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Update Decemer 4, 2017







Provide by
Larimer County Sheriff’s Department
Berthoud Squad

November 1 to November 5

Wednesday, November 1

Menacing: Massachusetts Avenue, 14-year-old male pulled a knife on a 9-year-old girl while making verbal threats on a school bus.

DUI: Welch Avenue / 8th Street, 47-year-old female contacted for a parking violation and was found to be impaired by alcohol. She was arrested and booked into Jail.

Warrant: Franklin Avenue / 5th Street, 44-year-old male contacted as the driver of a vehicle for a lane violation. Male had a warrant and was booked into Jail.

Thursday, November 2

Family problems: Nebraska Avenue, 24-year-old female from El Paso County reported her two-year-old daughter had been in Berthoud visiting the child’s father, a 25-year-old male, and had been returned with a small red mark near the child’s eye. El Paso County Department of Human Services is investigating the incident.  

Runaway: Canyonlands Street, 15-year-old male did not return home and is considered off his psych medications.

Friday, November 3

Warrant: 3rd Street, 34-year-old female arrested on 2 warrants and booked into Jail.

Unattended Death: 2nd Street, 78-year-old male passed during the evening. The man had various medical issues, nothing suspicious noted during investigation.

Welfare Check: S 9th Street, 78-year-old female who had left the Berthoud Living Center and was visiting family did not return to the facility. She was located, healthy and safe and requested to spend more time with her family.

Saturday, November 4

DUI: CR8 / Hwy 287, 30-year-old male was asleep at the intersection and was booked into Jail.

Sunday, November 5

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 5
Parking Problems- 4
Other ordinance violations- 13

November 6 to November 12

Monday, November 6

Stolen Vehicle: E Iowa Avenue, a resident reported a company vehicle was stolen. She stated that the vehicle was parked at her son’s house last night. She stated that her son called her this morning stating that the vehicle was not in the driveway.

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56 and CR 3, a driver reported that their passenger window shattered as they were traveling on Hwy 56.

Warrant Arrest: S. 9th Street, a 23-year-old man was arrested for a felony warrant out of Weld County.

Vehicle Crash / Careless Driving: N. CR17 (Loveland Reservoir), an 18-year-old Loveland woman drove into the lake after swerving to miss a rabbit. Missed it by a hare.

Tuesday, November 7

Disturbance: 7th Street, a resident reported that she and her roommate got into an argument about his drinking the previous night. RP stated that she was pushed into a dog kennel.

Vehicle Crash: 8th Street and Munson Court, a 17-year-old Johnstown boy was traveling south bound on S 8th St in the 200 block. He lost control and crossed over the roadway and went over the left side of the road and struck a tree. The tree won.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 at mile marker 326, a 30-year-old Longmont woman drove off of the side of the road striking a sign.

Wednesday, November 8

Driving Under Restraint / Owner Operated Uninsured Vehicle: 1st Street and Hwy 287, a 31-year-old woman was contacted during a traffic stop. The driver was found to be driving on a suspended driver’s license. She also stated the vehicle was not insured.

Mental Health Hold: a juvenile female was suicidal with a plan to overdose on pills.

Thursday, November 9

Driving Under Restraint: 2nd Street and Bunyan Avenue, a 24-year-old Berthoud woman was stopped for a traffic violation and was found to have a cancel/denied driving status.

Fraud: 2nd Street, a resident was notified by LifeLock that someone was trying to start different accounts in her name.

2 Vehicle Crashes on School Property: Spartan Avenue, both minor damage and non-injury.  

Friday, November 10

Identity Theft: Alpine Avenue, a resident’s identity was compromised during the Equifax breach. Unknown suspects opened a credit account with his information.

Vehicle Trespass: 6th Street, a resident’s unlocked vehicle was entered sometime overnight. A purse, wallet, gift card, sweatshirt and loose change was taken.

Harassment: Woodcock Street, a resident reported receiving a large number of text messages and emails from her ex-boyfriend. Upon review, there were over 100 messages between the two since last Sunday. Both used derogatory language towards each other but no threats were made.

