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sheriff badge

Provided By
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant, Berthoud Squad


Tuesday, September 2

Suicide Attempt: 1600 block of 4th Street, a 35 year old was found unresponsive by her roommate . She was transported to McKee by ambulance.

 Injured Dog: 200 block of Second Street, Two children reported a blue heeler dog followed them home from school. The dog had a bleeding and injured hind leg. The dog had a collar but no tags and was not micro-chipped. Turned over to Animal Control.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, Second Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Wednesday, September 3

Suspicious Found Property: Berthoud Town Hall – Informant brought items that her ex-boyfriend left at her residence. Bag included: items possibly stolen from a law enforcement agency.

Citizen Assist: Neighbors off of First Street and Bimson Avenue were in disagreement over property lines and right-of-ways. Worked with Town Planning and learned the boundaries and was able to mediate the issues for today.

ID Theft: 2200 block S. CR 15, a resident reported the theft of his Colorado Identification Card and Social Security Card from his wallet.

5 contacts, 2 written warnings, 3 verbal warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, Second Street Trailer Parks

Thursday, September 4

Citizen Assist: Neighbors were in disagreement over a lawn-mowing contract signed at the beginning of the summer.

Theft: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident called to report that an unknown suspect stole money from the offering plate on Sunday.

10 traffic contacts, 4 Verbal Warnings – 5 Written Warnings – 1 Citation

Extra patrols: Business Checks, School Checks, School Zones, Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, Second Street Trailer Parks

Friday, September 5

Warrant Arrest/Suicidal: 400 block of Colorado Avenue, a mother called in to report a family member as suicidal. The family member did have a warrant out of Boulder County.

Criminal Mischief: 500 block of S. 9th street, a resident called to report damage to his vehicle by who he believed was a roofing company.

Theft: 400 block of W. CR10E, a report was called in that someone had taken the rear license plate off of a vehicle.

1 Contacts (x Verbal Warnings – x Written Warnings – 1 Citations – x Summons)

Saturday, September 6

Burglary/Theft/Suspicious: Third Street/Massachusetts Avenue, a business owner called to report that someone was inside her business when she arrived for work.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, Second Street Trailer Parks, Business Checks, Roving Patrols, School Checks, School Zones

Sunday, September 7

Suicide Attempt: 200 block of Second Street, a 31-year-old resident took a handful of medications.

FELONY VIOLATION OF BAIL BONDS / VIOLATION OF PROTECTION ORDER: 200 block of Second Street, a resident called to report that her ex-husband, called her which is in violation of mandatory protection order.

1 contact, 1 written warning

Monday, September 8

Assist Other Agency: Assisted Longmont PD on a stalking case

Civil Service: Civil Papers Served: 1200 block of Cedar Drive

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, Second Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Tuesday, September 9

Suspicious Circumstances: 300 block of Iowa Avenue, a resident reported possibly being stalked;

1 contact: 1 verbal warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Wednesday, September 10

200 block of Common Drive, unregistered vehicle, written warning and given a 72 hr tag

4 contacts, 4 verbal warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Thursday, September 11

Possession of Illegal Narcotics: 800 block of 10th Street, an alert resident reported seeing someone slumped over the steering wheel of a car. A 38 year old male was contacted and was “coming down off a meth high.”

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park, Serenity Ridge

Friday, September 12

Harassment: 400 block of W CR10E, a resident called to report that someone let the air out of all 4 of his tires. He also reported receiving 2 phone calls around 2 am from an unknown number.

Warrant Arrest: a 20 year old male was caught speeding to work on Highway 287 and was issued a citation. He also happened to have a warrant out of Greenwood Village Police Department.

Warrant Arrest: 400 block of Indiana Avenue, Weld County Fugitive Task Force contacted Berthoud deputies’ reference a 20 year old male who they believed was still residing in Berthoud and had four outstanding warrants. Subject was contacted and taken into custody.

Took care of one VIN Check

Parking Complaint on South 9th St.

5 contacts, 1 written warning, 4 verbal warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Saturday, September 13

3rd Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief/DV: 500 block of S. 9th Street, a resident called in to report an assault by an ex-boyfriend.

Follow Up: 200 block of 2nd Street, a Berthoud Deputy was contacted by a resident who wanted to say that she felt that she was still being harassed by her Ex-Boyfriend.

Extra Patrol: Business Checks, Roving Patrols, School Checks, School Zones

Sunday, September 14

Theft: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, a resident called to report that two suspects had stolen money from a coin machine.

4 contacts, 3 verbal warnings, 1 citation

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Sunday, September 14

Theft: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, a resident called to report that two suspects had stolen money from a coin machine.

4 contacts, 3 verbal warnings, 1 citation

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Monday, September 15

Disturbance: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, a 32 year old female and a 37 year old male had gotten into a verbal argument.

MVA Hit and Run: 1000 block of 1st Street, a motorist called to report that someone driving a Silver Dodge Ram pickup truck had hit her car while she was working.

