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Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad

Saturday, November 1

Family Problems: 800 block of Gentlewind Way, a resident wanted to report that her ex-husband has been emailing her several times.

Habitual Traffic Offender/Defective headlamp/Defective Brake Lamp: 2nd Street & Bunyan Avenue, a 25 year old man was contacted for defective headlamp and brake lamp. He was found to be Revoked HTO.

Tampering/ Obstruction: 10th Street/Welch Avenue, an unknown suspect took the “No Parking” signs placed along the edge of the road and placed them so that they were obstructing traffic at the intersections from 4th Street to 10th Street on Welch. One individual wearing dark clothing was spotted in the area of 10th Street.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 6 contacts (4 warnings, 1 citation, 1 arrest)

Sunday, November 2

Reckless Driving/Stop Sign Violation: CR 4E/CR15A, a 22 year old man was traveling at a high rate of speed through the turn and was sideways with his vehicle at CR4E and CR 15A. He then ran through the stop sign at about 40 miles per hour at 15A and CR 15.

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of S. 9th Street, a resident reported part of a garden watering sprinkler stuck into the moon roof of his daughter’s vehicle.

Animal Problem: 200 block of E Nebraska, an anonymous caller complained about dogs barking.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 2contact (1 warning, 1 citation)

Monday, November 3

Non-injury Vehicle Accident: CR 17 & Bunyan Avenue, a 17 year old girl failed to slow down for a turning vehicle in front of her. No injuries

Non-injury Vehicle Accident: HWY 287 & CR 8, a 52-year-old man ran the red light and collided with a vehicle in the intersection.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement: Mountain Avenue, Bunyan Avenue. 3 contacts (2 citations, 1 warning)

Tuesday, November 4

Civil Issue: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident tried again to kick out his ex-girlfriend and her male friends from his trailer. The resident was told he would have to evict the parties from the trailer and the eviction process was explained to him.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave – 4 contacts (2 citations, 1 verbal warning, 1 tagged)

Wednesday. November 5

Vehicle Accident: 5th Street and Mountain Avenue, a 54 year old female failed to yield right of way at this uncontrolled intersection and broadsided a vehicle drive by a 64 year old resident. No injuries but severe damage. Reminder; that uncontrolled intersections must be treated like a 4 way stop.

Suspicious incident: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, custodial staff at Turner Middle School found a box of .22 Caliber rounds hidden in the boy’s locker room. Two bomb dogs responded and nothing else was located inside the school. The school sent an email to all the parents informing them of the situation.

Lost Plate: 1200 block of Elm Drive, a resident reported he lost the rear plate off of his vehicle.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave – 2 contacts (2 verbal warnings)

Thursday, November 6

Theft: 1900 block of N. CR15C, a resident reported someone siphoned diesel fuel from the truck and removed the current tags from the rear plate.

Theft: 100 block of Keep Circle, a resident reported someone entered his unlocked truck, popped the hood, and stole the battery.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  10th and Bunyan Ave, 5th and Welch Ave – 4 contacts (4 verbal warning)

Friday, November 7

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 12 contacts, (3 written warnings, 9 verbal warnings for new stop signs at Bunyan & 10th Street)

Saturday, November 8

Weapons Call: 400 block of 3rd Street, report of a male in the parking lot pointing a handgun. Deputies were given great description of male and vehicle. Vehicle found at Berthoud Self-Storage. A 17 year old male was identified as the one holding the gun.

Forgery: 200 block of 2nd Street, a 54 year old man called to report that his 24 year old son signed a $140.00 check using dad’s name.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 10th Street and Bunyan – 6 contacts, (2 verbal warnings, 3 written warnings, 1 citation)

Sunday, November 9

Family Problems: 900 block of 3rd Street, a resident called to report that she believed her ex-boyfriend was not following the child custody plan and was requesting the welfare of her 6 year old daughter

Recovered Stolen Vehicle/Assist Loveland Police: 2400 block of W CR10, a resident called to report a truck parked on his property.  The truck was confirmed stolen, reported by Loveland Police Department.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 10th Street and Bunyan – 3 contacts, (3 written warnings)

Monday, November 10

Very cold night with steady calls for service so people stayed indoors.

Theft: 800 block of Welch Avenue, a resident came in to report her wooden bridge/gate she made to keep kids from walking on her property had been taken sometime over the last week. She was advised that deputies removed the bridge at the request of the town and the neighbors whose property the bridge encroached upon.

Civil Assist: Served 2 civil documents in town

Animal Calls: Took care of 3 animal calls and returned one dog to owners.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 3 Contacts (1 summons, 2 written warning)

Tuesday, November 11

We would like to thank all the veterans for their service and sacrifice

Animal Assist: 1700 block of 4th Street, a cold cat decided to use the small doggie door at the residence to get out of the snow. Dogs in the home took offense to cat and a fight ensued. Cat taken into custody for Trespass and Domesticated violence. Transported to Humane Society and booked.