Suspicious Circumstances / Possible Gang Affiliation: Mountain Avenue, employees noticed a suspicious male “casing” the store throughout the day. At one point, they felt the incident was about to become a robbery so they hit the panic alarm. The subject was contacted a block away and was interviewed.  The 24-year-old man is claiming he is a Crenshaw Mafia Gangster member out of west Denver with a violent history. Crisis averted by alert employees.

Burglary: 1st Street, a resident reported that his locked plumbing company trailer was broken into and several tools were stolen.

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft / 2 Degree Arson / Reckless Endangerment / Use of a Controlled Substance / Resisting Arrest / Found Missing Juveniles: Canyonlands Street, while attempting to contact a missing 15-year-old juvenile, deputies were informed that he was in a stolen vehicle with another missing 16-year-old juvenile and a 20-year-old male. Deputies were informed that they were going to pick up another juvenile male so he could run away too. All parties were contacted and detained. The vehicle they came in was stolen and was found to have stolen plates from another vehicle. It was determined that the 15-year-old had used meth and been involved in the motor vehicle theft and was subsequently arrested and taken to the HUB. The 16-year-old was also found to be involved in the motor vehicle theft but she resisted arrest and attempted to kick deputies. She continued to be combative and had a lighter hidden on her person and while enroute to the HUB she lit the patrol vehicle’s seat belt on fire, damaging her seat belt while the vehicle was in motion on the interstate. She wasn’t injured, but was taken to the hospital and was later taken to the HUB.

Saturday, November 11

Vehicle Trespass / Theft: Elmwood Street, a resident found that his unlocked car had been gone through some time since last night and items stolen.

Follow-up Missing Juvenile: Holmes Place, a man called dispatch asking why the police called him the prior night. When he was contacted he was informed about a missing person. He stated she wasn’t with him but would be soon. He further stated he was her step-father and did not think there was a custody agreement in regard to her. He also stated he was homeless, living in his car in the Denver area. Deputies later discovered that the runaway from this case had been found by Denver Police and returned to her parents.

Follow-up Stolen Vehicle: E. Iowa, witnesses reported seeing a man driving the stolen vehicle reported earlier.

Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 2nd Street, a resident reported that her husband kicked her vehicle and dented the door.

Sunday, November 12

Follow-up to Criminal Mischief / Domestic Violence: 2nd Street, the husband from the above event was contacted and arrested for kicking and damaging his wife’s vehicle during a dispute.

Follow-up Stolen Vehicle: Michigan Avenue, a resident reported that he had seen the stolen vehicle for this case driving on Michigan Avenue.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 6
Parking Problems – 12
Other Ordinance Problems – 6

November 13-19

Monday, November 13

Motor Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 /Hwy 56, 30-year-old male driver brake checked a 38-year-old male driver causing a crash. At fault driver summonsed into court.

Menacing: 2nd Street, 19-year-old male left his home and went onto the property of another and then threatened to kill the homeowner.

Vehicle Recovery: Mountain Ave, A stolen silver Lexus was parked behind this address. Evidence collected. The names of possible suspects were written on a piece of paper inside the vehicle.

Tuesday, November 14

Wednesday, November 15

Felony Warrant: Mountain Avenue, 50-year-old male was located by Boulder Police for an outstanding 2nd Degree Burglary/Marijuana Cultivation warrant.

Thursday, November 16

Vehicle Recovery: Spartan Avenue, abandoned vehicle, reported as stolen from Fort Collins.

Theft: Welch Avenue, Two Hispanic males in 30’s-40’s stole a hood and grill off 2011 Chevy pickup. Video collected, vehicle processed.

Found Property: 8th Street, an unknown person dropped a wallet at the rear door of the town hall.

Vehicle Pursuit: Kwik Corner, Deputies had been watching a house for suspicious activity and attempted a traffic stop on a vehicle leaving the house. The vehicle fled and a short pursuit ensued. The suspect lost control and crashed at CR 17/2E. The driver was ejected and died on-scene.

