May 1 – 7
Monday, May 1
Criminal Mischief: Westport Avenue – A home under construction in the Vantage subdivision had electrical work damaged sometime between Friday evening and Monday morning. Approximately $1620 in damages. Criminals never cease to shock me. Unfortunately, they did not shock themselves.
Warrant Arrest: Greenwood Drive – A woman was contacted and arrested for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant at this location.
Assist to Colorado State Patrol: Southbound Interstate 25 – Colorado State Patrol pursued a silver Hummer H3 with a stolen California plate from Highway 392. The vehicle was involved in several catalytic converter thefts, a pursuit, and a shooting in Lafayette approximately one hour before. Berthoud deputies aided in deploying spikes and providing support during the pursuit. The pursuit was stopped near Mead for public safety.
Warrant Arrest x2: West County Road 10E/North County Road 15C – A male driver was contacted after a license plate alerted for outstanding warrants. The man was found to have two outstanding warrants and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Tuesday, May 2
Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Sunshine Court/Heartwood Drive – Denver Police Department recovered the stolen Kia involved in the eluding last week. The suspect was identified, and a warrant is forthcoming. The suspect is currently in custody in Denver.
Fraud: Navajo Place – A man reported that over $30,000 in purchases were fraudulently charged to his credit card in Georgia and Oregon.
Wednesday, May 3
Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Driving Under Revocation/Warrant Arrest x3: East Highway 56 – A man was contacted in a stolen Kia Spectra from Huerfano County. A vehicle pinch was performed in the parking lot of a business and the vehicle was processed and impounded by Huerfano County Sheriff’s Office. No contact could be made with the owner of the vehicle. The man that was contacted was found to be driving with a revoked license and had two outstanding felony warrants and one outstanding misdemeanor warrant. He was booked at the jail.
Thursday, May 4
Theft/Conspiracy/Unauthorized Use of a Financial Transaction Device/Obstruction: East Highway 56 – Two men were caught using stolen credit card numbers to steal hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel at a local business. One of the men was taken into custody after a foot pursuit. The other man was found hiding under a semi-trailer several hours later. Both men are suspects responsible for thousands of gallons of fuel thefts in several states and were booked at the jail.
Friday, May 5
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Interstate 25 – A male driver was called in as a drunk driver by several motorists. He was located on Interstate 25 near Berthoud and found to be unable to maintain his lane. A deputy stopped him, found he was driving under the influence of drugs, and he was booked at the jail.
Burglary: 2nd Street – A man reported that his storage unit was been broken into sometime in the last two weeks. At least two firearms were stolen.
Verbal Disturbance: East Colorado Avenue – A man was working on a damaged utility box in an alley. Another man approached him aggressively, striking the work truck with his fist because he did not like where the man parked the truck because he could not pass him. Deputies arrived on the scene and de-escalated the altercation. Instead of arguing about parking, devise a backup plan to back out!
Saturday, May 6
Unattended Death: Lake Hollow Road – A man was found by his wife unresponsive in front of their house. EMS performed life-saving measures, with no success.
Lost Trailer: South Highway 287/County Road 4 – A vehicle pulling a flatbed trailer hit a rough part of the road and the trailer went airborne. The trailer disconnected from the vehicle in an unknown direction and the driver has been unable to find the trailer. Umm. The trailer must be camouflaged the color of pavement and dirt.
Sunday, May 7
Mental Health Hold: 4th Street – An adult male called asking for help, and then made suicidal statements. While in route to the hospital, he admitted to medication and ethyl alcohol use. At the hospital, he was placed on a mental health hold.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
May 8 – 14
Monday, May 8
Vehicular Eluding/Stolen Vehicle Recovery: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A Honda Accord fled an attempted traffic stop and a pursuit was initiated. The vehicle was spiked at Berthoud Parkway and the pursuit was discontinued for public safety. The vehicle was located unoccupied shortly thereafter and was confirmed stolen out of Aurora. Multiple IDs, debit cards, and evidence of financial crimes were located in the vehicle. Further investigation is being conducted.
