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September 1 – 4

Thursday, September 1

Fraud / Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, a credit union called and stated a young girl lost her wallet in Longmont, and someone used her debit card. Later that same day a man called the credit union and stated he found this girls wallet and wanted her information to meet with her. No information was given by the credit union, but they did get his phone number. Deputies met with the man and retrieved the wallet and Longmont PD is investigating him for the debit card use. Wallet returned to the owner. Give me a young girls information so I can meet with her. Ain’t going to happen pal! Where’s Dateline’s Chris Hansen when you need him?

Friday, September 2

DUI / Speeding / Open Container: Hwy 287, a driver was stopped for doing 90 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. Refused roadsides. Blood draw and booked. A speeding drunk, nothing bad could happen here.

Eluding /Motor Vehicle Theft /Burglary / Driving Under Revocation:  / Expired Plates / Reckless Driving: 3800 E HWY 56, a male driver and an unknown female passenger eluded in a black 99 GMC Jimmy. Pursuit was terminated on southbound I25. The male suspect was observed approaching other vehicles in the Loves parking lot in what appeared to be a narcotics exchange prior to the pursuit. The man has 3 warrants out for his arrest also. Another warrant is forthcoming.

Saturday, September 3

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run / Following Too Close / No Valid Driver’s License: N Berthoud Parkway / Hwy 287, a driver collided into the back of another vehicle at this intersection. The man left the scene and drove through multiple neighborhoods trying to lose the other driver who was following him. The man was stopped by deputies and lo and behold he did not have a valid Driver’s License. He was cited. 

Fictitious Plates: 3800 E Hwy 56, a female driver was contacted for fictitious plates on her vehicle. Summons issued.

Sunday, September 4

Driving Under Revocation – Habitual Traffic Offender / Speeding: Hwy 287 / County Road 8, a male driver was stopped for speed and found to be Revoked – HTO. The man was cited and provided with a Proof of Service of the status of his license. 

Verbal Disturbance: 8th Street, one of our frequent flyers was yelling at patrons in a Business at this location. The man left on foot with his dog and when deputies attempted to speak to him, he just yelled profanities at them and continued to walk away.

Habitual Traffic Offender: 3800 Hwy 56, a male driver was contacted on a traffic stop and found to be a Habitual Traffic Offender. Booked. 

Felony Warrant / Possession of Schedule I & II / Paraphernalia / Fictitious Plates: 3800 E HWY 56, a man and woman were contacted in a truck with stolen number plates. A search found methamphetamine & paraphernalia. The woman had a felony warrant and was transported to the Weld County Jail. The man was cited and released on scene. 

September 5 – 11

Monday, September 5

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 24-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted and found to have a warrant for his arrest. Booked.

Warrant Arrest / Eluding / Conspiracy to Elude / Obstructing Peace Officer / Fraud / Paraphernalia /Fictitious License Plate: Berthoud Bypass & Hwy 287, a 44-year-old Loveland woman eluded as the driver with an unknown passenger from a traffic stop. Both parties bailed on foot within 200 meters of the driver’s home in Loveland. A K9 track led to this address. Subjects at this house provided written permission to search the house and property which resulted in 3 other men being arrested on outstanding warrants. Warrant forthcoming for the driver who was not found. Mondays are always 3-for-one days.

Tuesday, September 6

Assist to Fire Department / Structure Fire: Manzanita Drive, a pile of oily rags caught fire from spontaneous combustion and set a structure ablaze at this location. Multiple fire departments responded and were able to contain fire from spreading to other homes. Praise goes to the fire departments for their quick response and action which saved the house.

Wednesday, September 7

AOA Denver PD: Hwy 56 / Weld County Road 5, a license plate check led to a Felony Menacing suspect from Denver PD. The driver was detained while deputies conducted a vehicle search per Denver PD request. The driver was identified for Denver PD and she, along with the vehicle, was released. 

Thursday, September 8

Recovered Stolen License Plate: 2nd Street & Bunyan Avenue, a stolen Colorado plate was found on a vehicle it was not assigned to. It was reported stolen in 2019 in Boulder. The vehicle had not been driven for a couple of years.

DUI: Berthoud Parkway & Grand Market Avenue, a 56-year-old Berthoud woman was contacted as she was stopped in the middle of Highway 287 & Berthoud Pkwy. The driver failed roadsides and completed a blood draw. Booked. It was so nice of this lady to stop and wait for us albeit it was in the middle of a busy highway but none the less she waited.

