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October 1 – 3

Friday, October 1

Criminal Mischief/Violation of Protection Order: 3rd Street – Female reported that a male, whom she is protected from, backed into her fence with a vehicle after a verbal argument. The vehicle then fled the scene before deputies arrived. The female declined to pursue charges for the damaged fence. A warrant will be sought for the Violation of the Protection Order after the positive identification of parties involved. A good offense starts with a good de-fence

Trespass: 1111 Mountain Avenue – Female was issued a trespass notice from a business regarding a verbal altercation where deputies had to be called to the scene.

Saturday, October 2

Driving Under the Influence/Failed to Drive in a Single Lane: Berthoud Parkway /42nd Street Southwest – A male driver was contacted for speeding 99 Miles Per Hour (MPH) in a 45 MPH zone and driving on the side of the roadway. The male failed voluntary roadside maneuvers and opted for a test of his blood. Later booked at the Larimer County Jail. Drunk and driving 99 mph. Nothing could go wrong here.

Unauthorized Use of a Financial Device/Crimes Against At-Risk Adult: Curlew Drive – An unknown party absconded with an elderly female’s personal and financial information and unsuccessfully attempted to purchase items with it.

Sunday, October 3

Suicide: South Berthoud – A female was found deceased at home with a self inflicted gunshot wound.

Warrant Arrest: 9th Street/Franklin Avenue – A male was contacted for a fictitious license plate and was found to have a warrant for his arrest. He was issued a summons for the fictitious license plate and booked in at the Larimer County Jail for his warrant.

Abandoned Vehicle/Agency Tow: West County Road 8/Highway 287 – A minivan was abandoned at this location and subsequently towed.

Third-Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: Tundra Avenue – A female reported that she got home and discovered that her husband was possibly cheating on her. The female stated that her husband pushed her and put her in a headlock, which could not be substantiated. The female admitted to throwing picture frames, dumping water on the male, and hitting the male in the face with an open hand causing bruising and swelling. The Victim Response Team was notified and the female was booked at the Larimer County Jail. Stay tuned for a new episode of “Cheaters”

October 4 – 10

Monday, October 4

Possible Sex Offense: Berthoud – Jefferson County Child Protective Services reported an incident of sexual contact involving inappropriate behavior with the child present that occurred in Berthoud. The investigation is ongoing.

Tuesday, October 5

Hit and Run: West County Road 8/Highway 287 – A vehicle driving southbound on Highway 287 approached another vehicle. While attempting to pass, the oncoming vehicle ran into the back of the vehicle and drove on.

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: North Highway 287 – A vehicle hit an elk crossing the road, causing a two-car accident. Minor injuries and both vehicles were towed from the scene. The elk was brought to ICU, you know “Intensive Critter Unit”.

Wednesday, October 6

Third-Degree Burglary/Theft: East Highway 56 – Two suspects broke into a locked display case and stole $1,499.99 in merchandise from a business.

Vehicle Theft: Chilcott Street – 2006 Blue GMC 2500 was stolen sometime after 2200 hours on 10/5/21. The vehicle has a color-matched topper on it.

Thursday, October 7

Victim Intimidation: Berthoud – A female called to report her location was posted on a Facebook page after she spoke at a public meeting. Female is a part of the State/DA’s Office victim address confidentiality program. Unknown suspect information at this time. Co-Responder reached out to assist with support.

Hit and Run: Bristlecone Court – A vehicle was hit by an unknown vehicle at one of several locations while he was running errands in Berthoud.

Friday, October 8

Felony Menacing/Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest: 7th Street – A male threatened another male with a knife with the intent to stab the other male. Booked on Felony Menacing at the Larimer County Jail. The victim of Felony Menacing was booked on an unrelated misdemeanor warrant.

Hit and Run: Berthoud – A 12-year-old female was hit by a large SUV in a parking lot. SUV left the scene. No serious injuries. The investigation is ongoing.

Motor Vehicle Accident: South Berthoud Parkway – Driver rear-ended another vehicle. Summons issued.

