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Sunday, September 1

Assault / Domestic Violence: Common Drive, a woman slapped and scratched her husband which evidence corroborated the story. The Mrs. was booked.

Warrant / Vehicle Crash / Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Assist to State Patrol: Hwy 287/Caballero Way, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on Highway 287 and Caballero Street in rural Berthoud to assist Colorado State Patrol. Witnesses reported the driver of the pickup truck leaving the scene and attempting to run south on Highway 287. Deputies were flagged down by a witness who pointed to a male carrying two backpacks as being involved in the accident. He was transported by ambulance the hospital.

Internet Sexual Exploitation of a Child: Lene Drive, a 12-year-old was sent inappropriate messages and explicit images through the “LIKEE” video app. Suspect’s IP address places him in Iran. Iran, isn’t that East of here?

Monday, September 2

Warrant Arrest: Love’s Travel Center, a 50-year-old man was contacted on directed patrol and found to have 2 warrants for his arrest. Booked.

Disturbance: 7th Street, a 29-year-old man is living here with mom and stepdad because he can’t or won’t keep a job. He was just fired from his job last night. He was at home sitting on the couch, playing video games and a verbal argument began between him and his mom. Stepdad stepped in between them and the son chest bumped stepdad. Stepdad put him in a head lock until he calmed down. Son is going to sleep in his vehicle in the back yard for the night. So, we went from “Go to your room” to “Go to your car” but it just doesn’t have the same effect.

Suspicious Circumstances: Nicholson Street, a female showed up at this house and claimed that she had made a payment to the resident’s home depot account, unintentionally. he told her to leave and later realized that it was true, as he had an extra $50 payment on his account. Now he wanted the female contacted and told not to come back on his property. Sure, he has an extra $50.

Tuesday, September 3

Suspicious Circumstances: Elmwood Street, a 911 call was an open line into with yelling on the phone male female. Someone yelled get out and then a male saying I’m leaving. Someone hung-up the phone. On call back on the line with a female who advised they did not need help anymore and then disconnected. female would not ID herself. Hate to say this but our dispatchers know who you are, even if you do not tell them.

Wednesday, September 4

Fraud: Great Basin Court, a resident reported he received two letters from someone claiming to be AT&T saying he was late on payments. Not out any money.

Driving Under Restraint / Warrant Arrest: North of Berthoud, a 27-year-old Loveland man was contacted for a traffic violation and cited for Driving Under Restraint. His 62-year-old passenger was found to have two warrants for her arrest. You would think after 62 years, a person would finally get it.

Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance / Warrant Arrest: Hwy 56, during an investigation of a disturbance on the lot of the Love’s Travel Center, a 49-year-old Ft. Collins woman was arrested for a warrant. Search incident to arrest yielded a small amount of methamphetamine.

Thursday, September 5

Muni Violation: Jay Place, we assisted town code enforcement for violations of waste being stored outside and a security light violation. The residents were contacted and verbally uncooperative. They were given until next Tuesday to comply or charges will be filed. If they comply, we might just tell them “go to your car”, that seems to work.

Family Problems: Bruce Drive, a resident reported he filed for divorce this morning and his now estranged-wife and children left vulgar hand-written messages on the walls. Parenting 101: don’t teach your kids how to write graffiti.

Vehicle Trespass: 7th Street a resident reported that a knife was stolen from an unlocked vehicle. The knife was described as a “Crocodile Dundee” style knife. Crikey, Crocodiles are easy. They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first. Steve “The Crocodile Hunter” Irwin.

DUI-Drugs / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Capital Reef Court, a 38-year-old Loveland man was contacted on a suspicious circumstances call. He was found to be DUI-Drugs and had a meth pipe in his pocket. But officer, it’s not mine the wind must have blown it in my pocket. (An actual excuse used).

