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sheriff badge
Provided by
James Anderson
Patrol Sergeant: Berthoud Squad

Tuesday, September 1

Alarm Call: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, Deputies responded to a bank alarm. Alarm was set off accidently by employees

Juvenile Problems: 800 and 900 block of Welch Avenue, Deputy talked with residents on Welch Avenue listening to concerns and frustration that juveniles are trespassing on their property during lunch. Deputy attempted to change the kids’ behavior by directing them to use the sidewalks.

Neighbor Problems: Keep Circle, ongoing complaints between neighbors on Keep Circle. None of the issues are criminal. Suggested a neighborhood mediation to air grievances and resolve hurt feelings.

Wednesday, September 2

Theft: 200 block of 2nd Street, a resident reported someone stole a BMX style bicycle from the side of his mobile home.

Suspicious Incident: 9th Street & Franklin Avenue, kids in the area were reported throwing firecrackers at cars.

Thursday, September 3

Found Property: 600 block of Mountain Avenue, 2 mountain bikes were picked up from the alley of the apartments on Mountain Ave. Apartment manager believes the bicycles have been there for over a week.

Juvenile problems: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, Mother reports that her daughter is being harassed by 12-year-old boy who sits across the street from their house and calls the daughter mean names. This has been going on for a while and now the parents got involved.

Warrant Assist: 1100 block of Arapahoe Avenue, a 33-year-old man was contacted at home in reference to a warrant. He went to the Town Hall and paid his warrant and court costs.

Vehicle Accident Property Damage: 800 block of Holmes Place, a resident was backing out of his driveway when he lost control of his vehicle and accelerated backwards into his neighbor’s home.

Friday, September 4

Fraud by Check: 1000 block of 3rd Street, a resident reported a woman stole a check from him, filled it out and cashed it.

School Program: Deputy spent time speaking with kids at Berthoud Elementary for their After School program.

Identity Theft: 1000 block of Berthoud Peak Drive, a resident reported someone used her and her husband’s Social Security Numbers to file a fraudulent tax return.

Located Runaway Juvenile as an assist to Lakewood Police: 2200 block of Doyle Drive a 17-year-old girl was located at her 22-year-old male friend’s address after posting pictures of her with him on facebook.

Saturday, September 5

Theft: 800 block of Mountain Avenue, a business owner called to report that two groups of juveniles stole some items from his business.

Criminal Mischief: 1500 block of Hollyberry Street, a resident reported that when he closed the door to his vehicle, the back window shattered. A small hole was found on the far right side of the window.

Theft: 500 block of Mt Massive, a resident reported his family’s antique sterling silver monogrammed flatware was taken from his residence.

Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving/ No Proof of Insurance/ Suspicious Circumstances: 400 block of E CR 8, a 26-year-old man was driving his brother’s girlfriend’s vehicle very quickly out of Berthoud when he collided with the back of a church van with 6 children. No indications the man attempted to stop before rear ending the van. The driver’s brother was in the vehicle and after the crash he removed two large immature marijuana plants from the vehicle and threw them across the street into a ditch.

Sunday, September 6

Suspicious/Littering: 100 block of Bunyan Avenue, residents called complaining of a chemical smell and feeling light headed and sick. Smell was coming from a storm drain. It was determined that a tenant “may have dumped fuel” down the drain. This water drains directly into our rivers so never dump chemicals in storm drainage.

Warrant Arrest: 100 block of Bunyan Avenue, while investigating the above chemical odor at a residence, it was determined that the resident had a 13-year-old $300 bond warrant he needed to take care of.

Juvenile Problem: Complaint of youngsters drinking alcohol and armed with bats at Berthoud Park.

Drug Issue: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, nurses called after a patient was found smoking medical marijuana in her bathroom. The patient is allowed to smoke outside, but tonight she was in pain and decided to smoke in her bathroom.

Monday, September 7

Follow Up to a Burglary: 500 block of Mt. Massive Street, a resident reported that he found his antique sterling silver monogrammed flatware in a cabinet.

Municipal Violation: 800 block of Pyramid Peak Street, after being warned, a resident was issued a municipal summons for violation of weeds in the Town of Berthoud.

Tuesday, September 8

Municipal Violation: 100 block of S. 3rd Street, a written warning was given to a resident for two mattresses and some trash bags in the front of the residence.

Municipal Violation: 800 block of 7th Street, a written warning was given to a resident for trash and weeds.

Wednesday, Sept 9

Juvenile Issues: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, assisted with a juvenile issue involving a baseball bat.

Thursday, September 10

Citizen Assist: 300 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a resident turned in a large amount of miscellaneous ammunition to be destroyed. This resident was evacuated from his cabin at Crystal lakes because of the fire, came home to a flooded basement but still had a smile on his face. We now call him Job. (Cabin was not damaged)

Criminal Tampering: 100 block of Keep Circle, a resident called to report that she had got her neighbor on video regularly bringing her dog over to the resident’s yard to relieve itself, then she wouldn’t pick it up and go back home. Really?

Friday, September 11

Driving Under Revocation: Hwy 287 and CR 6, a driver was stopped for a traffic violation. Their driver’s license was revoked.