2 Contacts, 1 Verbal Warning, 1 Citation

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Suspicious Circumstances: 1000 block of 6th Street, an unknown subject opened the gate to this abandoned residence. The fence area was checked and the deputy could observe smashed down vegetation by the back fence.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Thursday, September 18

 2nd Degree Tampering: 300 block of E. Iowa: a resident reported unknown suspects threw eggs at his house and toilet paper in the trees. Suspects also placed two large piles of dog feces on the front steps. Suspects also placed 30+ plastic spoons handle down in the ground all through the front yard area.

2 contact: 2 citations

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Friday, September 19

Non-Injury Vehicle Accident: Berthoud High School Parking Lot, in the frenzy of people pulling into the parking lot of Berthoud High School at the end of the parade, a 16 year old backed into another vehicle.  Minor damage to both vehicles.

Citizen Assist: HWY 56/Weld CR 3, a 20 year old man was called in by several passers-by and found walking on the highway east bound to Milliken. Deputy gave him a courtesy ride.

False Information to Authorities: 1000 block of 6th Street Court, a 43 year old intoxicated male called 911 and stated he had been stabbed and hung up. When dispatch called him back he denied calling 911 and would not tell them his address. When deputies arrived the subject was sitting on the porch with his girlfriend and another female who he accuses of trying to stab him. No stabbing occurred.

Assisted with Berthoud High School Homecoming parade and Football Game (42-6 Spartans!!)

1 contact: 1 verbal warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Saturday, September 20

Theft/ Habitual Driver: 500 block of 3rd Street, a 30 year old male walked into the Ace Hardware and stole three remote garage door openers. The suspect was identified and an arrest warrant was filed.

Warrant Arrest: Pyramid Peak and Hwy56: a 31 year old male was observed passed out laying next to the sidewalk partially in the grass. Subject was intoxicated because he just got out of jail and was celebrating. Subject just received a new warrant out of Loveland. While en-route to the jail, the subject vomited in deputy’s vehicle. Sometimes we wonder why we do this job.

6 contacts: 1 suspicious circumstances in trailer park, 1 ordinance violation-written warning,

1 written warning, 3 verbal warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Sunday, September 21

Suspicious Circumstance: E 4th Street & E Iowa, deputy observed a vehicle parked on the side of the road with a subject sleeping in the vehicle.

Family Problems

Suspicious Circumstance: 100 block of 3rd Street, a resident reported his estranged wife was at his house banging on the door and windows.

Family Problems: 200 block of 2nd Street, a parent called after arguing with his 18 year old son , over computer time and house rules.

1 contact: 1 motor assist

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Monday, September 22


Tuesday, September 23

Follow-Up/Arrest for Domestic Violence: 400 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident called when her husband wanted to come back and pick up medications. He was contacted and taken into custody.

Littering/Theft of Services: Called in by builders in Meadowlark Area with local residents dumping trash in the roll off bins on job sites.

Civil Neighbor Issues: 1st Street and Bimson Avenue, neighbors in disagreement over an easment.

Suspicious: 900 block of 2nd Street, an open door was observed at a business. Business was cleared and appeared to be okay.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Wednesday, September 24

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan

Thursday, September 25

DUI: 500 block of 4th Street, a 54 year old woman was called in as a welfare check at 4th St and Mountain Ave. Upon making contact with her and requesting to see her driver’s license, a flask sized vodka bottle was pulled out of her purse and she said, “Well that’s not good.”

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan

Friday, September 26

Theft/Found property: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident reported his mountain bike taken from his front porch last night. A foot scooter was also found at this residence. Scooter possibly belongs to the suspect or an unknown victim of another theft.

Found dogs/Dog bite: 6100 block of Glacier Ave, 2 Bassett Hounds were found. One of the hounds bit the deputy causing injury (but we think the dog will be OK).

Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: Weld CR-44/I25 Park-n-ride: the Program Manager called to report a work vehicle that was parked at the Park-n-Ride was stolen. The program Manager called back later that day and discovered one of their employees drove it home.

DUI / Weaving: 2100 block of N 1st Street, a 31 year old man was observed weaving.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Saturday, September 27

DUI/Failed to stop at a stop light: Arapahoe Ave/Cr 17, an 18 year old man was contacted for going through the red light at CR17 and Hwy 56.

MVA/Following Too Close: 4th St/ Mountain Ave: a 57 year old woman did not observe the car in front of her slowed down for a pedestrian.

Follow-up/Ordinance Violation: 1700 block of Exeter Street, the owner of the two Bassett Hounds yesterday that was issued a municipal ordinance violation for the dogs being out.

Suspicious Circumstances: 8 drums were found holding 10 large fully budding marijuana plants on the north side of Loveland Lake deep in the weeds and tree area.

MVA: 2500 block of Hwy 56, a 60 year old driver hit a loose cow with his truck.