Friday, September 6

Trailer Theft:  

Heron Lakes Pkwy, a landscaping company reported a white 20ft trailer with BLOC logo and numbers containing $50,000.00 of tools and equipment were stolen from the construction site. 

Attempted Kidnaping: Woodcock Street, a resident was checking the windows on her vehicle, when an unknown male pulled up near her in a black Subaru Forester. The male exited his vehicle, while stating something that she could not hear. She said to the man, “what”, as the male grabbed her arm and forced her into the rear seat of his vehicle. He swung the door closed and ran around to the driver side of the vehicle. The door did not close all the way, so she pushed the door back open and ran away to the north. The male was described as tall, 6’0 and lanky, wearing a dark colored hoodie and a white ball cap. The vehicle is described as having a red, orange, or purple rear passenger door and bright blue LED headlights. Our detectives are working this case. If you see this vehicle, call 911, DO NOT approach the vehicle or person.

Saturday, September 7

Recovered Trailer: South Loveland, the stolen trailer from yesterday was recovered in Loveland. Video shows a large dark truck possibly a dually.

Family Disturbance: Wilfred Road, a mom reported that her 22-year-old daughter is possibly on drugs and is freaking out inside the house. Mom said that her daughter slapped her in the face. The father is sitting on the daughter to try and calm her down. Not an MMA move I’ve seen but I guess if it works.

Sunday, September 8

Welfare Check: Railroad Tracks, female sleeping near tracks. She is just laying down on part of the fencing next to the tracks. She has been in the same position for about an hour, and when asked if she is breathing, they said he thought she was just sleeping. Transported to the hospital and then to jail for a warrant.

Monday, September 9

Suspicious Circumstances / Recovery of Stolen Vehicle: Berthoud Cemetery, a Berthoud man and woman were found sleeping in a stolen vehicle. It appears they went there last night, had a little heroin and fell asleep. They did not like being awakend and taken to the jail. Heroin in the cemetery, sooner or later you’re going to find yourself there permanently.

Vehicle Crash: Spartan Avenue, deputies responded to a crash where a vehicle was turning into the high school and signaled a left turn into the student drop off area when a maroon pickup truck passed on the right side and caused a collision.

Theft: Spartan Avenue, a 17-year-old’s driver’s license, credit card, school ID and some money stolen from her wallet while at a dinner after softball practice. Yea but did they take her homework? Shucks No! They left that for the dog to eat!!

Identity Theft: Sioux Drive, a daughter reported her mom is stealing her identity by claiming her and others on her taxes.

Tuesday, September 10

Northern Colorado Methamphetamine, Heroin, Fentanyl Drug Trafficking Organization: A house on Bruce Drive was the target early this morning for a SWAT operation for a search and arrest warrants for Organized Crime, Conspiracy to Distribute Illicit Drugs, Money Laundering, and plethora of added charges. This was a large-scale operation and several houses were hit in Larimer County and the metro area.

Welfare Check: Massachusetts Ave a 63-year-old woman wrote a rambling letter to Town of Berthoud about extreme noise, her PTSD etc. The woman was contacted at home and given some resources on dealing with the legal noise going on outside her apartment. 

Disturbance: Loves Travel Stop, a man was sleeping on the sidewalk They have asked him to leave but he is refusing and became upset that they called the cops on him and is currently arguing with another employee. The man was taken off the property.

Wednesday, September 11

Violation of Protection-At Risk Adult: Brant Street, a 22-year-old man violated a protection order by contacting his dad. The son was interviewed on the phone but refused to meet, he sounded under the influence and was driving around near a construction site. The son was later located in Timnath and arrested.

Vehicle Crash / Property Damage: Mountain Ave. and 10th Street, a driver was cited for an accident where he hit another vehicle.

Harassment: Spartan Avenue, a driver was involved in a crash yesterday and is now being harassed via text and phone.

Transient Problem: 200 block of Turner Avenue, a business owner states that there is a transient camp on the west side of her business. she has not seen any people there but can see trash and a few tarps located near the big tree on the west side of the building. No one was around when checked.

