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Updated Thursday, December 1, 2016


Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Tuesday, November 1

Recovered Narcotics: 500 block of S. 9th Street, while at a disturbance at this address a small baggie of suspected methamphetamine was located

Suicidal Threats: 900 block of Mountain Ave, a 32-year-old woman was called in by her father as being suicidal.

Vehicle Crash: Mountain Avenue and 8th Street, – Unknown driver struck a light pole and abandoned their red Ford Ranger. 

Vehicle Crash with Injury: Hwy 56 and Weld CR 3, a 40-year-old man veered off of the highway and rolled his vehicle. His 12-year-old son was in the passenger seat and was transported with non-life threatening injuries.

Wednesday, November 2

Identity Theft / Theft: 1100 block of Madison Avenue, a Berthoud resident reported that over $1,000 and a credit card were missing from her home. The credit card was used in Loveland and Evans.

Suspicious Incident: 200 block of E Colorado Avenue, a resident reported that the window screen on the basement window appeared to have been bent open as if someone was attempting to enter the home.

Domestic Violence / Assault / False Imprisonment / Harassment: 300 block of Turner Avenue, a resident reported that his girlfriend attacked him.

Suspicious Incident: 1400 block of Willow Street, a 17-year-old boy made up several stories of people saying that a person was going to hurt himself. The boy continued to change his story and after being caught in several lies, said that he may have hallucinated it.

Thursday, November 3

Suspicious Incident / Possible Attempted Kidnapping: 100 block of Hummingbird Place, a Juvenile female reported being grabbed by an unknown adult male while in front of her friend’s residence. He let go of her after she slapped him.

Unattended death at Berthoud Highschool

Friday, November 4

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving / Driving Under Restraint: Hwy 287 and N CR 17, a 28-year-old man ran the southbound red light on Hwy 287 and struck another vehicle.

Sunday, November 6

Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance / Schedule IV Pills / Drug Paraphernalia / Improper Stop Position: Bunyan Avenue and 4th Street, a 34-year-old man was stopped for stopping on the stop bar violation. A K-9 sniff resulted in locating 15 grams of methamphetamine and Schedule IV pills.

Monday, November 7

Vehicle Crash with No Injuries:  Highway 56 and Weld CR 5, a Berthoud resident was turning onto Weld CR 5 from Hwy 56. The vehicle behind her driven by a Colorado Springs woman did not stop in time and side swiped her vehicle.

Found Property:  900 block of Mountain Avenue, Property Management turned over a syringe filled with brown substance that tested positive for heroin and several shotgun shells they had found over the years.

Suspicious Circumstances:  200 block of 7th Street, a male was seen sitting under a tree watching the kids on the playground. Teachers block the playground and the male takes off walking north leaving a black bag. The bag contains heroin paraphernalia and mail for a 29-year-old homeless man.

Tuesday, November 8

Criminal Mischief:  800 block of 8th Street, a resident reported the back window to his vehicle was damaged while it was parked in his driveway.

Vehicle Crash with No Injuries:  Highway 56 and CR 13, a Windsor woman was driving westbound and rear ended a vehicle driven by a Johnstown woman. 

Vehicle Crash with No Injuries:  S Highway 287 and N CR17, a Larkspur man swerved to miss an object the car in front of him dropped on the road. In doing so, he hit another vehicle driven by a Berthoud woman.

Wednesday, November 9

Possession of Controlled Substance / Speeding:  Mile Marker 329 on Highway 287, a 19-year-old Longmont man was contacted after he was observed driving 75 in a 50 and then accelerated to 95. Poor roadsides, admitted to using meth just prior to driving. A small amount of meth was located. 

Thursday, November 10

Theft:  600 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that someone stole her purse containing miscellaneous items and all her medications.

Friday, November 11

Vehicle Trespass:  2900 block of Cooperland Blvd, a Berthoud resident called to report that three of his four vehicles were rummaged through.

Vehicle Crash with No Injuries:  500 Block Meadowlark Drive, a 16-year-old Johnstown driver ran the stop sign where he entered the intersection with Mountain Avenue. He then collided with a GMC Yukon causing an accident and rolling the vehicle he struck.

Disturbance:  300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 34-year-old Berthoud woman and her and 38-year-old boyfriend were involved in a verbal argument.

Saturday, November 12

Warrant Arrest:  4th Street and Bimson Avenue, a 19-year-old Loveland man was contacted as a passenger in a vehicle. He was found to have a warrant out of Longmont.

Sunday, November 13

Assault / Family Problems:  100 block of E. Michigan Avenue, a Berthoud man and his brother-in-law got into a physical altercation.

Felony Warrant Arrest:  First block of E Michigan Avenue, during the above investigation it was discovered that the brother-in-law had a warrant for Forgery.

Driving under Restraint:  4th Street and Franklin Avenue, a 43-year-old man was contacted for improper signaling and arrested for Driving Under Restraint.

Monday, November 14

Vehicle Crash / No Injuries: CR 8 and Weld CR 1, a County Vehicle struck another vehicle waiting to turn onto CR 1.

Family Problems: 1500 block of Hollyberry Street, a daughter got in a fight with her mother over how she is raising her son.

Suspicious Circumstances: NE Frontage Road and CR 8, a family from Highland Hills, Colorado claim they were rear ended by a loaded semi on the frontage road. Female passenger reports immediate neck and back pain. CSP responds initially and determines an accident probably did not take place. Possible malicious intentions behind this family’s claims. No scratches, dents or paint on either bumper.