Saturday, October 9

Mental Health: Indiana Avenue: An adult male reported he was illegally evicted by his mother. The mother was informed she cannot lock her son out of the home. The male was reported to be off his medication, has mental health issues, and is a methamphetamine user. Deputies handled multiple calls here today resulting in no charges. The mother is afraid for her safety and was advised of the protection order and eviction process. When Mom says get out, it’s best you just go on get.

Family Problems: 6th Street – Two individuals were involved in a physical disturbance that was not reported until the morning. Unable to substantiate charges after speaking with both parties.

Third-Degree Assault / Domestic Violence / Harassment / Driving Under the Influence / Prohibited Use of a Weapon: Mount Meeker Avenue – An intoxicated man shoved his daughter and pushed his wife, causing injury. He then retrieved a firearm and left the scene in his vehicle. He was located near Carter Lake and booked on the above charges.

Vehicle Trespass: Breckenridge Drive – A male reported that his wife’s vehicle had been entered on the morning of 10/09/21. Nothing was removed from the vehicle. He captured video of the trespasser on his home monitoring system. He suspects his neighbor’s miscreant daughter may be involved.

Sunday, October 10

Motor Vehicle Theft: Bunyan Avenue – A male reported that his 2001 Dodge Pickup was stolen from his business. The business owner in the building next door said he saw someone with a headlamp near the vehicle early in the morning. Headlamp that early in the morning? He was not headed to the coal mine pal. Call us and we will come.

Motor Vehicle Theft / At-Risk Adult Crime: Indiana Avenue – A male that was contacted the day prior with issues related to his mother, stole his mother’s vehicle and then went to a gas station in a manic state. At the gas station, he poured coffee on the floor and stole items. The male then fled in the vehicle southbound on I-25 after he took off all his clothes. A Colorado State Patrol trooper stopped the male as he was driving in oncoming traffic on Highway 119, naked and covered in ice cream. He was arrested for Driving Under the Influence and booked at the Boulder County jail. An emergency arrest warrant was signed and entered by Dispatch so Boulder County could hold him on the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office charges. The worst thing about this whole situation is, he spilled his ice cream. Bummer!

Lost Firearm: 6th Street – A male reported his Smith & Wesson .357 revolver as missing.

Attempted Burglary / Trespass: 2nd Street – Four males attempted to force their way into a dispensary. Numerous windows were brok

October 11 – 17

Monday, October 11

Sex Assault on a Child: Berthoud – Family reported a family friend had touched their juvenile daughter on her intimate parts. Investigations, Victim’s Response Team, and Child Protective Services were all notified.

Burglary in Progress: 2nd Street – Multiple security alarms were activated at a business and there was evidence of forced entry. The building was searched and cleared; no suspects were located.

Vehicle Trespass x 2: South 3rd Street – An unlocked vehicle was entered, and items were stolen. Another vehicle down the street had the driver’s side window broken out and items were rummaged through.

Vehicle Trespass: Lissa Drive – Items were stolen out of a pickup truck overnight. The vehicle was left unlocked and there was no sign of forced entry.

Found Property: Longview Avenue – Keys were located at Hillsdale Park and turned into the LCSO Sheriff’s Office Substation at the Berthoud Town Hall.

Tuesday, October 12

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue – A traffic crash occurred in a business parking lot when a pickup truck backed out of a parking space and into a Honda sedan. Minimal damage to the wheel of the sedan.

Possible Kidnapping: Berthoud – Female reporting her boyfriend kidnapped her two-year-old son. The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Investigations Department was notified and took over the investigation. The father and his child were located in Wyoming and turned out not to be a kidnapping. The mother gave false information to authorities.

Wednesday, October 13

Felony Driving Under the Influence / Careless Driving / Violation of Protection Order: Southeast 3rd Street / East Iowa Avenue – A female driver crashed into a street sign and tree. She admitted to consuming alcohol, refused roadside maneuvers and chemical testing of her blood or breath. The driver was found to have three or more prior DUI convictions and was not supposed to consume alcohol based on stipulations from a Protection Order issued to her a month prior. She was later booked at the Larimer County Jail after being cleared at the hospital.

Thursday, October 14

Criminal Mischief: Buckskin Road – The front door of a home under construction was kicked in during the night hours. Hardwood floors were damaged, and caulking was smeared throughout the residence.