Driving Under Restraint: 1st St. / Bunyan Ave. a 33-year-old Loveland man was stopped for going 50 mph in a posted 30 mph zone. His license was found to be cancelled. Issued citation and Proof of Service.

Family Problems: Greenwood Drive, a 15-year-old and his mom were in a verbal altercation about school grades. Stepfather stepped in between them as they were pushing each other. Did the boy expect his mom to throw him a party because of his “F’s?”

Thursday, September 12

Intimidation of a Victim: The driver of the car involved in Monday’s crash continued to call and harass the victim of the crash and the victim’s business. Warrant will be sought as the man as will not return phone calls. 

Furnishing Tobacco Products to Minor: Redwood Circle, a 19-year-old Loveland man supplied Vape pens to Berthoud minors who attend Berthoud Schools. Summonsed. News Flash kids, people are dying because of using vape pens?

Friday, September 13

Family Problems: Gateway Blvd, a woman reported her ex-husband was harassing her. Investigation continues.

Criminal Mischief: E Indiana Ave – Two juveniles have admitted to causing damage to the Men’s bathroom at Pioneer Park. Investigation continues.

Saturday, September 14

 Harassment: Berthoud Living Center a 70-year-old man pushed an 87-year-old man being loud.

Juvenile Problems-Graffiti: Berthoud Elementary, Staff saw and identified two boys near a tree in the front parking lot area. When they saw the teacher, they both took off on bikes. Staff found empty spray paint cans and graffiti on the tree right next to where they were sitting.

Habitual Traffic Offender / Driving under Revocation / Expired Plate: Mountain Ave / 5th Street, a 44-year-old Berthoud man was seen driving and found to be revoked HTO. Unable to conduct a traffic stop due to the deputy responding to a priority call. Constant issue with him driving revoked (27 active restraints). Will attempt to locate him or a warrant will be sought. 

Scam: Capitol Reef Street, a resident reported she gave her Social Security Number and bank account info to a company known as “JPay” thinking it was Apple. Bank and Social Security requested the report. With all of the scams and people losing money why not contribute to the SARF Foundation, which is a worthy cause. SARFF = Sergeant Anderson’s Retirement Fund Foundation.

Habitual Traffic Offender / Driving Under Revocation / Speeding: Berthoud Pkwy / Lake Av, a 40-year-old Loveland man was stopped for speeding (52/35). Driving status was Revoked – HTO. I have no license so I will drive badly to draw attention to myself.

Sunday, September 15

Vehicle Crash / DUI-Drugs / Possession of Schedule II Drugs / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: 1600 block of SE Frontage Road, a 51-year-old woman was traveling south when she went off the right shoulder, corrected and rolled the vehicle. The woman was ejected as she had no seatbelt on. Meth found in her purse and vehicle. Refused a chemical test. Suffered three broken ribs, and an open ankle fracture.

Disturbance: Franklin Avenue, a 59-year-old woman, grabbed a 100-year-old woman by the shoulder; after the two had a minor wheelchair collision. Both wheelchairs were still drivable so neither one was towed after the crash.

Monday, September 16

Detox Hold: Bruce Drive, a resident called 911 after trying to kick an unwanted person out of her home. This person was transported for a Detox hold due to being under the influence of an unknown drug that made him very delusional.

Vehicle Crash: Berthoud Pkwy / Woodcock St. two vehicles were involved in a motor vehicle accident with no injuries and minor cosmetic damage to vehicles. A citation was issued.

Harassment: Jay Place, a resident took it upon his self to shine a very bright light into the neighbor’s house because they do not get along.

Tuesday, September 17

Assist: CR8 and Bothun Road, assisted in traffic control around a cut gas line.

Abandoned Vehicle Towed: Mountain and Gateway Blvd. A green Honda Civic was tagged but hasn’t been towed. It appears they took off the original tag, so they are aware. Vehicle towed.