Tuesday, November 15

Hit and Run/Reckless Driving: 200 Block S 8th Street, a Berthoud teenager was driving his vehicle with his brother and a friend. The driver was driving too fast around a corner and lost control of the vehicle and over corrected and the vehicle went off the roadway striking a speed limit sign and coming to a stop in a field.

Disturbance: 4th Street and Massachusetts, a passerby observed a man and woman physically engaged near the laundromat. The woman was found nearby and intoxicated. She denied being injured or assaulted and refused to cooperate with the investigation.

Criminal Mischief: 800 block of 10th Street, a resident reported someone “ding-dong-ditched” (doorbell), then 15 min later someone “scratching” on his house window, then 20 minutes later someone broke one of the house windows. The following night, another “ding-dong-ditch” incident happened.

Wednesday, November 16

Loose Dogs: 800 block of Massachusetts, 4 dogs running loose at Turner Middle School. The SRO and deputy corralled the dogs about the same time the owner called to report their dogs got loose.

Thursday, November 17

Fraud: 800 block of Marshall Place, a resident called to report someone used his credit card in two different locations in Commerce City.

Friday, November 18

Parking Issue: 900 block of 6th Street, 2 trailers parked in the street causing a traffic issue with parking. The owners of the trailers and a camper will be moving them to clear up this issue.

Saturday, November 19

DUI / Careless Driving: I-25 and Berthoud Exit, a 24-year-old Olathe woman was contacted following a REDDI report.

Sunday, November 20

Welfare Check: Berthoud Area: a mother reported that her adult daughter, had called her and made vague statements about hurting herself.

Monday, November 21

Suspicious Circumstances / Bomb Squad Call-out: Ivy Stockwell Elementary, a suspicious suitcase was located in front of the school. Bomb Squad determined the suitcase was not a threat. Investigations track down the owner of the suitcase, a 29-year-old Berthoud man who was less than honest or cooperative.

Criminal Mischief: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, someone spray painted graffiti on the back of the business.

Possession of Controlled Substance / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 500 block of S 9th Street, a 31-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted during a family disturbance. She was found to be in possession of presumptive positive methamphetamine.

Tuesday, November 22

Vehicle Crash – Non-Injury: Mountain Ave / CR 17, a driver slammed on their brakes and the car following ran into the back end.

Wednesday, November 23

DUI / Expired License Plates / Failed to Signal Turn: 3rd Street & Lake Avenue, a 36-year-old Berthoud man was contacted for a traffic infraction and arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence.

Thursday, November 24

DUI / Reckless Driving / Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle: CR17 & Highway 56, a 27-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted for reckless driving.

Fraud: 2500 block of S CR 21, a resident reported that he had hired a 40-year-old man to do work on his home. Over $30,000 was cashed by the man for a total of three day’s work completed since August. It appears this same man is also doing this in Weld County.

Friday, November 25

Vehicle Trespass: 1200 block of 4th Street, a resident reported someone entered his truck and stole a bag of hand tools and numerous power tools.

Private Property Vehicle Crash: 1000 block of 1st Street, one vehicle turning around at the pumps and another vehicle driving through collide in the Conoco parking lot.

Saturday, November 26

DUI / Leaving the Scene of an Accident / Careless Driving: 100 block of Bunyan Avenue, a 23-year-old Loveland man crashed his car through the mailboxes and struck a building on Bunyan Avenue. He fled the scene and was later located at his residence in Loveland.

Sunday, November 27

Assist to Pueblo Police: 700 block of 7th Street, Assisted Pueblo Police with an interview of a witness.

Vehicle Crash: CR 17 & Highway 56, a 22-year-old Berthoud man failed to stop for traffic and ran into the back of another vehicle.

Monday, November 28

DUI: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a 52-year-old Berthoud woman was stopped for driving without headlamps when required. She was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence.

Assault /Kidnapping: 800 block of Jay Place, a 24-year-old Berthoud man assaulted his roommate with a broomstick.  When the roommate attempted to escape from him, he tackled and forced the roommate back to the house, where he hit the roommate in the head with a Taser then used the Taser on the roommate.

Tuesday, November 29

Vehicle Crash / Unsafe Lane Change: CR17 & Hwy 287, a 66-year-old Greeley woman made a lane change and ran into another vehicle causing minimal damage.

Animal Cruelty / Resisting Arrest / Driving Under Revocation: CR15 & CR2, a 45-year-old Westminster woman reported she “lost” her vehicle somewhere in Berthoud. Simultaneously a report of an abandoned vehicle was reported at South County Road 15 and East County Road 2. This vehicle, later to be discovered as the woman’s, was blocking south bound traffic and had a dog running around the outside of it. Neighbors confirmed the vehicle had been left in middle of the road for about two hours with the woman’s dog running around it. Upon arrest, she pulled away from deputies and tried to strike one with a closed fist.

Wednesday, November 30

Careless Driving / Driving Under Revocation / Leaving the scene of an accident / No Proof of Insurance / Attempt to Influence a Public Servant: 2100 block of 1st Street, a 22-year-old Loveland man reported his vehicle was stolen from Subway in Berthoud. His vehicle was located in a field on north 1st Street with moderate damage. After being pressed by deputies the man admitted he lied about his vehicle being stolen because he had been involved in a crash and he knew his license was suspended.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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