Tuesday, May 9
Driving Under the Influence/Prohibited Use of a Weapon: Mountain Avenue/Gateway Park Boulevard – A male driver was reported several times as a possible drunk driver but was not located initially. He was spotted sometime after the last reporting party called him in. The man was contacted and did not pass voluntary roadside maneuvers in a manner consistent with a sober person. His vehicle had multiple firearms, including a loaded .38 cal. revolver within his reach. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Felony Warrant Arrest/Possession of Financial Devices/Assist to Department of Corrections (DOC): 2nd Street – Deputies assisted DOC Officers with locating a wanted fugitive who was believed to be in Berthoud. The fugitive was seen leaving a residence in a vehicle and then attempted to run on foot but was quickly apprehended by the DOC Officers. The man had two debit cards on his person that were not his. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Wednesday, May 10
Third-Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief: West County Road 10E – A woman stated she was assaulted by a man. The woman sustained an injury to her hand and a broken cell phone. The woman provided video evidence corroborating her statements. Deputies were unable to locate the man and a warrant for his arrest is forthcoming.
Stolen Vehicle Recovery: East Highway 56 – A stolen vehicle was recovered abandoned at the entrance of a business parking lot. Evidence was collected from the vehicle and the owner of the vehicle was notified.
Assist to Longmont Police Department: Berthoud – Deputies assisted Longmont PD who were in pursuit of a kidnapping suspect; the vehicle entered into Larimer County. Larimer County Sheriff’s Office deputies took over the pursuit and Longmont PD continued the pursuit and later took the suspect into custody in Longmont after a spike deployment and Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver.
Thursday, May 11
Third-Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief: West County Road 10E – The suspect from yesterday’s assault call contacted the Sheriff’s Office to report a civil issue. Deputies contacted the man by phone and the male agreed to meet in person. He was then taken into custody and booked on his charges from the day prior.
Warrant Arrest: North County Road 15C – A woman was contacted with an outstanding misdemeanor warrant and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Fraud: 4th Street – A woman was defrauded out of $500 from an online romance swindle. The bank caught the fraud and was able to refund her money. Due to the victim’s age, a referral to Adult Protection Services was provided.
Friday, May 12
Warrant Arrest/Sex Offender Compliance Check: 1st Street – A man was contacted and booked at the Larimer County Jail on a sex offense warrant.
Felony Warrant Arrest: Bunyan Avenue – A man was contacted with an outstanding felony warrant and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Criminal Mischief: Highway 287/County Road 10E – An unknown suspect threw water balloons off the bridge onto passing vehicles and breaking the windshield of a passing Jeep.
Domestic Violence/Second-Degree Assault/Third-Degree Assault: Colorado Avenue – A couple was involved in a physical altercation. Both had conflicting stories, and a roommate saw them both hitting each other. The woman suffered serious bodily injuries and underwent surgery. Both parties were charged and booked at the Larimer County Jail when they were cleared at the hospital
Mental Health Hold: Parrish Road – A man was contacted on a welfare check and was subsequently transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.
Saturday, May 13
VEHICLE TRESPASS: Elm Drive – A woman reported her vehicle was entered overnight. Nothing taken but the suspects left behind a headband. Vehicle processed on scene.
Sunday, May 14
Harassment/Invasion of Privacy/Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor/Domestic Violence: Berthoud – A woman reported that her husband and their 16-year-old son had set up a camera in her bedroom. The husband also continuously texts the woman after she said to not contact her. Child abuse allegations were also made. The investigation is ongoing
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
May 15 – 21
Monday, May 15
Theft: 2nd Street – A 2013 Forest River Flagstaff Toy Hauler pop-up camper was stolen from the property between 05/12/23-05/15/23.
Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: South 8th Street – A man parked his 2011 F350 on the roadway in front of his house. Between 2300-0130 hours his vehicle was struck, causing significant damage to the driver’s side of his vehicle.
Littering/Trespass: Welch Avenue – An employee reported that a local man has been spending the night and trashing the walkway into the library. This guy sounds like he checked out and needs to get back on the right page!
Tuesday, May 16
Nothing significant to note.
Wednesday, May 17
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 56/County Road 1 – A male driver entered an intersection without yielding to traffic and was struck by an eastbound vehicle. The man was summonsed into Berthoud Municipal Court.
Suspicious Circumstances: Willow Drive – A gold pickup truck stopped and tried to speak to two ten-year-olds playing outside. The driver of the truck was described as a heavier set, middle-aged man, with a shaved head. No criminal charges were substantiated and there was a lengthy delay in reporting the incident by the reporting party.