Fraud / Theft: Heron Lakes, a resident gave an unknown person her Apple ID password and lost $8,000+. Investigation continues.

Friday, September 9

Eluding / Expired Registration: 3800 E. Hwy 56, a traffic stop was attempted for expired registration on a blue/purple Chevy Malibu with a lime green pin strip and a white light bar on the front grill. The vehicle failed to yield going east on Hwy 56 and drove normally with traffic. When the vehicle turned south onto I-25 on ramp it took off at a high rate of speed and passed a vehicle on the right shoulder. The pursuit was terminated prior to entering I-25 due to heavy traffic. As the vehicle was going south on I-25 it was seen weaving in and out of traffic recklessly. The driver has been identified and Arvada PD is also attempting to locate this driver for one of their cases. Warrant forthcoming.

Saturday, September 10

Assault / Harassment / Domestic Violence: E Colorado Ave, a woman struck her boyfriend in the face and pulled his beard following an argument. The woman was arrested and booked. We all can relate pulling that beard as we sat on Santa’s lap.

Attempted Motor Vehicle Theft: Stilt Street, two males in a 4-door older “polished” Toyota pickup attempted to steal a Silverado parked in front of this residence overnight. The suspects appeared to notice the security cameras and left.

Sunday, September 11

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 33-year-old Longmont man who had a warrant out for his arrest was contacted. Booked.

Suicide Attempt: S Iowa Ave, a person took a large amount of prescription medication in a suicide attempt. Transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

September 12 – 18

Monday, September 12

Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 33-year-old Longmont man was arrested for a felony warrant. Booked.

Vehicle Crash / Hit & Run: Berthoud High School, a student’s vehicle was hit while parked in the parking lot.

Tuesday, September 13

Suspicious Activity: Campion, spoke to two neighbors nearby who were reporting a recent rise in suspicious activity at this address. One neighbor reported that two people had attempted to get into her back gate then fled from the area, later riding by on bikes. Neighbors report a lot of foot/bike traffic at all hours of the night. Investigation continues.

Wednesday, September 14

Vehicle Theft: Godwit Drive, a resident reported that his Ford F250 had been stolen from his driveway.

Disorderly Conduct / Resisting / Obstruction: Mountain Avenue, a 49-year-old Berthoud man was across the street from the firehouse in his truck yelling profanities at the fire fighters. Upon contact the man was immediately verbally uncooperative and continued to scream vulgar comments in the public view and open businesses. The man attempted to walk away, resisted, and was into custody and booked uncooperative. Yelling at the cops is one thing, but cussing out the fire fighters is taboo.

Recovered Stolen Vehicle / Follow Up: LaSalle, Colo. The stolen Ford truck in this case was located abandoned by LaSalle PD at an intersection in their town. Vehicle processed on scene by LCSO and towed.

Missing Person / Found: Cooperland Blvd, a resident called her sponsor who called Loveland PD to report that she was going to drink heavily and then kill herself in a hotel room. Contacted roommate who confirmed she is an alcoholic and the anniversary of two tragic events in her life. Reported to be very depressed. Believed to be somewhere in a hotel. The woman was found by Loveland PD in a hotel room heavily intoxicated.

Domestic Violence / Harassment: 3800 E Hwy 56, a 36-year-old man punched his ex-wife through the car window after a child exchange. Booked into Weld County Jail.

Thursday, September 15

Vehicles And Firearm Theft: Campion, a resident reported an unknown individual stole a blue Ford F-350 from the victim’s front driveway. Inside the driver’s side storage area was a loaded handgun with an additional full magazine of ammunition. The stolen truck was used to also steal a construction trailer. Inside the trailer was a blue RZR all-terrain vehicle.

Follow Up: Larimer County Jail – Multiple interviews conducted at the jail with subjects involved in last rotation’s pursuit. Interviews, jail calls and ring doorbell footage revealed positive identification of a 44-year-old Loveland woman as the driver and a 43-year-old Loveland man as a complicit passenger with felony narcotics charges. Warrants forthcoming for both parties. Law breakers have no loyalty to anyone. They will rat you out in a heartbeat if it helps them.

Friday, September 16

Non-Injury Vehicle Crash / Driving with Revoked License / Careless Driving: 2nd Street, a 35-year-old woman was driving north on 2nd when she suddenly veered right and rear-ended a parked cargo trailer, pushing it into another parked car. The crash was caught on video. The woman drove away until she was blocked by a witness, and she returned to the scene. The woman was cited.