Friday, October 15

Vehicle Theft / Vehicle Trespass: Ellie Way – Male resident woke up and found his 2017 gray Toyota Tacoma stolen from his driveway. The vehicle was unlocked with keys inside. Two handguns were also in the truck. The suspects also broke a window and stole a shotgun from another vehicle at the same residence. The Tacoma has a topper, rooftop tent, and snorkel on it. The suspects arrived in an older silver or gray Nissan Sentra with the front grill missing. The theft was caught on video. You know even a cowboy would leave his horse tied up in the street with his rifle left in the scabbard.

Hit and Run: Berthoud Parkway / Waterman Street – A black Audi S4 struck the vehicle, which was stopped at a stop sign. The vehicle fled into the neighborhood and was not located.

Speeding / Driving Under the Influence / Driving Under Restraint: Mountain Avenue – A male driver was contacted for going 79 in a 45-MPH zone. He consented to voluntary roadside maneuvers and was booked in at the Larimer County Jail for Driving Under the Influence and above charges. Speeding 34 mph over the speed limit and intoxicated. Sounds like a politician.

Turn Signal Violation / Driving Under the Influence: Prairiestar Drive / Tallgrass Lane – A male and female were contacted as a suspicious vehicle driving through the dirt construction area and for a turn signal violation. Both parties had been consuming alcohol and stated they were lost, trying to find the male’s residence. The female completed voluntary roadside maneuvers and did not perform in a manner consistent with a sober person. She later chose a chemical test of her breath and was booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, October 16

Follow-Up to Motor Vehicle Theft: Bunyan Ave – A male was at a gas station in Larimer County when he saw his blue 2001 Ram 2500 truck he reported stolen last week. He approached the driver and politely asked him to get out of the vehicle. The vehicle owner’s friend parked his truck behind the stolen vehicle in an attempt to block it in. The stolen Ram drove forward into a rack of windshield wiper fluid and then reversed into the parked vehicle and over a grassy berm, making his escape. The owner of the truck reported his stolen vehicle will have considerable rear-end damage from the collision. He described the driver as a male, in his 20s with a mullet and a scraggly beard. Mullet? Holy cow the suspect is Billy Ray Cyrus.

Vehicle Trespass: Tristan Place – A resident reported two of her unlocked vehicles were entered on the morning of 10/15/21. Gift cards and a flashlight were taken.

Weaving / Turn Signal Violation / Driving Under the Influence (DUI) / DUI Per Se: Highway 287 / Berthoud Parkway – Male driver was stopped for several traffic violations. He consented to roadsides and a breath test resulting in .124 Breath Alcohol Content. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Unregistered Vehicle / Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance / Driving Under Suspension / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Lissa Drive / County Road 14 – A male driver was contacted for no registration. The vehicle was uninsured, and the driver’s license was suspended. A K9 sniff yielded to heroin paraphernalia belonging to the passenger. Both parties were released on a summons.

Speeding / Vehicular Eluding / Disregarded Traffic Control Device / Second-Degree Trespass / Criminal Mischief – Highway 287 – A white Chevy Cruze with no plates was observed traveling at a high rate of speed in the area of Highway 287 and Berthoud Parkway. A deputy caught up to the vehicle and observed its speed to be 91 MPH. The vehicle immediately did a donut in the middle of Highway 287 once emergency lights were activated and eluded westbound on 42nd Street Southeast. The vehicle went southbound on Academy Drive, broke through a barbed-wire fence causing $3,000 in damage, and drove through the agriculture field belonging to Campion Academy. The driver and passenger then ran from the vehicle. The driver was apprehended and later identified. The driver was transported to the hospital as he claimed he ingested ten Fentanyl pills during the pursuit. The vehicle was confirmed stolen out of Greeley and was left on scene to be recovered later. Several ID cards and credit cards not belonging to the suspect were found in the vehicle and in his wallet. A K9 sniff hit on the vehicle yielded one Fentanyl pill and a user amount of methamphetamine.

Domestic Violence / Harassment / Criminal Mischief: Center Park Way – A male threw an alarm clock at his female partner, causing damage to the wall and clock. Oh, so it was a wall clock.