Thursday, May 18
Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Mountain Avenue/North Berthoud Parkway – A stolen white 2018 RAM 2500 truck was seen on the roadway. During a canvas of the area, the owner was contacted by phone. The owner said he self-recovered his vehicle earlier in the day but did not call law enforcement to let them know that the vehicle was recovered. That owner almost got a front seat to a stolen vehicle recovery!
Suspicious Circumstances: County Road 13/Nebraska Avenue – A construction site manager responded to his own alarm two days prior and found that his front loader was moved; however, nothing was missing.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: 10th Street/Welch Avenue – A female driver did not yield the right of way and pulled out in front of another vehicle. The woman was summonsed into the Berthoud Municipal Court.
Felony Warrant Arrest/No Proof of Insurance: Highway 287- A female driver was contacted on a traffic stop and found to have an outstanding felony warrant. She was also driving without proof of insurance. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Careless Driving/Instruction Permit Violation: Highway 287/County Road 6 – A female driver ran out of gas driving northbound on Highway 287 going uphill towards County Road 8. The vehicle started rolling back into the ditch on the east side of the highway. No damage to the car, but a tow was needed to get it back on the roadway. The woman had a current temporary instruction permit and was not with a licensed driver. She was cited and released. A few more driving lessons may not be a bad idea, or just keep the gas tank empty…
Friday, May 19
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: South Highway 287 – A man fell asleep at the wheel while traveling northbound on Highway 287, veered across both lanes of travel, and crashed into an embankment. Debris from the crash struck another vehicle’s windshield. Both vehicles were towed from the scene.
Saturday, May 20
Warrant Arrest x4: Bridgeport Road/County Road 10E – A man was contacted with four outstanding misdemeanor warrants. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Criminal Mischief: Highway 287/County Road 10E – An unknown suspect threw frozen water balloons off the bridge onto passing vehicles. Damage was caused to two vehicles, luckily nobody was injured.
Mental Health Hold: Welch Avenue – A man was at a party at a residence. After the party, the man was asked to leave and refused. He then tried to hang himself from the rope a pinata was attached to on the porch. The homeowner declined trespassing charges. The man was evaluated on scene and taken to the hospital for a mental health hold.
Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine with the Intent to Distribute/Unlawful Possession of Fentanyl with Intent to Distribute/Unlawful Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Distribute/Special Offender/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Driving While Under Revocation: East Highway 56 – A male and female were contacted on a traffic stop leaving a local business. A K9 search of the vehicle led to the discovery of 117.25 grams of fentanyl, 42.39 grams of methamphetamine, and 8.47 grams of cocaine along with a scale and a large amount of small plastic baggies. There was also a loaded 9mm handgun in the vehicle. All contraband was within the wingspan of both occupants. The driver of the vehicle also had a revoked driver’s license.
Sunday, May 21
Suicide Threat/Mental Health Hold/Detox Hold: Skimmer Street – The family of a woman called to report she was texting them “goodbye” and claiming to be hallucinating about her deceased father who was telling her to join him in heaven. The woman was contacted at home and was highly uncooperative and intoxicated. She was taken to hospital for a mental health hold. The woman’s husband was also contacted. He too was highly intoxicated and was taken to the hospital and placed on a detox hold.
Harassment/Domestic Violence/Department of Human Services Emergency Custody: Skimmer Street – While investigating the suicide threat call listed above, deputies observed that the woman had multiple dark bruises all over her body consistent with abuse. Despite being highly uncooperative, the woman made several statements about the ongoing abuse she is experiencing from her husband. Victim Advocates met with the woman at the hospital. The man was contacted at the hospital and booked. A DHS hold was completed, and temporary custody of the children was issued.
Unlawful Possession of Fentanyl/Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine/Warrant Arrest x3: Woodcock Street – A woman was seen in the parking lot and was known to have warrants for her arrest. The woman fled on foot and was caught after a brief foot pursuit. She was found to be in possession of 77 fentanyl pills and methamphetamine. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail for the above charges.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
May 22 – 28
Monday, May 22
Found Property: Wagon Bend Road/Big Thunder Road – A plastic airsoft gun was located behind a post and turned over to deputies for safekeeping. If this is yours, contact the Berthoud Squad.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: East Highway 56 – A male driver backed into another vehicle at a private parking lot. The at-fault driver was issued a summons to the Berthoud Municipal Court.