Weapons Violation / Suspicious: CR6 & CR21, a resident reported hearing multiple gunshots near his residence. Deputies also heard them while on a nearby call. The area was canvassed, and multiple spent shell casings were located on the roadway. It appeared to be random shooting from a vehicle. Several residences were checked for bullet impacts, but none were found. Casings collected for evidence processing. 

Saturday, September 17

Obstruction / Drug Paraphernalia / Warrant Attempt: Campion, a 40-year-old Ft. Collins man fled upon law enforcement contact. Drone and K9 were utilized for an area search but he was not located. This man has made statements about shooting it out with law enforcement.

Theft: Cuda Court. a resident reported that $2000 was missing from her nightstand. her cleaning lady is the only other person who has access to her residence. Scene processed..

Sunday, September 18

Vehicle Trespass: Skimmer Street, unknown suspect(s) attempted to steal a Ford F-350. The lock and ignition were damaged, but no items were taken. The attempt occurred sometime over the last three or four days.

DUI / Open Container: N. 107th St. & Yellowstone Rd, Boulder County, a 19-year-old Longmont man was contacted for speeding 92 mph on Hwy 287 in Larimer County. The man failed roadsides and had numerous White Claws in the car. Blood test and booked. 

Assist Weld Sheriff’s Office: Interstate 25, 1 mile south of the Berthoud exit, Mead Police reported a “domestic incident” that took place on I-25 where a man reported he was punched in the face by his wife. The man was transported to the hospital prior to deputy arrival. Investigation revealed that it occurred around I-25 and Hwy 52 in Weld. Weld SO notified and took over the investigation. I think the argument that led up to this went something like this: Do these pants make me look fat? Yes. SMACK!


Sept. 19-25

 Monday, September 19

Family Problems: 3800 E Hwy 56 (Love’s), a man and his father got into a confrontation with another man and woman during a custody exchange. The father tried to enforce elements of the court order and attempted a “citizen’s arrest” by unjustifiably preventing the other man and woman from leaving the area. The man pushed the father with the bumper of his car so he could leave before a fight ensued. PC was established for the father’s actions; however, the other man did not want him charged. All parties were cautioned on their behavior for future exchanges. The child was the most behaved. What’s that tell ya?

Tuesday, September 20

Shoplifting: Mountain Avenue, three high school students entered the store and stole one Redbull Energy Drink each and a pack of cookies. The juveniles were cooperative and summonsed before being released to their parents. An energy drink with a sugar high. I think they ran to Carter Lake and back 6 times before their parents arrived.

Vehicle Crash – Non-Injury: 600 Blk 2nd Street, a driver backed a 26-foot box truck into a fire hydrant. The hydrant was spun in place and put out of service. No gusher, very disappointing I must say.

Mental Health: 2nd Street & Mountain Avenue, a 30-year-old woman rode the bus into Berthoud and called 911 on the way into town. She was paranoid and delusional; she went to the hospital cooperatively and was placed on a hold. 

Felony Warrant Arrest: 3800 E. Hwy 56 (Love’s), a 42-year-old woman was contacted and found to have a felony warrant. Booked. 

Violation of a Protection Order: 3800 E. Hwy 56 (Love’s), the 41-year-old man that was with the above woman arrested for her warrant violated a protection order by being with her. Booked. 

Wednesday, September 21

Attempted Vehicle Theft / Criminal Mischief: Woodcock Street, a resident reported her Chevy truck ignition had been tampered with and the door handle had been tampered with as well. It appears this incident occurred overnight. 

Vehicle Theft: Turner Avenue, a resident reported his red 2001 Ford F350 was stolen from the parking lot of this business. The owner left the keys inside the vehicle, but the vehicle was tracked to Thornton via live GPS. Thornton PD was advised, and we assisted them with locating the vehicle. The vehicle was located by Thornton Police, and they actively followed it into multiple shopping centers through Thornton but did not attempt contact. A second unknown suspect was actively using the resident’s credit card which had been left in the vehicle. Thornton PD advised they contacted the vehicle after it was unoccupied, and they advised the unknown suspect had used dish soap to wipe down the interior of the stolen vehicle. Thornton PD returned the vehicle to the rightful owner, and it was later learned the unknown suspects had gotten into a silver Nissan Altima which is the same vehicle involved in an incident at Johnson’s Corner last night.

Follow Up: Weld County Jail, Larimer Deputy conducted a Jail interview with the eluding suspect from last week who was now in custody. She implicated another man & herself in eluding & narcotics charges.