Vehicle Accident/Following Too Close: Hwy 287 and CR 17, a driver was rear-ended by another vehicle causing moderate damage to her car and minor damage to the other car.

Vehicle Accident: I-25 and Hwy 56 Park-n-Ride, Light pole was hit in the parking lot knocking it down. One vehicle near by appears to be involved but no one around.

Animal Bite: 3400 block of Celestial Drive, a mother was helping her daughter and son-in-law move into their new home and two of the dogs began fighting. The dogs were separated by mom and she was bit on the hand causing a broken finger and puncture marks. Because of the injury the referee called the fight a draw.

Saturday, September 12

Fraud: 400 block of Nebraska Avenue, a resident reported two days ago he sent $2700 via money gram to the Dominican Republic to bail his grandson out of jail in Fulton County, Georgia. (Before you send money from a phone call you received, call us and we will verify or save you from losing lots of money).

Returned Juvenile: 3rd Street and Massachusetts Avenue, a 13-year-old boy was returned to his home and released to his mother after spending the day on the run.

Mental Health Hold: 8th Street and Mountain Avenue, an 18-year-old woman was transported to the hospital after trying to run into traffic twice and banging her head on the ground.

Harassment: 200 block of S 2nd Street, a resident was cited for harassment after he confronted two teens about being outside after curfew and perceived illegal activity at this residence. The resident admitted he made sexual gestures and used offensive names and language towards the juveniles.

Missing/Runaway: 100 block of S 2nd Street, a 13-year-old boy was entered as a runaway after sleeping in the shed the night prior and then leaving later in the morning when his mother left to run errands.

Civil Issue: 1000 block of 6th Street Court, received a call with questions about parental rights given to the grandparents with the mother receiving visitation on weekends.

Welfare Check: 100 block of E Turner Avenue, welfare check at the home when neighbors found two inches of water creeping into their backyard. The deputy shut-off the water but no one would respond to the door. Front door was discovered to be open slightly so a welfare check was conducted inside the residence. No one was home and door was secured.

Sunday, September 13

Neighbor Problems: 600 block of Munson Court, a resident called worried after she observed strange behavior and a letter in her mailbox from one of her neighbors. The resident observed her neighbor watching her children in the back yard and using a flashlight to look through the fence at night. The letter asked them to stop using their backyard fire pit and not to use their fireplace because the neighbor has asthma.

Suspicious Circumstance: CR10E and S Hwy 287, information from a resident was that while she drove under the overpass something hit her windshield causing a large star crack. No vehicles close to her and she could not tell if someone was on the overpass and threw something at her car.

Monday, September 14

Vehicle Trespass: 1300 block of Mt. Meeker, a resident had their vehicle entered. One of the items taken was found at the scene of a separate vehicle trespass. Items collected for processing as possible evidence.

Vehicle Trespass: 1500 block of Chokeberry Street, a resident had their vehicle entered. Items collected for processing with possible evidence.

Warrant Misdemeanor: 1300 block of Mt Meeker, a 22-year-old man was found to have a warrant for his arrest for a traffic offense.

Tuesday, September 15

Warrant Arrest/Driving Under Restraint (cancelled/denied): Mountain Avenue & 3rd Street, a 22-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman were contacted for defective headlamp and each had misdemeanor warrants. The man was arrested and booked for the warrant and driving while his license was cancelled/denied.

Driving Under Restraint (canceled/denied)/Uninsured Vehicle: E. Hwy 56 & Hwy 287, a 38-year-old man was contacted for a defective vehicle. His driver’s license was canceled/denied. The vehicle was also not insured.

Attempted Fraud: 700 block of 7th Street, a resident reported that she posted an ad on Craigslist to sell a dress for $300. However she received a check for $1400 and instructions to use part of the money to mail the dress to a seamstress in New York and the person called from Florida. The return address for the check was Hawaii. All seemed to fishy so she brought the check to town hall. Very alert citizen.

Wednesday, September 16

Juvenile Problem: 900 block of Massachusetts Avenue, a 12-year-old boy was caught attempting to steal an orange juice. School will handle internally. It starts with an orange juice then it will be chocolate milk.

Thursday, September 17

Vehicle Accident: Weld CR7 & Hwy 56, the morning sun blinded a 30-year-old man and he rear-ended, spun, and then took out the front of another vehicle.

Failed To Yield to Emergency Vehicle: While investigating above crash, a 21-year-old man almost smashed into the back end of the fire truck on scene causing both fire fighters to run for cover. The driver stated he was blinded by the sun.

Abandoned Vehicle: 1100 Block of 2nd Street, 1968 Chevy Frito-Lay truck was towed after failing to be moved after 72 Hours.

Friday, September 18

Teacher Awesomeness: Turner Middle School held their quarterly team meeting and invited Deputy Meyer and Deputy Kingston to join them. The entire staff thanked us for what we do in this town and for the schools and the kids.

Animal Call: A Red Tail Hawk with a broken wing and bad attitude. Raptor society responded and transported the hawk for medical care.