Fraud: Mountain Avenue – A local resident reported that a check was stolen and fraudulently cashed for over $500.
Vehicular Eluding/First-Degree Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: South Highway 287 – Contact was attempted on a blue truck that was reported stolen The truck fled the traffic stop and a vehicle pursuit was quickly terminated for public safety.
Tuesday, May 23
Motor Vehicle Accident with Minory Injuries: Bunyan Avenue/1st Street – A man was southbound on 1st Street approaching the intersection of Bunyan Avenue when a sedan pulled out in front of him. The woman driving the sedan had three passengers in her vehicle who sustained minor injuries. The female driver was issued a summons to the Berthoud Municipal Court.
Third-Degree Assault/Harassment/Domestic Violence: South 3rd Street – A man slammed his girlfriend’s head into a kayak and then picked her up and carried her into the garage. The man was booked at the Larimer County Jail on the above charges.
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Driving Under Revocation: Meadowlark Drive – A man was observed passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle. A vehicle pinch was performed and contact was made with the man. Drug paraphernalia was observed on his lap. The man was also found not to have a valid driver’s license. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Warrant Arrest/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Mountain Avenue – A man was contacted for an outstanding warrant and was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Wednesday, May 24
Fraud/Theft: County Road 21- A woman reported her debit card was lost and almost $3,000 in fraudulent charges since 041323 have been made, including an unauthorized ATM withdrawal.
Possession of Schedule II Substance/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Stolen License Plate: 14th Street Southwest – A vehicle with a stolen Kansas license plate affixed to it was seen leaving Berthoud into Loveland. A man and a woman were contacted and both occupants were in possession of 1-2 Fentanyl pills and drug paraphernalia. They were both booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Driving Under the Influence/Driving Under Revocation/Minor in Possession of Alcohol: Berthoud – A man was stopped for excessive speeding and was found to be under the influence of alcohol. The man was also found to have a revoked driver’s license. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Thursday, May 25
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Injury: Grand Market Avenue – A man was backing into a parking spot on private property and backed into another vehicle that was leaving.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Injury: Grand Market Avenue/North Berthoud Parkway – A man was driving north in lane one, as he entered the roundabout another vehicle driven by a female tried to pass the man on the right although there is no thru lane. The back of the woman’s vehicle sideswiped the front of the man’s vehicle causing minor damage. The at-fault driver was summoned into the Berthoud Municipal Court.
Friday, May 26
Missing Adult: West County Road 4 – An adult male was reported missing by his employer, The man was last seen 05/25/23 at approximately 2000 hours. The man was entered as missing and a Be On the Lookout bulletin was sent out to all local agencies.
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Berthoud Parkway/County Road 14, Berthoud – Two vehicles were involved in a non-injury accident. The at-fault was issued a summons for Careless Driving.
Saturday, May 27
Nothing of significance to note.
Sunday, May 28
Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: Berthoud Parkway/County Road 14, Berthoud – An unknown vehicle struck an unoccupied vehicle on the side of the road and then fled the scene of the accident.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.
May 29 – June 4
Monday, May 29
Violation of a Restraining Order: West County Road 10E – A man was contacted at a residence where he is restrained from. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Criminal Mischief: West County Road 10E – An individual threw an object out of a vehicle that was parked on a bridge, possibly a water balloon. The object landed on a vehicle passing underneath the bridge on Highway 287. If you have further information, please see the social media posts from Larimer County Sheriff’s Office.
Tuesday, May 30
Criminal Mischief: West County Road 10E – The same group of individuals, possibly juveniles, threw water balloons off the overpass, causing damage to several vehicles. Evidence was collected at the scene.
Theft: Newfound Lake Road – Cabinets and shelving were reported stolen from a home under construction at this location.
Wednesday, May 31
Third-Degree Assault/Reckless Endangerment: Wark Avenue – A man and woman got into a verbal altercation with their neighbor over a property line dispute. The confrontation escalated to the neighbor striking the woman with his tractor and grazing her hip. There was no apparent injury, but the woman requested medical transport out of precaution because she is pregnant. The man was booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Fraud: Banjo Drive – A woman reported her identity was stolen and approximately $3,800 was fraudulently billed under her name.