Restraining Order Violation/Warrant/License Revoked/Violation of Bail Bond Conditions/Domestic Violence: 1st Street/Welch Ave, received information that a 21 year old female was in contact with her restrained 22 year old boyfriend. It was determined that he was revoked and wanted for two warrants out of Boulder County and out on bond for a previous RO violation.

Mental Health Hold: 200 block 2nd Street, a 13 year old told made serious threats to his mother.

Spent time with the Cub Scouts doing fingerprints and talking to them about home safety.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Wednesday, November 12

Follow-up: Turner Middle School and DHS reference yesterday’s threats to his mother. A threat assessment will be completed before juvenile is allowed back at school.

Follow-up: on a theft case confirming through video the identity of a theft suspect.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park

Thursday, November 13

Civil: 100 block of 3rd Street, a resident reported someone struck his mailbox causing damage. A 19-year-old returned to the scene and the parties agreed to handle the damage between the two.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park

Friday, November 14

Assist Other Agency: Assisted State Marijuana enforcement doing inspections.

Theft: 300 block of Welch Avenue, surveillance video showed a 12-year-old suspect stealing a bike.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Welch Ave, CR 17, 4th Street – 1 contact (1 written warning)

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Saturday, November 15

Lots of snow and sliding

Obstructing a Police Officer/Violation of Protection Order /Violation of bail bonds: 800 block of 5th Street, a 30 year old female forgot her 25 year old boyfriend was living with her. They are restrained from each other by conditions of their bail bonds and three protection orders.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave, Welch Ave, Bunyan Ave – 1 contact (1 verbal warning)

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Sunday, November 16

Motor Vehicle Accident/Habitual Traffic Offender/Driving under the Influence of Drugs/Careless Driving/Child Abuse/Obstructing a Police Officer: HWY287 at mile marker 329, a 48-year-old man driving borderline recklessly, collided with another vehicle on icy roads. The driver’s wife and 6 year old daughter were also in the vehicle when his vehicle slid off the road and fortunately stayed upright.  A witness saw the man driving before he and his wife switched places.

Criminal Trespass/ Theft: 1200 block of Cedar Drive, a resident reported someone entered his unlocked vehicle and stole some items.

Criminal Trespass/ Theft: 1200 block of Cedar Drive, another resident reported someone entered his vehicle and stole some items.

Assist to Berthoud Fire: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, Assisted Berthoud fire with evacuating several people from a residence who were uncooperative.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Welch Ave, Bunyan Ave, 1st St – 4 contacts (4 verbal warnings)

Monday, November 17

Assist to Medical: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a highly intoxicated 49-year-old man was found wandering around Berthoud without shoes and barefoot trying to hitch a ride from a plow truck and pulling up grass.  He also possible has frostbite to his feet in 12 degree weather.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 1 contacts,) 1 written warning)

Monday, November 17

Motor Vehicle Accident: Meadowlark Drive and CR8 – a driver called in to report an accident that happened this morning. She exchanged information with the other driver, and both left the scene. Due to insurance obligations report was documented. Minor damage to both vehicles.

More Phone Scams: A resident received a phone call from “grandson” who was in custody at the San Diego Police department and needed bail money in four $500 increment money orders. The nice lawyer was going to go get the money and bond him out if she sent it to him. She called us instead. No money lost and phone number reported to the FTC fraud line.

Two Contacts – Semi broke down in the middle of Mountain Ave. Thanks to the Scott at ACE Hardware for the fitting to get the trucker back on the move after breaking an air line.

Tuesday, November 18

Returned Runaway: 500 block of 9th Street, Information from a mother out of Thornton led to her daughter who ran away the previous night. A 17 year old girl was found at her boyfriend’s house without the knowledge of his parents. All were surprised to see Law Enforcement at their door.

Runaway: 1600 block of CR10E, an aunt called to report that her 16-year-old niece never came home after basketball practice at Berthoud High School.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 5 contacts, 5 written warnings

Wednesday, November 19

Motor Vehicle Accident: 3rd Street and E Michigan Avenue, an 18 year old driver learned a hard lesson about all-wheel drive vehicles. They do great job getting going on snow and ice, however they don’t stop nearly as well on ice. After getting traction around a corner he then collided with a cluster box mail post.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 8 contacts, 7 warnings, 1 vehicle tagged for 72 hr removal

Thursday, November 20

Lost Property: 3rd Street/Turner Ave, a resident called to report he had lost a check that had blown out of his truck.

