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September 1 -5

Wednesday, September 1

Possible Animal Neglect: Hwy. 287. – A neglect complaint was followed up at a local business regarding the neglect of several llamas on the scene. Animal control will follow up.

Thursday, September 2

Motor Vehicle Accident: N. Berthoud Pkwy. / Grand Market Dr. – Male driver continued through the turn only at the roundabout and hit another vehicle.

Motor Vehicle Accident: N. Berthoud Pkwy / Woodcock St. – Female driver did not yield entering the roundabout and hit another vehicle.

Driving Under the Influence: W. CR4E / S. Hwy 287 – Male was stopped for not displaying lights and weaving. The driver did not complete voluntary roadside maneuvers in a manner consistent with sobriety and was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Friday, September 3

Missing / Returned Runaway: Berthoud: – Juvenile male left home in the morning because he did not want to go to school. Confirmed with Thompson Valley High School that he did not show up for class. Entered as missing, a Be On the Lookout (BOLO) was sent out, and the area was checked as he does not drive. The juvenile male later returned home.

Prohibited Use of a Weapon / Disorderly Conduct: E Colorado Ave. – A male was intoxicated and upset that his grandparents were at the residence. He told them to leave while holding a rifle and screaming. No injuries and no one felt threatened. The male was issued a summons.

Second-Degree Burglary / Theft: Heron Lakes Pkwy. – An unknown suspect entered an open garage and took a medical device and a set of golf clubs (total value $15,800) No suspect information at this time.

Saturday, September 4

Nothing of Significance to note.

Sunday, September 5

Harassment: Mount Massive St. – Female reported harassing behavior by her ex-boyfriend since she started a new relationship. No crimes were substantiated. Residence placed on extra patrol list.

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: 8th St. & Welch Ave. – A juvenile bicyclist was struck by a vehicle. The juvenile only sustained scrapes and bruises. Investigation showed the juvenile did not stop at the stop sign and the driver of the vehicle was traveling well below the speed limit. The juvenile was released to the parents after being cleared by medical on scene.

September 6-12

Monday, September 6

Unattended Death: North County Road 31 Male was bitten by a rattlesnake after attempting to kill it after it bit his dog. The man entered the front door, told his wife that he had been bitten then collapsed, becoming unresponsive, and stopped breathing. The man’s wife immediately started CPR until a deputy, who was the first on scene, took over until paramedics arrived. The man was pronounced deceased on scene.

Harassment / Domestic Violence: SE 4th ST. – A female slapped her husband repeatedly across his face leaving a red mark. She was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Second-Degree Assault: Welch Ave. – A man was assaulted at a local Berthoud bar and was given a ride to the hospital by a friend to receive stitches. It was later determined that the man had fractured a piece of cartilage in his airway which caused his airway to close. Before law enforcement arrived, the man was being intubated and could not provide a statement. The follow-up is to be conducted for witness statements and video of the incident.

Robbery: Mountain Ave. – A man went to 7-Eleven to buy beer and when he was refused service due to it being after the allotted time to sell beer, the man made threats to staff and walked out with the case of beer without paying. The man was located a short time later and taken into custody without incident.

Tuesday, September 7

Violation of a Protection Order: Douglas Pl., a man texted and called another in violation of a protection order. The man is currently living in Colorado Springs. Warrant to follow.

Wednesday, September 8

Suspicious Circumstances: Franklin Ave – A female reported to county Human Services that her care was being neglected at the care and rehab facility.

Forgery/Mail Theft: Pyramid Peak St – A resident reported a check being cashed for $2,575.96 that she did not authorize. The check was found to be forged and stolen from the mail.

Recovered Stolen Plates: E Hwy 56 – Loveland PD recovered the license plates from a stolen vehicle case from Berthoud. The suspect appears to be stealing and swapping plates that are similar to the stolen vehicle which is a 2018 Ram 2500.

Criminal Mischief: E Iowa Ave – Unknown suspect shot the windows of a vehicle. Damage involved two windows.

Thursday, September 9

Vehicle Theft: Barela Drive, a male resident had his 2021 red Honda CRV stolen from inside his open garage by three subjects around 03:45. Keys were left inside the vehicle.

Friday, September 10

Possible Sex Offense: 2nd St – Female reported a possible sexual assault with a suspect that occurred a month ago. Investigations notified.

Saturday, September 11

Assault: N County Road 19 – Female was involved in a disturbance with her husband and her brother-in-law where she woke up on the ground with an injury to the back of her head. Parties had been drinking and she is unsure of how she ended up on the ground injured. Investigation is ongoing.

Criminal Mischief: W CR 14 – Two mirrors stolen off a resident’s vehicle.

Harassment/Domestic Violence: Westport Ave – A female got into an argument with her husband over the covid vaccine. She punched him several times in the face and followed him around the house yelling at him. Booked.

Domestic Violence/Revenge Porn: Rubinette Ln – Male distributed videos of a female performing sexual acts to a group chat. Further follow-up is pending.