Wednesday, September 18

Vehicle Crash: Welch Avenue, a garbage truck clipped a phone wire or cable wire and it broke. We will find out if it’s phone or cable when complaints come in about not being able to watch the Bachelor.

Theft: 7th Street, a resident was on vacation and his license plate was taken some time during then.

Smoking Violation: Heron Point, the next-door neighbors kept smoking outside of her apartment. she asked them not to smoke because she has asthma and the female tenant got angry and slammed the door.

Disturbance: Massachusetts, a resident did not like the visitor her roommate had over so a verbal disturbance was over the visiting woman saying she can “#@%$*ing” come over when she likes. She said that if the woman shows up again, she is going to grab the female’s hair and throw her down the stairs. She was told of all the ways that would be a bad choice if she did that. I believe we will be back.

Thursday, September 19

Suspicious Circumstances: Hwy 56 and CR13, we received a report about several black unmarked SUV’s driving through town with red and blue lights and sirens. Deputies located the vehicles and they were part of a funeral procession. It’s the black helicopters we are watching for, not the black SUV’s.

Traffic Issue: S 5th Street and Spartan Avenue, a resident reported watching a woman pick her kids up from Ivy Stockwell on a gold golf cart and proceed to take them home running through stop signs and almost getting hit. he has seen the female in the gold cart drive carelessly in the past, but today she and her kids were almost hit by a truck. It only takes one with this kind of behavior that will eliminate the use of golf carts in town.

Suspicious / Assault: Meadowlark Drive, an Uber driver found a female walking along the road. the female said she was assaulted. The female is telling the driver she needs a ride to Littleton. The woman stated her sister slapped her across the face but did not want “cops” involved.

Friday, September 20

Criminal Mischief / Harassment: Mountain Ave, staff at the Coffee reported that a group of teenagers were being inappropriate with a female employee, refused to leave and damaged a tip jar and some signs.

Family Problems: Bristlecone Court, a husband is currently at home and should be at work. The wife states that he won’t leave the house and he is just wanting to stay at home and fight. Husband went to work at our request.

Saturday, September 21

Trespass / Assist To BNSF: CR15A and CR15, the same guy that got ran over by the train while sleeping between the tracks a couple of weeks ago was called in for sitting on the railroad tracks again. He was intoxicated and issued another summons. One of these days we are going to be too late.

Warrant Arrest (F): Lissa Drive, a 22-year-old man contacted at his workplace and attempted to run when he observed Deputies walking toward him. He decided to stop once Deputies ran after him and was taken into custody. Booked.

Sunday, September 22

Warrant Arrest (M): Douglas Place, a 49-year-old man was contacted at his residence for a warrant. Booked. 

Vehicle Trespass: 8th Street, a resident just came out and found that someone broke out the passenger side window of her vehicle, occurred sometime after 8pm last night.

Monday, September 23

Traffic Problem: Loves Travel Stop, received a report that a white semi parked on north side of road is parked on the shoulder in front of the sign that says left lane must turn lt. Caller is concerned it is a traffic issue.

Family Problems: Chokeberry Street, a resident reported her ex-husband has been harassing her by email and has threatened to come to Colorado. She says she can’t get a protection order because the judge didn’t feel it was necessary. When she talks to him about his divorce obligations, she says he belittles her, calls her names, is belligerent, and she is concerned. In the last email he said he would see her on Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 24

Warrant: Love’s Travel Center, a 37-year-old Arvada man was contacted and found to have a warrant. Booked into Weld County Jail.

Juvenile Problem: Bunyan Avenue, a resident has had issues of kids at the school bullying her kids. Today when her son got off the bus, the boys stopped him from getting off the bus and then circled around him and started shoving him. All of the parents were called, and the kids were talked to.

