Update October 4, 2018
Provided by
Larimer County Sheriff’s Department
Berthoud Squad
Saturday, September 1
Assist to CSP / Motor Vehicle Crash / DUI: CR 23 and CR 6, deputies were requested by State Patrol to respond to a rollover motor vehicle crash. As deputies were walking toward the rolled vehicle, two males could be seen running from the area. Deputies were able to locate the males in a field and detained them. It was later learned there were four males in the vehicle. Extensive searches were completed to included foot and drone resources in hopes of finding the other two males, due to the nature/force of the rolled vehicle and injury concerns. They were not located; however, they all have been identified. This information shared with CSP, who took over call and handled the crash/ DUI.
Sunday, September 2
Motor Vehicle Crash 1st Street and CR 12, a driver was distracted by his cellphone and rear-ended another vehicle. The other vehicle was slowing down for a vehicle turning onto CR 12 in front of him. Cited for careless driving.
Found Property: Curlew Drive, property was found in the Heron Pointe sub-division possibly from a vehicle trespass. Items that were found are a red t-shirt, white Hydroflask, a camera, an old photograph and a bottle of cologne were turned in. I suppose the person who stole the items took his picture in his new shirt while keeping hydrated and smelling good.
Fatal Crash on U.S. Highway 287 south of Berthoud.
Code Enforcement:
Animal Problems – 10
Vehicle Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Problems – 9
Monday, September 3
Assist to State Patrol/ Fatal Vehicle Crash: 2200 Block of Hwy 287, a 38-year-old Longmont man was suspected of being high on meth, marijuana and drunk. He was driving south in the northbound lanes of Hwy 287 as witnesses reported. A Ft Collins couple were driving northbound after dropping their son off at CU. The Longmont man struck the Ft. Collins Couple’s vehicle head on where one person died as a result. Don’t Drink and Drive! What’s so hard to understand?
Assist to Weld County Sheriff / Warrant Attempt: Assisted Weld deputies in looking for a 32-year-old man who has three no bond warrants out of Weld County.
Harassment: Redwood Circle, a 20-year-old man has repeatedly driven by the complainant’s house revving up his engine. The driver of the car denies anything was intentional however multiple videos suggest otherwise. He was issued a Summons. At least smile when you do dumb things, there’s a camera somewhere.
Tuesday, September 4
Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 56 / CR7, a driver was traveling westbound on Hwy 56 when she came over the hill at Weld CR7, she noticed a vehicle that was stopped waiting to turn South on CR7. She swerved to avoid a collision and went off the road. No injuries or damage but did require a tow truck to pull the vehicle back to the road.
Wednesday, September 5
Identity Theft: Maple Drive, a resident reported that an unknown person opened a Verizon account in his name.
Family Problems: Longview Avenue, a woman has been dealing with depression for a long time.
Thursday, September 6
Disturbance: 6th Street, a man and his wife were involved in a disturbance over a birthday party. I’m not blowing up the balloons you blow them up, and just like that the party is ruined.
Minor in Possession of Tobacco: Greenwood Drive, Berthoud Fire was called to this address due to the smell of smoke. It was determined that the 14-year-old was smoking cigarettes in his bedroom and put the cigarette out on the bed mattress. The juvenile was summonsed.
Friday, September 7
Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a driver rear ended a co-worker after an unidentified car slammed their brakes on at a green light for no reason.
Criminal Impersonation/ Possession of Schedule II/ Drove Under Restraint (Suspended and Cancelled)/ Weaving/ No Proof of Insurance/ Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 600 Block E CR8, a 23-year-old Denver man was contacted for weaving. He gave his brother’s name to avoid us finding out that he’s cancelled under one license and suspended on another. K9 sniff lead to meth and a pipe being collected. Booked. Driving and weaving, no license, lied to the cops, stashing dope?! Here’s your sign.
Suspicious Circumstances: CR 13 and CR 12, a resident reported someone was taking photographs of their home. Contacted the photographers and discovered they were taking pictures of their vehicle to post it for sale.
Saturday, September 8
Fraud / Scam / Identity Theft / Crimes Against at Risk Adult: Great Basin Court., a resident and his father reported a possible identity theft/scam situation. They received a letter from GC Services Limited claiming they are in collections for over $5000 because of cellphones purchased through Sprint. A quick online search shows that GC Services may be scammers. Maybe GC stands for Great Cons.
