicle Accident: North Berthoud Parkway – A cement mixer truck flipped over on its side in a roundabout. The driver was transported to the hospital.

Thursday, May 26

Theft: Blue Bell Road – A woman reported that early this morning two subjects stole two nail guns out of the bed of the truck in her driveway. The suspects appear to be younger males on the surveillance video. The investigation is currently ongoing.

Vehicle Trespass: Rubinette Lane – A man reported that somebody broke into his vehicle the night prior, and he supplied a list of stolen items. The investigation is currently ongoing.

Burglary: Hammond Court – A man reported that an unknown suspect broke into his barn two nights in a row, broke windows and stole items inside. Extra patrol is being conducted around the area and the investigation is ongoing.

Friday, May 27

Third-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: Barela Drive – A married couple got into a verbal argument in front of their three young children. The female originally reported the male as a suicidal party. Further investigation revealed that the two were in a physical disturbance and the woman bit the man’s arm and damaged the drywall in their house. The woman was subsequently arrested.

Saturday, May 28

Hit and Run: Spartan Avenue – A vehicle was struck by a white vehicle in the west parking lot of the high school. There is presently no further information.

Fraud: East Nebraska Avenue – A man reported that multiple phone lines were opened in his name. The investigation is ongoing.

Vehicle Trespass: North Berthoud Parkway – A woman reported that her car was entered, and her wallet was stolen. She was advised to not leave her vehicle unlocked. No suspect information.

Sunday, May 29

Nothing suspicious to note.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please follow this link (https://leta911.org/) and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. If something happens as it did in Boulder County, we want to be able to notify you quickly.

May 30 – 31

Monday, May 30

Assault / Harassment: Berthoud., a 41-year-old resident was intoxicated. He went to his neighbor’s house and told them that he needed to borrow his phone so that he could call his mother and tell her that he was going to kill himself. An argument ensued and the man made a move toward the neighbor and the neighbor placed him on the ground and held him there until deputies arrived.

Arson / Criminal Mischief: Canyonlands Street, the bathrooms at the swimming pool were vandalized and the toilet paper dispensers were lit on fire. Evidence and video were collected.

We will wipe this case out quickly.

Fraud: S County Road 13, a resident bought $7000 dollars in gift cards and gave them to an unknown person via telephone. An unknown male claimed to be from Amazon and told her the money was needed to “capture” hackers using her account. NEVER SEND MONEY OVER THE PHONE ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE REQUESTING GIFT CARDS!

Tuesday, May 31

Traffic Crash / Assist to Loveland PD: Hwy 287 & 42 Street SW, a vehicle turning left, turned in front of another vehicle traveling on Hwy 287.

Business Assist: Woodcock Street, the manager of the complex advised that a man was evicted from an apartment and they needed to enter the apartment to make sure he was gone and asked for our assistance. Subject had moved out.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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