Sunday, October 17

Follow-Up to Pursuit on 10/16/21: Berthoud – More evidence was recovered from the vehicle after the owner came to pick it up. The female who fled was identified after the paperwork was found. Multiple vehicle registrations and other paperwork from victims in Fort Collins and Greeley were also found. After the medical clearance, the male was transported to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office to be interviewed and then booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Detox Hold: Lake Avenue / 8th Street – An adult male was called in multiple times throughout the evening as intoxicated and causing disturbances. He was contacted a second time at a local business where he was laying in the alcohol freezer before leaving on foot with his bike, shouting at Deputies to shoot him. The male was uncooperative and refused medical attention. Deputies decided to not press the issue as the male stated that he was going home. He was called in by several callers moments later for causing a disturbance while walking down the street, not going home. The male was then was taken into protective custody and remained verbally uncooperative. He was transported to the hospital by deputies where he remained uncooperative. The male was then transported to the Larimer County Jail uncooperative for a detox hold.

October 18 – 24

Monday, October 18

Mental Health: Candice Court – A female called in for the sixth time, saying her phone is being hacked by an ex-friend. Appears to be mental health-related; however, she was given step-by-step instructions to change phone, email, and other computer info.

Runaway Juvenile / Suspicious Circumstance: Berthoud – Female called in to report her sister as missing. She stated her father said he had not seen her since August and he was not going to report her missing. The juvenile called her sister to advise she was okay. Further investigation is pending.

Felony Eluding: Highway 56 – A vehicle was observed at a local business and the driver was believed to be wanted for three felony warrants. While waiting for cover officer, the vehicle left westbound on Highway 56 at about 100 miles per hour and passed vehicles on the double yellow line. A pursuit was initiated through the county roads south of the area. The pursuit was terminated while approaching Mead for public safety. Security video confirmed the driver’s identification, warrant to follow.

Tuesday, October 19

Criminal Impersonation / Possession of Schedule I Controlled Substance / Misdemeanor Warrant: Highway 287 / County Road 4 – A female and male were contacted for displaying fictitious registration. Both parties gave fictitious names. Their identities were determined and the male had a valid warrant for his arrest. Both were arrested and a search of the vehicle yielded fentanyl pills and drug paraphernalia. Both were booked at the Larimer County Jail. Because of their lies the fire department was called to put the fire out with their pants.

Trailer Theft: Nicholson Street – A male reported an enclosed white trailer stolen with $15,000-$20,000 worth of tools inside. The trailer was recovered later that day by the Colorado State Patrol, abandoned in Adams County.

Disturbance: East Highway 56 – A male reported that another male had threatened him during a disagreement at a truck stop. Conflicting statements were collected and parties were separated.

Speeding / Driving Under the Influence of Drugs: Highway 287 / Berthoud Parkway – A male was stopped for going 91-MPH in a 65-MPH zone. He admitted to recent marijuana use, The male did not complete voluntary roadside maneuvers in a manner consistent with sobriety and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Wednesday, October 20

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: 3800 East Highway 56 – A male backed his box truck into a parked semi-truck occupied by the driver. Slight damage occurred and parties exchanged information.

Motor Vehicle Theft / Vehicle Trespass x 3: South 5th Street – A male had his vehicle stolen sometime during the night. His neighbor had a window broken out of his car and an iPad stolen. Two other trespasses in the area as well. The iPad was tracked to Longmont and the truck was recovered, processed for evidence, and returned to the owner.

Driving Under the Influence / Weaving: Berthoud – A 16-year-old juvenile female was contacted for traffic infractions. The juvenile failed roadsides and was transported for a breath test. The juvenile was then released to a guardian. Several bottles of alcohol were located in the vehicle. I want to know who the moron is that bought the alcohol for them

Thursday, October 21

Identity Theft: Megan Way – A male reported that an unknown person opened up a line of credit in his name and charged over $1,200.

Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue – A driver accidentally hit another car while parking in a business parking lot.

Friday, October 22

Internet Luring of a Child: Berthoud – The reporting party reported receiving sexually explicit messages from a male, who believed he was corresponding with a 13-year-old juvenile. The Investigations Department was notified and took over. The next thing you hear is “Hi , I’m Chris Hanson with Dateline, why are you talking with a 13-year-old”?