Wednesday, September 25

Harassment: Woodcock, a resident stated that a male on Facebook is accusing her boyfriend of having an intimate relationship with his wife. the male and female live in Georgia and her boyfriend does not know them. The male claimed that he was planning to sue them. Deputy explained that this was likely a scam set up to eventually request money in exchange for dropping the lawsuit.

Traffic Problem: Hwy 56, a driver would like to report a reckless motorcycle driver who made a dangerous lane change. The driver followed the motorcycle to a bar in Berthoud. Summons issued.

Thursday, September 26

Family Problem: Caballero Street, a family dispute led to a physical altercation between an intoxicated man and his wife. The man grabbed his wife by the arm and threw her to the ground, causing pain. Caballero is Spanish for gentleman. Guess he didn’t get the memo.

Family Problem: Memory Lane, a resident reported that her husband’s ex-wife was not allowed on her property and demanded she be charged. She asked the ex-wife to leave and she did. Deputies spoke to the ex-wife and she confirmed when she was asked to leave, she left immediately. Woman you don’t like comes on your property. She is asked to leave, and she does so. Sorry but no charges.

Friday, September 27

Vehicle Crash / Hit and Run: Berthoud Pkwy and Grand Market, a 27-year-old Denver woman caused a crash and ran after allowing the victim to take a photo of insurance card. She also has a warrant for her arrest. No wonder she ran.

Disturbance: Jay Place, a resident was out front, said his 17-year-old brother and his friend are trying to beat him up. They stated they would stay separated for the night.

Saturday, September 28

Suspicious Circumstance: Longview, a 16-year-old boy made a comment on Snap Chat asking for a gun. The boy denied this of course. Referral will be made to his court ordered therapist.

Welfare Check: Hwy 56, a driver just saw two men walking on the shoulder. The two males were at the derby and called for an UBER, when the uber arrived the driver began to take them out of town, on Hwy 56 when they actually wanted to go to 4th and Welch. The two men got out of the uber and began to walk back to town. They were offered a ride from deputies, but chose to walk after being asked about weapons. A little nervous, are we?

Suspicious Circumstances: Bunyan Avenue, it was reported that a man in a bathrobe was outside yelling. When contacted he reported he was yelling at his dog to come home. A man outside in a bathrobe yelling at his dog. Nope, nothing I can say can get rid of the visual.

Sunday, September 29

Suspicious Circumstances: Canyonlands and Ellie Way, a resident thinks there are kids outside trying to steal things. She saw them out running around and a vehicle also driving around w/out lights.

Loud Party: Mount Rainier, a complaint of a large party that was getting too loud. Approximately 10 people having a party and said they would quiet down. Yelling at the Bronco game no doubt.

Monday, September 30

Suspicious/ALPR Hit: Grand Market Av and Prairie Star, an ALPR (Automated License Plate Reader) alerted to a warrant on a vehicle that had passed by. Deputy observed that there was a warrant attached to the license plate for a 45-year-old Grand Junction man. The deputy conducted a traffic stop and contacted the female driver and she stated that she did not know who that man was but stated that her insurance/registration information was sent to her old address in Greeley, Colorado, and she was afraid he may have got another title to her vehicle.

Family Problems: Sioux Drive, an e-mail sent to the sheriff’s ADA Coordinator stated, a 65-year-old man threated a woman. The email was vague and did not list names, information was gathered on a knock and talk, and the accusations were false.

Vehicle Crash / Private Property: Love’s Travel Center BER – One Semi backed into another. Written Warning for unsafe backing issued to at fault driver.

Vehicle Crash / Non-Injury: 1st. Street, a driver was traveling north on 1st Street when the driver of the vehicle in front of her applied his brakes suddenly due to a vehicle making a sudden turn in front of his vehicle. Bada Bing, Bada BOOM.

Harassment / Warrant Arrest: 10th Street, a 71-year-old man slapped a female medical assistant on the buttocks during his medical appointment. He was booked on a warrant and charged with Harassment.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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