Mental Health Hold: 700 block of Marshall Place, a mother called to report that her 16 year old son had gotten into an argument with her about school work and consequences for his behavior.

Theft/Gather Identity Info by Deception: 1000 block of 6th Street Court, a resident called to report that she had been applying for loans online when a “Loan Company” called her saying she had been approved for a loan. She was given instructions to put $200.00 on a prepaid Visa card and give the information of the card to the person on the phone. She was then instructed she needed to take out $200.00 more dollars for “taxes” and again give the information for the card over the phone. She complied. She quickly found out she had fallen victim to a scam and was out $400.00. Please never give your information out to a caller over the phone.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 2 Contacts – 1 warning, 1 citation

Friday, November 21

Disregarding a Traffic Control Device/Driving under the Influence of Drugs/Revoked License/Eluding/Resisting Arrest/Possession of Drugs/ Distribution: 600 Bunyan Avenue, a 29 year old man from Texas, failed to stop at the stop sign in front of Berthoud Elementary. A vehicle pursuit was initiated after he failed to stop for the traffic offense. He drove over 5 miles then fled on foot after retrieving a bag from the vehicle. Deputies caught him but he remained uncooperative. The bag contained over 8 ounces of different drugs in addition to 26 vials believed to be LSD, scales, baggies and over $2,500.00 in cash.

Saturday, November 22

Criminal Mischief: 100 Bunyan Avenue, a business owner reported his vehicle’s windshield was damaged.

Extra Patrols:  Town Parks, Gateway Park, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave, South Highway 287 – 25 contacts:

6 verbal warnings, 19 Citations

Sunday, November 23

Civil Issue: 800 block of 5th Street. The owner of this residence found out that a 30 year old female and her boyfriend have been arrested multiple times and was in violation of the verbal rental agreement.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave. – 1 contact: 1 motor assist

Monday, November 24

Civil Issue: 800 block of 5th Street, the owner of this residence found out that the 30 year old renter and her live-in 25 year old boyfriend have been arrested multiple times and is in violation of the verbal rental agreement between landlord and renter. Landlord has started the eviction process.

Theft: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a 27 year old woman was contacted by a store manager for drinking a 5 hour energy drink and not paying for it. .

Juvenile Problem: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, an 11 year old boy decided that he didn’t want to be in school anymore and walked out. He was located and taken back to school where mom took custody of him.

Suspicious Circumstances: 500 block of 9th Street, a 24 year old woman reported she has just been assaulted by her 28 year old “friend” after confronting her about drugs.

Follow-up: 1000 block of Bunyan Avenue, a deputy walked the area of the initial stop location from a pursuit from Saturday morning. The suspect had made a statement about throwing marijuana from the car. A baggy of what appeared to be marijuana in a liquid solution was located.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  County Road 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave. – 2 contact: 1 motor assist, 1 warning

Tuesday, November 25

Dignitary visit: 850 Spartan, provided security for Congressman Jared Polis who came to Berthoud High School and walked around meeting with staff and students.

Warrant arrest: A 28 year old woman was arrested for a misdemeanor warrant out of Aurora Police.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  County Road 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan 2 contacts: 1 citation, 1 warning

Wednesday, November 26

Very quiet Thanksgiving Eve

Traffic Enforcement: County Road 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Bunyan. 2 contacts: 2 warnings

 Thursday, November 27

Very quiet Thanksgiving, and for that we are thankful.

Extra Patrols: Business Checks, School Checks, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks, Serenity Ridge.

Traffic Enforcement: 3 Contacts – 3 Verbal Warnings

Friday, November 28

Assist to Town: Concerned folks called in about wires down near a home.

DUI/Careless Driving/Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue/8th Street, a 40 year old man crashed his vehicle into a tree.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  County Road 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop sign enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 5 contacts, 3 warnings, 1 arrest, 1 citation

Saturday, November 29

Suspicious Circumstances: 3rd Street/Bunyan Avenue, a 41 year old heavily intoxicated female had gotten into a disturbance with her sister in law.

Suspicious Vehicle: 1000 block of Berthoud Peak Drive, a 1995 white Buick Century was observed parked on the wrong side of the road half in the grass half on the roadway.

Disturbance: 200 block of County Road10E, Neighbors reported a disturbance in the parking lot where several juveniles were arguing.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  County Road 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop sign enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 6 contacts, 6 warnings

Sunday, November 30

Family Problems: 900 block of 7th Street, a 23 year old man and a 22 year old woman got into an argument after the woman came to the home looking for money.

Vehicle Accident/Hit and Run: 1000 Block of Arapahoe Avenue, a resident called to report her vehicle had been hit sometime overnight. It appeared that the vehicle was either backed into or sideswiped.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Mobile home Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  County Road 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop sign enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 2 Contacts: 2 warnings


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