Saturday, October 23

Mental Health Hold: East Iowa Avenue: Female placed on a mental health hold and taken to the hospital.

Sunday, October 24

Motor Vehicle Accident/Hit and Run / Assist to Colorado State Patrol: County Road 8 & County Road 21 – Deputies and Rangers assisted the Colorado State Patrol in locating a driver who fled from the scene after being involved in a motor vehicle accident, where the run vehicle collided with a motorcycle. A County Park Ranger located the vehicle at the Carter Lake gatehouse and the occupants were detained on a high-risk stop. The driver was transferred to the Colorado State Patrol on felony hit and run charges. A simple traffic misdemeanor is now a felony.

Assist to Fire: Berthoud Parkway & Highway – A 2020 Audi R8 caught on fire at this intersection. Both occupants exited the vehicle safely, but the car is a likely total loss. Glad they got out of the Audi.

October 25 -30

Monday, October 25

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive – A man was transported and booked into the Larimer County Jail for his LCSO warrant.

Theft: Prairiestar Drive/Great Plains Avenue – A man reported that his utility trailer’s lock was cut and a snowblower was stolen.

Tuesday, October 26

Vehicle Pursuit: 1st Street – A short vehicle pursuit was initiated on a 2005 red Ford Mustang that was driving recklessly; however, it was quickly terminated for public safety.

Wednesday, October 27

Family Problems: Caballo Avenue – An adult male caused a disturbance at his father’s residence, believing that his truck was stolen after it was towed earlier this morning as abandoned. The man’s father stated that he believes his son to be currently on methamphetamine and is becoming more unpredictable and aggressive.

Vehicle Trespass: Rolling View Drive – A resident reported that his vehicle was entered on 10/25/21. Nothing was taken and there are no suspects.

Theft: Spartan Avenue – Male resident called to report his front license plate was taken from his vehicle.

Thursday, October 28

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: Berthoud Parkway / County Road 14 – A female driver ran a red light and struck another vehicle. The driver was transported to the hospital for her injuries. Red light means STOP, not slow down it means STOP! Stop signs mean STOP, not slow down it means STOP!

Mental Health / Welfare Check: West County Road 14 – Woman called into Dispatch and completed an online report with delusional statements. A mental health and welfare check was conducted by a deputy and a mental health co-responder. The woman refused resources.

Friday, October 29

Motor Vehicle Accident / Driving Under the Influence (DUI) / Careless Driving: Hwy 287 & County Road 10E – A man was driving northbound on Highway 287 when he fell asleep at the wheel. The man overcorrected when the vehicle began to leave the roadway causing a rollover accident. The man was found to be under the influence of alcohol. After he was medically cleared at the hospital, he was booked at the Larimer County Jail. Drunk as a skunk and driving is nothing more than just plain STUPID!

Physical Disturbance: Mountain Avenue – Two adult males got into a physical disturbance as a result of a road rage incident over a parking spot. Charges are pending, waiting for security surveillance video. Fighting over a parking space? In my day we fought over a girl but a parking space? Me thinks not.

Burglary: Saltops Court – An unknown person entered a barn, which is currently under construction, and removed approximately $7,000 worth of tools and equipment.

Theft: TPC Parkway – A man reported his iPhone 10XR was stolen. Unknown suspect.

Saturday, October 30

Criminal Mischief: Berthoud Parkway / Grand Market Avenue – Multiple traffic control signs in the center of the roundabout at Berthoud Parkway and Grand Market Avenue were tagged with “TXB” and “27” in red spray paint. TXB; The Xylophone is Busted? 27 times? I don’t know.

Sexual Assault: Berthoud – A woman reported that she was asleep at a friend’s house and was awaken by her friend sexually assaulting her. Currently under investigation. Real men DO NOT take advantage of a woman in this manner! Please turn your Man Card into the sheriff’s office ASAP.

Sunday, October 31

Disturbance: Mountain Avenue – A man threw a beer in another man’s face after a verbal disturbance. Throw the suds, we’re no longer buds!

Vehicle Theft: Heron Lakes Parkway – A trailer was stolen from a construction site.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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