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sheriff badge

Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad


Wednesday, October 1

Family Problems: 100 block of Hummingbird Place, a resident called and asked for a welfare check for her husband.

2 contacts: 2 verbal warnings .

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Thursday, October 2

Follow-Up Investigation: Deputy conducted 3 interviews from an Unlawful Sexual contact case. One of the Interviews led to revelation of a new Unlawful sexual contact to another person.

Follow-Up Arrest: 300 Massachusetts Avenue, a 23 year old woman came to the Berthoud Town Hall to turn herself in for Criminal Mischief and Domestic Violence.

3 contacts, 2 verbal warnings, 1 citation.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17 at Bunyan, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan, 3rd street.

Friday, October 3

Business Assist: 200 Mountain Avenue, Crew came to work this morning and found a broken window in the break room.

Spent time at the Berthoud High School Football game.

4 contacts, 4 warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Saturday, October 4

Violation of Bond Conditions: Welch Reservoir, a 46-year-old intoxicated male that was trying to get people to fight and was now passed out in the gravel in the camping area.

Lost Property: 200 block of E Colorado Avenue, a resident called to report an antique rifle and custom rifle had come up missing from his home.

Driving Under Restraint: Highway 287/CR 6, a 20 year old male was contacted for driving a vehicle without license plate lamps. The driver was found to have a suspended license.

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Bunyan Avenue, a resident called to report that she had received a suspicious letter.

1 contact, 1warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Sunday, October 5

Lost Property: 1100 block of Arapahoe Avenue, a resident called to report she had lost her car keys somewhere between her home and driving to Loveland.

Mental Health Hold: 1300 block of Mount Meeker Av, a mother called to report with concerns about her daughter who wants to hurt herself.

1 contact, 1 warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Monday, October 6

Attempted 3rd Degree Burglary/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, Colorado Rapid Car Wash: Unknown individuals attempted to break into a coin machine by hitting it with a sharp object.

2nd Degree Burglary/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 500 block of 2nd Street, Unknown suspects cut a lock and damaged the slide to a storage unit.

Misdemeanor Warrant: 200 2nd Street, a 36-year-old man was contacted during a disturbance at this address. He was found to have a misdemeanor warrant out of Longmont.

Mental Hold: 3rd St/Welch Ave, a 49 year old female was contacted while walking on the railroad tracks and was intoxicated and screaming. She was transported by ambulance to the hospital.

1 contact, 1 verbal warning.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park.

Traffic Enforcement: Mountain Ave, Spartan Ave.

Tuesday, October 7

Follow-up: 500 block of 2nd Street, two renters were identified as being possible victims.

Follow-up: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, A still video picture was obtained of the suspect that attempted to break into the car wash machines.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue., Bunyan Avenue.  2 contacts(1 citation, 1 verbal warning

Wednesday, October 8

Unlawful Sexual Contact: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, The principal requested law enforcement intervention with a couple of students.

Assist to Fire: 1700 block of 4th Street, large fire next to a structure. Owner has a burn permit but may have violated it.

Juvenile Problem/Truancy: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a juvenile male, refuses to go to school and is being turned over to truancy.

Welfare Check: 100 block of 3rd St, a 49 year old female called dispatched multiple times. She was found intoxicated and walking on 3rd Street.

Family Problems: 200 block of 2nd Street, a mother called to report her son was out of control. The son was talked to about following the rules.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue. 7 contacts, 1 written warning, 6 verbal warnings

Thursday, October 9

Unlawful Sexual Contact/ Follow up: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, while continuing yesterday’s investigation deputy interviewed a witness. During the interview, she disclosed another incident involving the same suspect.

 Lost property: 700 block of Welch Avenue, a mother reported that her daughter’s cell phone was lost.

Welfare Check: 100 block of 3rd Street, a 49 year old female called dispatched again. She was intoxicated inside her residence and upset

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue. 3 contact, 1 citation, verbal warnings

Friday, October 10

Drive by Theft: Berthoud Feed and Supply, 4 Pumpkins were stolen.