Fraud/Theft: Tranquil Way – A woman responded to a post on the Berthoud Community Facebook page selling several items, including a bicycle. She paid $700 for the bicycle electronically and when she went to pick up the bicycle at the address provided, she discovered it was a fraud. Boy, that really grinds my gears!
Thursday, June 1
Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident/Following Too Closely: North Berthoud Parkway/Bunyan Avenue – A vehicle was turning onto Bunyan Avenue from North Berthoud Parkway and was struck by the vehicle following behind. The at-fault driver was issued a summons for Following too closely into the Berthoud Municipal Court.
Friday, June 2
Found Missing Person/Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue – A man who was reported missing last week, turned himself in on an outstanding warrant. The man was removed as missing from the database and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Mental Health Hold: Berthoud – A juvenile male sent multiple suicidal threats to friends. Upon contact, he said that he held a knife to his neck earlier that day and had daily suicidal thoughts. The juvenile was taken to the hospital for a mental health hold.
Violation of a Protection Order: South 3rd Street – A man contacted a woman from whom he is restrained by a third party. Phone contact was made, and the man agreed to turn himself into the Larimer County Jail for charges of violation of a protection order.
Vehicular Eluding/Reckless Endangerment: East Highway 56 – An early 2000s Gray Chevy Tahoe eluded a traffic stop southbound on I-25 from a local business. The pursuit was stopped for community safety due to heavy traffic. Arrest warrants are forthcoming.
Vehicular Eluding/Reckless Endangerment/Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Driving Under Revocation/Habitual Criminal/Felony Warrant: 1st Street/Mountain Avenue – A silver Jeep Liberty eluded a traffic stop southbound on 1st Street. Successful PIT (Precision Immobilization Technique) brought the pursuit to an end at South County Road 15 and East County Road 2. The female driver admitted to recent drug use and knowingly ran because she did not want to return to prison. The male passenger had a Felony Warrant out of the Department of Corrections. Both were medically cleared at the hospital and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Saturday, May June 3
Happy Berthoud Day! It was rainy but a success!
Felony Warrant Arrest: Grand Market Avenue – A man was contacted and arrested on an outstanding Felony Warrant.
Sunday, June 4
First-Degree Burglary/Possession of Burglary Tools/Criminal Mischief/Unlawful Possession of Schedule Substance: Art Drive – A woman saw a man breaking into the neighbor’s house. The owner of the house said there should be no one in the house or working on the house. A Blue Jeep Grand Cherokee was seen parked in the garage and a man was contacted as he walked out of the residence. The man had entered the house through an unlocked sliding glass door, broke open the Lockbox on the front door accessed the key to the house, and then parked his vehicle in the garage out of sight. The man also ripped off the keypads for keyless entry on the garages. The suspect was arrested and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
Theft: Indiana Avenue – A woman reported that while she was in the hospital someone used her credit card that was stolen or lost and charged $1095.50. Upon further investigation, the woman said that it might have been her fiancé. She explained they are going through issues, and he was not supposed to spend the money. The investigation is ongoing.
Unattended Death: Franklin Avenue – A man fell outside a full-care facility after a medical incident. He was transported by ambulance to the hospital and was pronounced deceased in route. Nothing suspicious was noted and the Investigations Unit was notified.
Stolen License Plate: East Highway 56 – A man reported his license place stolen sometime last night. The plate was entered as stolen.
Theft/Trespass: Meadowlark Drive – An unknown suspect stole four 16-pound bags of ice from the unlocked outdoor freezer after the store closed. This criminal is breaking the ice for an introduction to the backseat of a patrol car!
Cold Sex Offense: Berthoud – An out-of-state sheriff’s office took a report of a sex offense that occurred sometime between 2014 and 2019 that happened in Berthoud. The Investigations Unit was notified.
Vehicular Eluding: East Highway 56 – A stop was attempted on a silver Mini Cooper with two black racing stripes and a radiator mounted externally to the front bumper. The driver initially feigned compliance before taking off south on I-25 at a high rate of speed. The pursuit was ended immediately due to high traffic and public safety.
RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.