Friday, November 17

Saturday, November 18

At Risk Adult: E. Michigan Avenue, 23-year-old disabled adult, gave his bank information to someone on-line and the suspect deposited fake checks into his account.

Family Problems: Woodcock Street, 34-year-old male and 25-year-old female broke up and had a verbal dispute over mutual property including their vehicle and apartment. The female left for the evening and the male would not talk with Deputies.

Motor Vehicle Crash: CR 17 / Bunyan Avenue, A white GMC Yukon crashed, rolling several times into a field. The unknown suspect fled the scene. The vehicle’s Registered owners stated, they had left the vehicle at the Derby Grill and it must have been stolen. There are several holes in their story that need to be followed up on.

Sunday, November 19

Criminal Tampering: 1st Street, 58-year-old male reported an unknown suspect moved a no trespassing sign and barrier to his property, then walked through his front yard.

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 4
Parking Problems- 9
Other ordinance violations- 5

November 20 – November 26

Monday, November 20

Fraud: Wales Drive, a resident applied to be a secret shopper from a popup link while surfing the internet. The company was “Market Force.” He was sent a check for $2400 and told to take $300 for himself then wait for instruction on how to spend the rest. The check was refused by his bank. This is a nationwide secret shopping scam.

Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, an open door to the equipment area at the car wash was investigated. It appears the strong wind blew the door open.

Possession With Intent to Distribute/ Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Mountain Avenue, a 29-year-old man was contacted after he passed out from using heroin in his car in the Snap Fitness parking lot. A search, resulted in a gram of Heroin, suspected LSD, over 200 Schedule II and III pills, caliper weights, baggies and scales recovered.

Tuesday, November 21

Trespass/Criminal Mischief: 1st Street, a resident reported an unknown suspect moved a no trespassing sign and barrier to his property, then walked through his front yard.

Vehicle Trespass: E. Colorado, a resident reported vehicle was illegally entered by unknown suspect(s).

Agency Tow: Ranchhand Drive and Cooperland Boulevard, an unregistered vehicle which was warned on 110917 then tagged on 111717 was towed. 

Vehicle Crash: Berthoud Parkway and Bunyan Avenue, deputies responded to a single vehicle crash at this location. A white SUV was in the field and it appeared to have rolled several times. No one was around the vehicle. Owners were called about their vehicle and they said it had been stolen and whoever stole the vehicle must have crashed it. Oh, but read on.

False Reporting/Duty to report/Vehicle Crash Causing Damage/Careless Driving: Berthoud Parkway and Bunyan Avenue, a Loveland couple contacted a deputy and stated that they had lied about their vehicle being stolen. The woman admitted to driving and they both admitted to lying about what happened to the vehicle.

Child Welfare: 4th Street and Massachusetts Ave, a 36-year-old man was contacted as he was yelling at a child in the back seat of a parked van. The child was his 10-year-old nephew. The nephew stated that he didn’t want to be with this man because he was drinking. The man did appear to be impaired by alcohol and was clearly planning on driving with the 10-year-old in the vehicle. The nephews grandfather took custody of the boy and gave him a safe ride home.

Wednesday, November 22

Vehicle Trespass: SE Frontage Road, unknown suspect broke the window out of a parked vehicle overnight.

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 and CR17, a Berthoud man experienced a medical issue while driving and crashed into a ditch at this intersection.

Vehicle Trespass: Hollyberry Street, a resident reported that the title for his pickup was stolen from the glove box sometime over the last two days. The truck had been left unlocked.  

Thursday, November 23

Noise Complaint: North Berthoud area, a caller reported hearing gunshots to their north in a field. Deputies located the culprits who were legally goose hunting.

Assist Longmont Police: E Nebraska, Deputies attempted to contact an assault suspect for their investigation.

Friday, November 24

Vehicle Crash: Hwy 287 mile marker 329, a lone motorcycle rider lost control of his motorcycle and crashed, causing him to sustain injuries.

Warrant Attempt: 2nd Street, attempted to locate a man who has a warrant for his arrest. It appears the man has skipped the country and now is in Mexico.