Disturbance: Turner Middle School, Northglenn football team parents and coaches ganged up on one Berthoud football team parent after Northglenn players were ejected from the game and league. Berthoud parent apparently tried to tell the Northglenn parents and coaches how to raise their kids. Northglenn told Berthoud that they better not mess with them because they’re from the city. I guess the city slickers never took on country folk. They are in for a rude awakening.
Sunday, September 9
Traffic Problem: Redwood Circle, a resident was concerned about multiple speeders and loud vehicles in his neighborhood. He said he is consistently having problems with a black sports car that is revving his engine near his house. When you are behind the wheel of a car don’t be a knucklehead!
Disturbance: Hwy 56, several people at a wedding party got into a shoving match, no injuries, by the time deputies arrived, most had left. Spoke to venue and they asked us to do a walk through. no other issues noted. Everything was calm prior to us leaving.
Family Problems: CR 4, a man was concerned that his mother was abusing his grandmother. He stated his concerns were based on the fact that his mother was getting in his grandmother’s face and yelling.
Code Enforcement:
Animal Problems – 8
Vehicle Problems – 9
Other Ordinance Problems – 17
Monday, September 10
Trespass: Wagon Bend Court, a contractor reported a trespass that happened over Labor Day weekend at a home he is building. A resident in the construction area spoke to him about a female he got on video trying to walk in to the owner’s house.
Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft: Hwy 56 / I-25 Park-N- Ride, a woman reported her 2010 white Lincoln Navigator stolen from the Park-N-Ride. Suspects used victim’s credit card at a Walmart in Westminster. Vehicle was later located in Denver.
Tuesday, September 11
Criminal Mischief / Possible Burglary: Wilshire Drive, a resident reported that someone damaged her car while she was on a walk this morning. Someone made circular marks with a sharp object on her passenger side front door. Car was parked inside the garage and the garage door was left open.
Criminal Mischief: E. Colorado Avenue, a resident reported that someone scratched a derogatory word into the side of his pickup truck while it was parked in their driveway.
Wednesday, September 12
Scam: Franklin Avenue, a resident reported that she received a call from someone claiming to be with GRS law firm. The female caller told her that if she did not come up with $500 and put it on a “Green Dot” card they would file a law suit against her. She told them that she knew this was a scam and hung up. The female caller then called the daughter and told her that if she did not pay they were going to have her arrested. She didn’t fall for it either.
Arson / Criminal Mischief: Hillsdale Nature Area, a resident was walking his dog on the walk path and noticed a roll of toilet paper that was smoldering in the tall grass. He put the fire out and noticed that in the restroom along the path there was also a fire that was not actively burning. The toilet paper dispenser was broken off the wall.
Vehicle Crash: 200 block of Mountain Avenue, a Denver man was transporting a statue and when he went over the rail road tracks the statue hit and damaged one of the crossing arms.
Thursday, September 13
Lost Property: 2nd Street, a resident reported they lost their keys somewhere between Mountain Avenue and her home.
Suspicious Circumstances: Kansas, a mother believes that her 18-year-old daughter has become the victim of an online predator. The suspect has made online contact w/the daughter and has become threatening and is now threatening blackmail
Friday, September 14
Disturbance: Likens Drive, a couple of construction workers yelling and screaming at each other.
Suspicious Circumstances: CR 13 and CR 2, people in a vehicle throwing eggs at other vehicles. No one reported damage to any of their vehicles. Were they people or just chickens.
Saturday, September 15
Family Problems: Mountain Avenue, a mother was at her son’s game in Berthoud. she says it is her court ordered day to have her son. When she got ready to leave her son told her his dad wouldn’t let him go with her.
Sunday, September 16
Disturbing the Peace: 6th Street, a resident has a dog that continues to bark and cause a disturbance to the neighbors. Summons issued
Suspicious: Nebraska Avenue, a mom reported that her young daughter was physically abused by her ex-husband. After speaking to everyone involved and looking at the place of occurrence, it is believed this to be an accident where the child fell.