3 contact: 1verbal warning, 1 DUI, 1 MVA with citation

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan

Sunday, September 28

Disturbance: 200 block of W CR10E, a resident of the youth group home, threw a tantrum after receiving a “consequence.”

Child Abuse/3rd Degree Assault: 1000 block of E 5th Ave, a 38 year old man was reported to the HUB by his 16 year old son after the Dad blacked out while drinking and hitting his son

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park,

Traffic Enforcement: Mountain Ave, Spartan Ave

Served 3 Civil papers

1 contact: 1 verbal warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Monday, September 29

DUR/NPOI: 200 block 2nd St.: a 34 year old woman was arrested for driving under revocation and no proof of insurance.

Found Property/Suspicious Circumstances: 900 block of Kansas Avenue, the property owner of this home was cleaning up after renters left the residence destroyed. The owner found a marijuana pipe in the basement where there was evidence of a large marijuana grow.

Found Missing Person: 700 block of 8th Street, Boulder Police Department came in contact with a 27 year old woman who was reported missing.

Criminal Mischief: 800 block of Mount Massive, a resident reported that when he arrived home he found his bathroom destroyed and a curse word spray painted on the wall in the garage.

Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest: 800 block of Mount Massive, a 28 year old man was found to have a warrant out of Larimer County for Failure to Appear for a trial.

Family Problems: 200 block of S 3rd Street, deputies responded twice to the residence tonight for family issues. Several adult children and grand children live at the residence.

Unattended Death: 1500 block of 4th Street, a 47 year old woman, was found unresponsive

1 contact: 1 arrest/DUR

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave., Spartan

Tuesday, September 30

Domestic Violence/Criminal Mischief Follow-up: 800 block of Mount Massive, a 23 year old woman was charged for damaging property.

Animal Call: 1000 block of Berthoud Peak Drive, Homeowner came home to find a raccoon sleeping on their bedroom patio. Through expert negotiation skills, the deputy was able to get the raccoon off the patio.

Civil Problems: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a resident wanted to report an issue he had with an acquaintance over a truck title.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Serenity Ridge.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, 4th Street, Mountain Ave.

Wednesday, October 1

Family Problems: 100 block of Hummingbird Place, a resident called and asked for a welfare check for her husband.

2 contacts: 2 verbal warnings .

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Thursday, October 2

Follow-Up Investigation: Deputy conducted 3 interviews from an Unlawful Sexual contact case. One of the Interviews led to revelation of a new Unlawful sexual contact to another person.

Follow-Up Arrest: 300 Massachusetts Avenue, a 23 year old woman came to the Berthoud Town Hall to turn herself in for Criminal Mischief and Domestic Violence.

3 contacts, 2 verbal warnings, 1 citation.

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17 at Bunyan, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan, 3rd street.

Friday, October 3

Business Assist: 200 Mountain Avenue, Crew came to work this morning and found a broken window in the break room.

Spent time at the Berthoud High School Football game.

4 contacts, 4 warnings

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Saturday, October 4

Violation of Bond Conditions: Welch Reservoir, a 46-year-old intoxicated male that was trying to get people to fight and was now passed out in the gravel in the camping area.

Lost Property: 200 block of E Colorado Avenue, a resident called to report an antique rifle and custom rifle had come up missing from his home.

Driving Under Restraint: Highway 287/CR 6, a 20 year old male was contacted for driving a vehicle without license plate lamps. The driver was found to have a suspended license.

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Bunyan Avenue, a resident called to report that she had received a suspicious letter.

1 contact, 1warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Sunday, October 5

Lost Property: 1100 block of Arapahoe Avenue, a resident called to report she had lost her car keys somewhere between her home and driving to Loveland.

Mental Health Hold: 1300 block of Mount Meeker Av, a mother called to report with concerns about her daughter who wants to hurt herself.

1 contact, 1 warning

Extra Patrols: Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, Gateway Park, Mathews Farm, 2nd Street Trailer Parks.

Traffic Enforcement: CR 17, Hwy 287, Mountain Ave., Stop signs enforcement at 5th Street and Michigan and 4th Street and Bunyan.

Monday, October 6

Attempted 3rd Degree Burglary/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 1100 block of Welch Avenue, Colorado Rapid Car Wash: Unknown individuals attempted to break into a coin machine by hitting it with a sharp object.

2nd Degree Burglary/Theft/Criminal Mischief: 500 block of 2nd Street, Unknown suspects cut a lock and damaged the slide to a storage unit.

Misdemeanor Warrant: 200 2nd Street, a 36-year-old man was contacted during a disturbance at this address. He was found to have a misdemeanor warrant out of Longmont.

Mental Hold: 3rd St/Welch Ave, a 49 year old female was contacted while walking on the railroad tracks and was intoxicated and screaming. She was transported by ambulance to the hospital.

1 contact, 1 verbal warning.

Extra Patrols: 4 Berthoud Schools, Town Parks, 2nd Street Trailer Parks, Mary’s Farm, Gateway Park.

Traffic Enforcement: Mountain Ave, Spartan Ave.

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