Traffic Accident: 200 block of Bunyan Avenue, a man went out to his vehicle after work and discovered it had been hit by an unknown vehicle.

Found Bike: 200 block of S 8th Street, a bike was found between 2 homes. Neither family knew whom it belonged to.

Citizen Assist: 700 block of Gateway Park, a resident called with questions about her vacant lot she purchased to keep her view of the mountains from her back porch. People are using it as a “dog park” and also bringing dirt from their yard projects and dumping it on her lot.

Extra Checks: Business Checks, Roving Patrols, School Checks, and School Zones

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Avenue 15 Contacts, 11 Verbal Warnings, 4 citations

Saturday, October 11

Citizen Assist: 2 dogs were found in town and returned to owners.

Citizen Assist: A resident missed the drug take back day but wanted to turn over a prescription he no longer wanted in his home.

Citizen Assist: 700 block of Douglas Avenue, a resident has concerns about a separation between her and her husband.

Former Tennant Problems: 100 block of Common Drive, a landlord called to report possible Harassment by a former tenant.

Sexual Assault: A sexual assault was reported and is being investigated.

Vehicle Trespass: 1200 Block of Cedar Drive, a resident saw 2 “juveniles” dressed in black hoodies and gloves attempting to enter vehicles.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 3 contacts, 3 verbal warnings

Sunday, October 12

Traffic Accident: 1st St/Indiana Av: a motorist struck a loose dog causing damage to her vehicle. The dog’s owner took the dog to the veterinarian for care and it appeared as if the dog would survive.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 1 contact, 1warning

Monday, October 13

Traffic Accident/Hit and Run: Hwy 56 / Hwy 287, Berthoud – A green Nissan Altima bearing Texas plates disregarded the traffic control device and went into the intersection. A 79 year old woman was traveling north on hwy 287 and swerved to avoid the collision and collided with another vehicle. The green Altima failed to remain on scene.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 1 contact, 1 written warning.

Tuesday, October 14

Vehicle Accident: CR 8/CR 17, a 42 year old man was traveling east on CR 8 and disregarded the traffic control device at CR 17. He struck another vehicle that was traveling north on CR 17 and had a solid green light.

Theft: 900 block of Massachusetts Ave, a resident reported that last week  someone stole her son’s cell phone and has been using it.

Family Problems: 800 block of 10th Street, Berthoud – a sister and her brother got into a heated argument.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan

Wednesday, October 15

Follow up Theft: 900 block of Massachusetts Ave, while performing a school check the deputy was advised of a returned cell phone that was stolen from another student. Upon research, it was determined that this was the cell phone reported stolen yesterday. An 11year old male was identified, parents contacted and summons issued.

Theft: 900 block of Massachusetts Ave: a mother reported that her son’s bicycle was stolen from the pre-school next to Turner

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave. 1 contact: (1 written warning)

Thursday, October 16

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: 200001 block of SE Frontage Rd. (Park-N-Ride): a 40 year old man reported that his vehicle was entered over the weekend while parked at the Park-N-Ride.

Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest: 400 block of 3rd St – a 37 year old man was contacted as a passenger of a vehicle after it drove over the curb to get the “perfect parking spot.

 Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave. 2 contacts: 1-72 hr tow

Friday, October 17

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave., Bunyan Ave 8 contacts (1 citations,1 written warnings, 5 verbal warnings, 1 tagged)

Saturday, October 18

Warrant Arrest Felony/Warrant arrest Misdemeanor: 100 block of 5th St: a 16 year old fugitive was observed walking next to his grandmother’s residence . Grandma was able to convince him to exit peacefully. His warrants were for Escape and Boulder traffic.

Verbal Disturbance: 500 block of 4th St, a man and woman were involved in a very loud verbal disturbance.

1st Degree Trespass/Criminal Mischief: 20000 block of SE Frontage Rd (Park-n-Ride) A vehicle was found with the passenger side window smashed out and passenger door open.