Warrant Arrest: Rubinette Ln. – Female was contacted with a misdemeanor warrant and booked.

Assist to Medical/Overdose: Grand Market Ave. – Man was found unconscious and not breathing. He was revived after CPR and Narcan were administered by EMS. He was transported to the hospital in stable condition. Drug paraphernalia on scene and fentanyl pills were located in the man’s wallet.

Sunday, September 12

Burglary: Danzante Bay Ct – A home under construction was burglarized but the only thing taken was spray paint. Occurred at 0300 hours and the suspect vehicle is a white Chevy Express work van and a silver or light gray Jeep Gladiator. Scene processed by evidence tech.

DUI/Careless Driving/Warrant: S Highway 287- Male driver was driving his Jeep northbound on Highway 287 just south of Highway 56 when he lost control and rolled into a ditch. He admitted to consuming alcoholic beverages prior to driving and indicia of marijuana concentrate was found at the crash scene. His wife arrived on the scene and was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

September 13 – 19

Monday, September 13

Vehicle Trespass: Heron Lakes Pkwy – Male reported his vehicle’s lock was broken out by an unknown suspect at a construction site.

Cold Theft: Nicholson St – Construction company reported theft of lumber from three different sites from mid-July through mid-August.

3rd Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief x 2/Domestic Violence x2: Sioux Dr – A male was slapped by his spouse multiple times and also broke a cellphone and a tablet that totaled $1700 in damage. The male broke the female’s cellphone in retaliation that totaled $1000 in damage. Both individuals were booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

Tuesday, September 14

Juvenile Problems: Berthoud – A student was issued a summons for possession of THC and released to a guardian.

Mental Health Hold: Tabor St – Female attempted suicide and was transported to the hospital for a mental health hold.

Wednesday, September 15

Trailer Theft: Greenwood Dr – A flatbed trailer was stolen from a construction site.

Theft/Attempted Vehicle Theft: Vantage Pkwy – An unknown individual attempted to steal an excavator. They were unsuccessful; however, the suspect did steal fuel.

Trailer Theft/Recovery: Water Ave – A stolen flatbed trailer was recovered as abandoned at a construction site. It appeared when the suspect drove the excavator onto the trailer, they drove the tracks of the excavator onto the wheel well of the trailer, which caused the wheel well to become pinned to the wheel, making the trailer unmoveable.

Thursday, September 16

Juvenile Problems: Berthoud – A student was issued a summons for possession of THC and released to a guardian.

Assist to Medical:  Mountain Ave – Female reportedly overdosed on prescription pills in what was thought to be a suicide attempt. When the female was being treated by EMS, she became uncooperative and control holds had to be utilized.

Motor Vehicle Accident: W CR 8/HWY 287 – Female driver failed to yield right of way when making a left turn causing an accident involving multiple vehicles. At-fault driver summonsed.

Vehicle Theft: Blue Bell Rd – A white Toyota Tacoma was stolen overnight with thousands of dollars of construction and hunting equipment in the truck.

 Friday, September 17

Theft: E Nebraska Ave / Spring Beauty Dr – A Caterpillar 277B skid steer with hydraulic post pounder attachment was stolen sometime the day prior after 1530 hours.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Ave – Female arrested on two outstanding warrants.

Hit and Run: Welch Ave – A male riding a black Harley Davidson motorcycle struck the front passenger side of a parked brown Dodge pickup truck, causing scratches and a dent to the bumper of the pickup truck.  The male riding the black Harley Davidson motorcycle rode off without reporting a motor vehicle accident to law enforcement.

Saturday, September 18

Nothing of significance to note.

Sunday, September 19

3rd Degree Assault/Domestic Violence: S CR 27E – A female grabbed her husband’s arm during an argument. Booked in at the Larimer County Jail.

September 20 – 26

Monday, September 20

Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substances/Warrant Arrest x2: CR 23 – A female and a male were both booked at the Larimer County Jail for outstanding warrants. Methamphetamine was found on the male during a search subsequent to arrest and additional charges were added.

Tuesday, September 21

Criminal Impersonation/Fraud: Red Wheat Ln – Female reported her credit card was used fraudulently for numerous purchases. All purchases are from online retailers and there is no suspect information available at this time.

Fraud: E CR 4 – A resident reported they had an altered check cashed for a larger amount. The investigation is ongoing.

Wednesday, September 22

Assist to Medical: Franklin Ave – Male was called in for being aggressive towards staff at a business and getting violent. The male was agitated and aggressive but was able to be de-escalated by deputies and he agreed to be taken to the hospital, where he was medically cleared.

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Dr – Male was taken into custody and booked for an outstanding warrant.

Thursday, September 23

Criminal Mischief/Theft: 2nd St – A group of juveniles cut the lock off a dumpster that was located on the property. Video surveillance was collected. The juveniles took a trash bag but nothing of value.