Assist: Assisted with the Berthoud Homecoming parade with traffic control. Spartans 24 – Ft Lupton 0

Illegal Parking/Fictitious Plates: Spartan Avenue & S 9th Street, several vehicles were parked in the yellow no parking area. 5 received written warnings and 1 vehicle had cancelled plates by the State of Colorado.

Saturday, September 19

Vehicle Trespass/Theft: 300 block of Michigan Avenue, a resident reported that her vehicle was entered and her purse was stolen. Please lock your vehicles and DO NOT leave valuable items inside.

Abandoned Vehicle: Berthoud Park and Ride, a Mitsubishi Eclipse was towed after failing to be moved after 72 Hours.

Third Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: 4400 block of CR13, a 49-year-old female was arrested for assaulting her husband.

Sunday, September 20

Vehicle Accident: 900 block of Mountain Avenue, a 40-year-old woman took the turn into her parking space too wide and struck another vehicle causing damage to both.

Monday, September 21,

Fraud: 1700 block of Wales Drive, a resident called to report that he and his wife’s Discover Card were compromised back in April.

Vehicle Accident Hit and Run: 2nd Street & S.E. Michigan Avenue, a trailer ran over the curb and damaged some flowers and part of the sprinkler system. Possible the trailer belongs to the construction crew across the street.

Tuesday, September 22

Animal Calls: Bite Report from Larimer Animal Control. A dog was injured and bit the owner when they picked it up to take to the Vet.

Lost Dog found near S 8th Street & Holmes later claimed by owner.

Suspicious Vehicle/Person: 5th Street & Indiana Avenue, vehicle called in as suspicious with front-end damage and a low tire. Vehicle found unoccupied with old damage. 4 hours later a suspicious person is called in wearing PJ pants and nothing else. A 33-year-old man was in the midst of unknown (possible Meth) high and could not sit still or hold a conversation for more than 4 seconds. Medical responded for possible excited delirium.

Wednesday, September 23

Mental Health Hold: 100 block of E Iowa Avenue, a 45-year-old person was taken to the hospital after calling a crisis line for help. Alliance for Suicide Prevention of Larimer County – Phone: (970) 482-2209

View location of Suicide Prevention Center on Map

Family Problems/Mental Health Issues: 1100 block of Navajo Place, a resident reported her husband’s erratic behavior has gotten worse. The man had been staying in an RV on the side of the house or sleeping in the back yard. His wife is afraid to let him in the house since he quit taking his medicine.

Business Assist: 400 block of 5th Street, a business owner called in after receiving information from business clients that they were being signed up for unwanted and inappropriate services. Recent employee let go and all accounts were ones he managed.

Friday, September 25

Suspicious Circumstances: 800 block of Franklin Avenue, a resident reported that staff roughed him up. Through talking with staff it was determined he was not roughed up but he was combative while staff attempted to bathe him.

Dog at Large: 400 block of Indiana Avenue, a resident called to report that her neighbor’s dog breaks through her wooden fence. This happened three times this week and has happened multiple times over the course of several years. Neighbor was contacted and summonsed for Animal At Large.

Saturday, September 26

DEA Drug Take Back: The Berthoud Squad participated in the DEA Drug Take Back and we collected 50 lbs of unwanted drugs.

Family Fun: The Berthoud Squad participated in the 40th Anniversary fair for Ivy Stockwell Elementary, which included a car show and multiple family involved activities.

Sunday, September 27

Vehicle Trespass: 600 block of 5th Street, a resident called to report that someone was actively in his vehicle. Units came into the area within 2 minutes but were too late. A search of the area was conducted but the suspect was gone.

Monday, September 28

Attempted 1st Degree Trespass/Criminal Mischief: 300 block of Massachusetts Ave: a resident had an unknown individual attempt to break into his truck sometime during the Bronco game. Suspect damaged the rear doors and interior in the truck.

Criminal Mischief: CR17 & CR4E: a resident had the glass door to his tractor shot with a BB gun while it was parked in a field near the road. Entire door/window shattered.

Found Property: 200 block of Mountain Ave, Berthoud Fire Station 1: Two ladies dropped off about 10 pounds of miscellaneous prescription type drugs for destruction.

Unsecured Vehicle: 900 block of 5th Street, a vehicle was located with a rear window down. Nothing appeared disturbed inside the vehicle. Berthoud Courtesy Notice left for the owner.

Tuesday, September 29

Vehicle Fire: Hwy 287 and CR8, a driver was traveling west on CR8 when his 1931 Ford Model A engine caught fire. The deputy deployed an LCSO tactical fire suppression dusting agent (fire extinguisher) and put out the fire.

Wednesday, September 30

Assist to Animal Control: 300 block of Victoria Drive, a citizen hears a cat meowing loudly near her front door. She thinks it may be her loving cat Garfield wanting in, so she opens her front door… A black cat with white paws instead runs into her house and begins to climb the cabinets. She eventually locks the cat in the laundry room. Armed with a catch pole, transport kennel, and a crucifix, entry is made into the laundry room and demon cat is excised from its perch. Cat was transported to Larimer County Animal Control. (No animals or citizens were injured in the making of this incident.)


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