3rd Degree Assault: 800 block of Franklin, 2 residents were involved in a altercation during lunch.

 Ordinance Violation: 300 block of Michigan Ave: Dog consistently barking while deputy was there on a barking complaint.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave, CR 17, 4th Street:  6 contacts ( 3 verbal warnings, 3 written warnings)

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Sunday, October 19

Felony Menacing: 200 block of W. 52nd St, Loveland – a 15 year old male and his father confronted three other juvenile males who they thought were destroying a bike ramp his the 15 year old built. During the incident the 15 year old pulled out a very realistic silver pellet revolver from his waistband and pointed it at the other juveniles after they called them a vulgar name.

Obstructing Passageway/Improper Parking: 200 block of Mountain Ave, a 61 year old man was cited after being told he could not leave his parked semi overnight in the middle of Mountain Ave and blocking access to the Fire station garage. He was told to move the semi and refused.  He told the deputy he didn’t think the fire trucks would go anywhere tonight and they could get around him if they needed to. He was wrong so, ticket issued and truck was moved.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave:  2 contacts (1 verbal warnings, 1 citation)

Monday, October 20

Motor Vehicle theft: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a worker parked his vehicle at a job site and when he came out to his truck he discovered it had been stolen.

Possible RO Violation:  300 block of E. Michigan, a male is suspected of violating a restraining order by coming to this house to see her sister which he is restrained from.

Vehicle Accident: 200 Block of Mountain Ave, Berthoud – a Fort Collins Transfort Bus struck a parked car.

Vehicle Accident: Spartan Ave/10th Street, a 48 year old driver failed to yield to a vehicle that had the right away making a left hand turn .

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan: 6 contacts, 4 written warnings, 2 citations.

Tuesday, October 21

Protection/Restraining Order Violation: 4th & Michigan Av – Information about a potential restraining order violation was received. A male was located and taken into custody.

Harassment: 1600 block of N Lincoln Avenue, a man reported he had received several harassing calls at work. Messages were recorded and logged for evidence.

Assault: 800 block 5th Street, two females got into an argument over a male turning himself in for active warrants.

Warrant Arrest Misdemeanor: 800 block 5th Street, during the above investigation one of the females is found to have two active warrants for her arrest.

Missing Juvenile Located: 800 block of 8th Street, missing 15 year old was located and returned to her home.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 2 contacts (2 citations)

Wednesday, October 22

MVA Property Damage: Mountain and 3rd – a female driver ran into the back of another vehicle after the train passed through town. Traffic began to move and then stopped at the intersection, however, she didn’t see them come to a stop.

Case Follow-up: Additional follow-up was done on an eluding case that occurred back in July.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 2 contacts, (2 citations)

Thursday, October 23

Sexual Assault Other Agency Assist: 1000 block of 6th St, information was brought forward about a Sexual Assault that happened in another state. Investigatiors were notified and the other states investigators were also made aware of the allegations and are working on their end to interview other victims.

Follow Up: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident called to report that while on a walk on 8th Street, she located her bicycle in the backyard of a residence.

Lost Property: 900 block of Mountain Ave, a resident called to report that he had lost his black leather wallet.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 3 contacts, (1 written warning, 2 citations)

Friday, October 24

Juvenile Problems: 100 block of 2nd Street,  a juvenile male was reported as a runaway by his mother. The juvenile was located at the Berthoud High School Football game. He was given a ride back to his house.

Possible Assault: 200 block of 1st Street, a 47 year old man claims he was assaulted by a coworker when he went to pick up his paycheck.

Found Property: 9th Ave/Spartan Ave, a razor scooter was turned into Berthoud town hall. it was found across the street from Berthoud High School.

Vehicle Accident/DUI: Hwy 287/and Hwy56, a 25-year-old woman was contacted after she ran off of the roadway and overturned multiple times. She was highly intoxicated and combative.

 Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave – 1 contact (1verbal warning)

Saturday, October 25

Assist Animal Control: 1001 block of Keep Circle, Family members came home to find that their dog had attacked their 14 yr old cat.

Follow Up on Vehicle Accident: 2200 block of Blue Mountain Avenue, information was obtained on a license plate of a vehicle that left the scene of an accident at Habitat for Humanity on August 30th. A 78 year old man was contacted but did not remember hitting any vehicles but a mark was located on the bumper that would match where damage was to the victim vehicle.

Vehicle Accident: Hwy 287/CR17, a 26 year old female driver was traveling east on Hwy 287 approaching County Road 17 when she thought the light had turned green (when it had not) and collided with the back of another vehicle.

Trespass/Criminal Mischief/Underage Consumption/Indecent Exposure: 1600 block of CR10E, a 19 year old man became very intoxicated and attempted to enter the above address. He broke two very expensive windows, a door handle, and urinated in front of the homeowners.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan – 5 contacts, (3 warnings, 2 citations)

Sunday, October 26

Vehicle Accident/Hit and Run/Criminal Mischief: 400 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident observed that her vehicle was hit in the parking lot of her residence.

Vehicle Accident: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a male driver struck another vehicle while trying to back into a parking space.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave – 3 contacts (3 warnings)

Monday, October 27

Restraining Order Violation/DV/Warrant Arrest Misdemeanor: 200 block of 2nd Street, a couple was involved in a verbal altercation. The male also had three active warrants for his arrest and was restrained from any contact with the female

Domestic Violence/Harassment: 100 block of Sioux Drive, a couple were involved in an altercation when one shoved the other multiple times during an argument.

Assault/Harassment: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a 7 year old boy was shoved to the ground and dragged into the bathroom by a 12 year old boy.

Theft: 200 block of Welch Avenue, a BMX bike was stolen from outside the library. Bike was later found at the Conoco by an employee. Suspect is a 12 year old boy since he said he was going to steal the bike.

Burglary: 200 block of 5th St, a resident reported that two weeks ago his garage was broken into and a tool box and steaks from the freezer were taken.

Assist other Agency: 500 block of Redwood Circle, a resident wanted to report he was being harassed after his ex-girlfriend tried to report him to Loveland Police Department twice today for harassment. They were both told to cease all communication between the two and stop posting about each other on the internet.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park, CR 17, 4th Street,

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave, Bunyan Ave

Tuesday, October 28

Juvenile Problems: 800 block of Spartan Avenue, 4 juvenile boys lit paper from a notebook on fire in the parking lot of the high school.

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Bunyan Avenue, a resident believes her ex-husband is breaking into her residence while she is at work.

Assault: a 12-year-old boy was arrested Assault and Menacing.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Avenue. 1 contact: 1 citation

Wednesday, October 29

Driving Under Revocation: Bunyan Avenue and 2nd Street, a 38 year old man was arrested from a traffic stop and found that his driver’s license was revoked.

Found and Returned Dog: 600 block of N 4th Street 2 dogs called in as loose in the area, one made its way back into owner’s yard while the other was enjoying its freedom and was picked up. When owner returned home all were reunited.

Parking violations and Registration Violations in Berthoud East

School Lights celebrated the end of day light savings by changing time a week early and were corrected.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th. 2 contacts, 1warning, 1 arrest

Thursday, October 30

Warrant Arrest: 800 block of 5th Street, a 24-year-old male was arrested for four arrest warrants.

Drove Under Restraint (Suspended) / Speeding: Highway 287/Eagle Crest Drive, a 35 year old man was stopped for speeding 75 in a posted 55. His license was confirmed suspended.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 6 Contacts (4 warnings and 1 Summons, 1 arrest)

Friday, October 31

TREAT on the STREET: Berthoud businesses (including Berthoud deputies) handed out candy to local zombies, witches, transformers, action heroes, football players, and people dressed up as parents.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement:  CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Avenue, Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan. 7 contacts (6 warnings, 1 citation)



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