Consumption of Cannabis: Mountain Ave / 2nd St – Male was called in for a welfare check. Upon pulling up, with kids present, the male was actively “hitting” his homemade bottle bong. The male was issued a Municipal summons.

Suspicious Circumstances: Lake Hollow Rd – Male reported that he discovered his 12-year-old daughter has been communicating with a “boy” she met on Fortnite. It is possible that the “boy” lives outside of the US. Concerning text messages found regarding a possible relationship. The Investigations Unit was notified for further investigation.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle: CR 21/Lake Hollow Rd – A motorcycle was seen being loaded into a car by three individuals and was called in as a suspicious circumstance. The motorcycle was found to be stolen out of the Lakewood Police Department. No suspect info.

Warrant Arrest: S Hwy 287 – Female was contacted and arrested for an outstanding warrant.

Friday, September 24

Suspicious Circumstances: 6th St – A resident reported her brake lines were cut on her vehicle after taking it into a mechanic shop. An investigation revealed the brake line damage was most likely a natural split. There were cameras on the property directly facing the vehicle, and no activity was observed. Nothing criminal substantiated.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Hwy 287 / Hwy 56 – A driver turned in front of an oncoming vehicle, causing a front-end collision. Both vehicles were towed. Citation issued to the at-fault driver.

Saturday, September 25

Domestic Violence/3rd Degree Assault/Criminal Mischief x2/Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance & Drug Paraphernalia: N Highway 287 / N Berthoud Pkwy – A female and male were contacted as part of a rolling disturbance. After the investigation, it was found that the female struck the male in the face, causing injury. During the same altercation, the male exited the vehicle and threw the female’s phone and car keys, causing damage to both. A loaded syringe and baggies of methamphetamine were found in the female’s purse. Upon arrival at the jail, a baggie of a white substance was found on the male’s person. Both parties were booked.

Domestic Violence/Harassment: W County Road 14 – Male grabbed a female by the neck during the argument and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Sunday, September 26

Domestic Violence/Reckless Endangerment x2/Prohibited Use of Weapons/DUI: A female called in to report her husband was highly intoxicated in the home and she did not feel safe. Upon arrival, the male was observed driving away from the residence. He returned to the residence and became verbally uncooperative with deputies and made comments about “a blood bath would occur.” The male eventually was able to be deescalated. The male did not perform voluntary roadside maneuvers consistent with sobriety. The investigation also revealed the male was recklessly handling and pointing his hunting rifle, placing his wife and daughter in the line of fire. The Male was arrested and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Vehicular Eluding/DUID/Reckless Driving/Possession of Schedule II Controlled Substance: Highway 287 – Female driver began Tailgating a patrol vehicle at 95 MPH while they were enroute to a motor vehicle accident. A vehicle stop was attempted and the driver fled at 95 MPH. The Longmont Police spiked the vehicle at Highway 66 and Highway 287. The pursuit was discontinued and Longmont Police stopped the vehicle shortly thereafter. The driver was taken into custody and showed signs of being under the influence of drugs and admitted to taking methamphetamine. The passenger was found to have a fentanyl pill in his possession. Both were booked. Special thanks to Longmont PD for their assistance.

Found Property: Sandi Ln – A female located a bag of keys on CR29/CR12 while riding her bike.

September 27 – 30

Monday, September 27

Forgery: South 9th Street -Male sold a vehicle that he and his partner were still making payments on. Male forged the female’s name and signature on the paperwork.

Motor Vehicle Theft: Urban Place – Male reported that his Caterpillar 236 Skid Steer had been stolen over the weekend. This is the 2nd Caterpillar Skid Steer theft in Berthoud in a couple of weeks. No suspect information is known at this time.

Suspicious & Towed Vehicle: Canyonlands Street / Lene Lane – A dark blue Infinity parked on the side of the road without plates and the keys sitting on the passenger seat. The car belonged to a man out of Evergreen but not reported as stolen. The vehicle was towed and shortly after a woman walked around the corner and said it was her car. Someone stole her muffler so she can’t pass emissions so she can’t get new plates so she just took them off. It appears she parks down the street and around the corner to meet up with a fella a few houses up. Something tells me there’s shenanigans going on here.

Tuesday, September 28

Vehicular Eluding: Victoria Street – A grey Mazda 3 sedan with a stolen Missouri temp tag was seen leaving from the garage of residence after previously avoiding contact in the area. The plate was determined to be stolen out of Denver PD. A high-risk stop was initiated but the driver took off. A pursuit was initiated southbound on Weld County Road 1. The pursuit was discontinued at Highway 66 for public safety. A warrant will be sought for the driver’s arrest.

Wednesday, September 29

Warrant Arrest: Mountain Avenue – Male was called in as a welfare check after he was observed talking to himself, cursing, and slamming cans on the ground. He was checked out and cleared by medical, then booked on an outstanding misdemeanor warrant.

Thursday, September 30

Nothing of significance to note.


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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