Traffic Issue: Berthoud Parkway and CR14, due to the wind the traffic lights received damage and was being held up by a single wire.

Saturday, November 25

Vehicle Crash/Weaving: Taft Avenue and Woodcock Street, a Loveland man drifted out of his lane through a roundabout hitting another vehicle.

Felony Eluding/Motor Vehicle Theft/ Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance: CR17 and Bunyan Avenue, a stolen 1999 Acura momentarily stopped and then fled. Pursuit for about one minute before stopping and two males fled in opposite directions. A deputy with his K9 partner assisted in a track with no suspect located. Meth, a .45 caliber looking BB pistol, stolen tools, two stolen Colorado license plates, two cell phones confiscated/logged. And the car was reported as stolen.

Marijuana Cultivation: Glenview Drive, a marijuana grow was investigated. The home owner consented to a search, and 175ish plants were observed.

Sunday, November 26

Welfare Check: Hwy 287 and CR4, a report came in that there is a man lying on the side of the road. He checked out OK and was given a courtesy ride to Longmont.

Suspicious Circumstances: Carrie Martin Elementary School, an employee found the kitchen door open. Deputies cleared the building but no one was located inside. It did not appear that there was forced entry on the kitchen door.

Suspicious Circumstances: 7th Street and Welch Avenue, a resident saw a man looking in his trash can in the alley behind his house. He tried to talk to the man but the man ignored him and walked away.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 5
Parking Problems – 4
Other Ordinance Problems 

Monday, November 27                    

Harassment:  1st Street, a resident found three harassing notes on property stakes he put in the ground between his business and business next door.

Vehicle Theft:   1st Street, a resident reported that his white Nissan Altima was stolen. 

Assault / Violation of a Protection Order:  2nd Street, a 23-year old homeless man violated his protection order by going to the home of the protected person. He then got into a physical fight with the resident and punched him in the face.


Tuesday, November 28

Criminal Mischief:  Gateway Park Subdivision, graffiti observed on concrete canal, Gateway sign and electric boxes in the subdivision.

Violation of a Protection Order /Misdemeanor Bond Violation/Felony Bond Violation:  S. 9th Street, a 33-year old homeless woman violated a restraining order by going to the home of the protected person.  She was arrested for violating two restraining orders and subsequently violating bond conditions on six other cases.  Yes, six other cases.

Found Property:  Meadowlark, a Longmont man’s wallet was found in the parking lot. 


Wednesday, November 29

Suspicious Circumstances:  E Indiana Avenue, a resident was reviewing video footage from their home security and noticed that yesterday morning a man dressed in a hat, glasses and a partial face mask came towards the front porch walking a bicycle.  He noticed the cameras on the house and left.  Must be camera shy.

Suspicious Circumstances:  Berthoud Fire Station #2, a man that was on fire department property was approached by firefighter and became very confrontational with the firefighters.  Once deputies contacted the man it was discovered he was on probation for vehicle theft and arson.


Thursday, November 30

Burglary:  Mountain Avenue, the apartment property manager reported that about $200 worth of quarters had been stolen from the coin operated laundry machines. 

Vehicle Trespass:  Longview, a mother stated her son loaded his belongings into a U-Haul since he had been arrested and evicted from the home. She stated over the night several people with hoodies broke into the U-Haul at this address and stole several electronic items.

Fraud by Check:  7th Street, a woman reported that her mother gave her a check for $2,000.  She deposited the check and immediately withdrew the $2,000 from her checking account and gave the cash to back to her mother.  The check later bounced for insufficient funds and now her balance is -$2,000.

Disturbance:  Woodcock Street, a resident reported that her ex-boyfriend was harassing her by sending her communications after she had told him she didn’t want to talk to him.  The ex-boyfriend was contacted and stated that he was trying to get a hold of her because he was worried about her and he believes that she keyed his truck. 

Criminal Mischief:  Woodcock Street, the ex-boyfriend reported that his truck had been keyed.  He stated that a possible suspect was his ex-girlfriend. 

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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