Code Enforcement:
Animal Problems – 8
Vehicle Problems – 8
Other Ordinance Problems – 10
Monday, September 17
Burglary / Theft: Grand Market and N Berthoud Parkway, a contractor reported that his construction trailer was broken into over the weekend and multiple items stolen.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle: Highway 56 and I-25 Park and Ride, the white Lincoln Navigator was recovered by Denver PD.
Motor Vehicle Crash: Hwy 56 and I-25, a juvenile driver failed to yield when proceeding from a stop and struck the side of a truck. Juvenile cited.
Motor Vehicle Crash: Tundra Avenue, last Thursday, a company’s vehicle hit her truck, the company originally said they would pay and now they refused. Fibbers!
Tuesday, September 18
Burglary: Gateway Park Lane, a resident reported someone entered her home during the last 2 weeks and stole cash and jewelry.
Criminal Trespass / Arson: South 9th Street, 2 juveniles unlawfully entered a vehicle and started a fire inside the vehicle. They ran away when the vehicle owner came out of his house to check on his car. The fire was put out by the vehicle owner.
Wednesday, September 19
Suspicious Circumstances: South end of Meadowlark, a report came in that there was a man at this location selling guns. Deputies arrive to find an unoccupied pickup parked at the end. After a while the owner showed up in a motorhome. He did have antique guns he was trying to sell and told deputies he was trying to get some money to turn his life around.
Thursday, September 20
Neighbor Civil Problems: 1st Street, ongoing problem caused by a business owner from this address regarding his neighbor’s trucks causing damage to his parking lot.
Criminal Mischief /Arson: Berthoud Town Park, Berthoud Parks staff reported damage to the bathroom overnight and also reported that someone tried to light a fire in the bathroom over the weekend. The fire evidence was cleaned up by staff and there was no damage. The damage that happened over night involved the bathroom stall door and partition being ripped out of the wall. Construction crew was using the bathroom when I arrived. There was also Donald Trump graffiti in the park. Donald Trump Graffiti? That’s deplorable.
Criminal Mischief / Graffiti: 4th Street, someone spray painted a stencil of Donald Trump by the entrance to the store.
Missing / Found Adult: S 5th Street, a business called us to report that a worker showed up at work yesterday with several injuries. She told co-workers that her ex-boyfriend has been stalking her and showed up in Colorado from another state. He forced her to go to an unknown hotel where he assaulted her. She returned deputy’s voicemail and told him she was fine, in a safe place and did not want any law enforcement assistance. She called her friend at the deputy’s request and was able to confirm that it was in fact the missing woman.
Municipal Violation: Welch Avenue, a report was received about a camper coach behind this residence with people living in it. Deputies contacted a woman who said she was renting from the homeowner. The woman was advised that it was not legal to live in a camper coach per municipal ordinance and she would have to make other arrangements.
Friday, September 21
Possible Elder Abuse: Great Basin Court., a credit union reported suspicious activity on an account belonging to an elderly customer.
Unlawful Possession Controlled Substance / Assault / Possession Drug Paraphernalia: 2nd Street, a woman was out of control and jumped on her father’s back and bit his arm leaving a large bruise. She had numerous syringes and glass pipes with residue, one syringe still had a substance in it that tested presumptive positive for meth.
Vehicle Trespass: SE Frontage Road, a driver reported an unknown suspect broke a window to his vehicle overnight and stole cologne and some tools. At least they will be good smelling crooks
Saturday, September 22
Motor Vehicle Crash: Berthoud Parkway and Mountain Avenue, a driver bumped into another vehicle at the stop light.
Curfew Violation X3: Berthoud Parkway and Mountain Avenue, a deputy stopped a vehicle for one headlight not working at 1:00 am. All three people in the vehicle were under 18 years old. They were just “hanging out”. All three received a summons for being out past curfew. Guardians were contacted, and they responded and picked up the youngsters. The vehicle belonged to a friend of theirs that had been drinking so the vehicle was locked up and left on scene.
Sunday, September 23
Vehicle Trespass: Pyramid Peak Street, a resident had two of his unlocked vehicles entered overnight.
Criminal Trespass: Windom Peak Lane, a resident discovered the passenger side door on her vehicle was wide open and the contents of the vehicle were rummaged through.
Domestic Violence / 1st Degree Trespass / Criminal Mischief: 6th Street, a resident called 911 during a verbal disturbance. After investigation, her ex-boyfriend was arrested and booked on the above charges.
Code Enforcement:
Animal Problems – 7
Vehicle Problems – 15
Other Ordinance Problems – 18
Monday, September 24
Disturbance: Franklin Avenue, two residents were involved in a disturbance over a coffee cup during breakfast. On that note the next Coffee with a Cop will be October 18 at Da Bean.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: N. Berthoud Parkway and Rosewood Drive, two vehicles side swiped each other while in the round-a-bout on Berthoud parkway.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Mountain Avenue, a driver was trying to park his car and hit the vehicle in the parking spot next to him.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Weld County Road 7 and Skyway Drive, a driver was northbound on WCR7 and got too close to the edge of the road and hit a large rock. Moderate damage to the car, very minor damage to the rock.
Tuesday, September 25
Vehicle Trespass: E. Turner Avenue, a resident had her wallet stolen from her vehicle on Sunday night.
Careless Shooting: Clayton Avenue, the owner of Pro Swing batting cages reported that a bullet just came through the wall and hit a patron in the shoulder. Law enforcement contacted 2 rocket scientists, a 26-year-old Berthoud man and a 26-year-old Loveland man. They were detained and claimed to be target shooting in the area. Stupid is as stupid does.
Abandoned Vehicle: 1st Street and Water Avenue, a Subaru Legacy has been abandoned here for the past 6 days. It was tagged on 091818 and towed today.
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Mountain Avenue and 4th Street: a driver was rear ended at the crosswalk near this intersection by another vehicle.
Wednesday, September 26
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Berthoud Parkway and CR 4E, a driver failed to yield the right away at the stop sign and hit an oncoming car. Driver was cited.
Thursday, September 27
Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Hwy56 and I-25 Frontage Road, a driver failed to yield the right of way at the 3-way stop and was hit by the car that had the right of way. Driver was cited.
Friday, September 28
Harassment: Hwy 56 and Larimer CR13, a woman and her daughter reported harassment during a road rage incident. Suspect tailgated them and got out of his car, ran up to their window and proceeded to cuss and call them derogatory names in front of their 3-year-old grandchild. They were able to get a license plate and video of the suspect.
Assist to Berthoud Living Center: Franklin Avenue, staff reported that a patient hit a staff member with a “grabber” as they were trying to move her from one room to another. The infamous “Grabber Bandit” strikes again.
Theft: Stonebrae Court, a contractor reported that an $830 wooden beam was stolen from the construction site. A forklift or something similar would’ve been used and there is one at every job site.
Saturday, September 29
Found Property: 4th Street and Bunyan Avenue, found black / maroon skateboard
Animal Bite / Verbal Disturbance: Woodcock Street, multiple people called to report a male subject throwing and strangling a dog. Deputy arrived on scene and spoke to 2 people on scene. They stated that the dog was attacking a minor child and he did what he needed to do in order to stop the dog from attacking the child.
Minor in Possession/ Alcohol: Welch Avenue and Victoria Street, an intoxicated 14-year-old juvenile was contacted between 2 houses while deputies were on a separate investigation. Juvenile charged with Possession of Alcohol and released to parent.
Missing Juvenile: Spartan Avenue, a 14-year-old female was reported missing. It is believed she has been drinking and is hiding out somewhere. Multiple LCSO deputies were in the area and numerous houses were checked throughout.
Sunday, September 30
Found Missing Juvenile: 3rd Street and Mountain Avenue, the missing juvenile female from last night was found curled up under a blanket behind the Subway. She had a substantially low core temperature and was under the influence of an unknown substance. She was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender: Indiana Avenue, as a result of the above case, deputies contacted a 21-year-old man during their investigation. The man failed to register a change of address with the sex registry which is a felony.
Stolen Plate: 8th Street, a resident reported one of his license plates on a vehicle was removed sometime over the last few nights. I hope it wasn’t the “Grabber Bandit”.
Code Enforcement:
Animal Problems – 5
Vehicle Problems – 12
Other Ordinance Problems – 21 (most were election signs in right of way)