Thursday, September 22

Family Problems: 8th Street, a mother reported that her juvenile daughter slapped and kicked her during an argument over being late to school. Daughter said that mom was coming at her and that she did slap her. Mom did not wish to pursue charges. Mom was unable to be de-escalated during contact and continued to yell at her daughter. Social Services referral made.

Missing Person: Tallgrass Lane, a 24-year-old man was reported missing by his mother. He was last seen and heard from on Monday leaving in a car. The man was upset with his family.

Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest: Urban Place, a 35-year-old man was contacted and arrested for his warrant. Booked.

Friday, September 23

Construction Theft:  Bluewater Road, a home under construction was entered and the sub-contractor had his toolboxes and tools stolen.

Theft: CR14, A resident reported that the catalytic converter from his Prius was stolen last night. Prius catalytic converters are the most vehicles hit as their converters are worth more. On a Prius?

Saturday, September 24

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs / Careless Driving / Driver’s License Revoked / Possession of Schedule II Drugs / Warrant: 2nd Street, a 43-year-old Utah man was called by multiple citizens as a drunk driver. He was contacted at this location and had a suspended driver’s license. He also had a warrant and showed signs of being under the influence of Meth. Small baggie of meth located on his person and admitted to smoking meth. Blood draw and booked. 

Mental Health Hold: Horseshoe Circle, a 19-year-old man was texting his girlfriend claiming he had killed his mother, and he was going to go to jail. His mother was not injured. The man was contacted inside the residence and transported to the hospital and placed on a mental health hold.

Sunday, September 25

Suspicious Circumstances: Massachusetts Avenue, a caller reported that there was a truck on the street that had been running for 3 hours. Deputy contacted the vehicle’s owner, who lives on Massachusetts Ave and was told he will be turning the vehicle off and moving it. He stated that the battery was dead and he had been charging it by letting his vehicle run. Truck running for 3 hours, gas prices just below $4. Maybe I’m overthinking this.

Suspicious Circumstances: Mountain Avenue, report of a man possibly living in a vehicle that was parked in front of a business. The reporting party provided a plate for the vehicle which belongs to a known homeless man who has been parking in the neighborhood south of this neighbor multiple times before. The man was not at the vehicle when deputies checked. Further attempts will be made.

September 26 – 30

Monday, September 26

Vehicle Crash / Minor Injuries: Hwy 287 and CR 4, a school bus was stopped to pick up a passenger with their red lights flashing and stop sign on the side was out. Most of the vehicles stopped except for one and they ran into the back of a stopped car.

Family Problems / Missing Dog: 10th Street, a lady called to report her dog was stolen. She claimed her daughter took the dog. Deputies spoke with the daughter who said her mom was unwell and was at a mental hospital and she watched the dog during that time. The daughter said she gave the dog back about a week prior. She said her mother had a history of not watching her pets and they run away which is probably what happened today. Deputy checked with Larimer Humane Society, and they did not have the dog in custody matching that description.

Found Property: 10th Street, a deputy was given a safe lock box delivered to Berthoud Code Enforcement from a resident who found the box in her garage. She was not sure who the box belonged to. The box contained two rings, antique money, and several personal effects. No owner could be located at this time, and the box was booked into property. Later the resident remembered her daughter and son-in-law stayed with her during the 2013 floods. The box was owned by her ex-son-in-law. Deputy called the ex-son-in-law, and he was able to identify several items in the box in great detail. He was explained on how he could retrieve the item at the Sheriff’s evidence. 

Tuesday, September 27

Possible Drunk Driver Report / Child Welfare: Welch Avenue, a 40-year-old Longmont woman was contacted after being reported as a drunk driver driver by several people. She was suffering from a psychiatric issue causing her poor driving. While at the residence a child was seen living in very dirty conditions. His teeth were black and almost completely decayed. The woman was submitted for driver’s re-test and a Child Protection Services referral was made.

Cold Hit and Run: E. Nebraska Avenue, a resident’s fence was damaged after a vehicle backed into it. The driver was identified as a neighbor. Both worked out the issue civilly. This has nothing to do with defense it’s called re-fence.

Felony Warrant Arrest: Meadowlark Drive, a 43-year-old Loveland man was arrested and transported to jail.

Wednesday, September 28

Assist to Colorado State Patrol / Fatal Crash: Hwy 287 at the Boulder County Line – Deputies assisted Boulder S.O. and CSP on a head on crash with one fatality on scene and one passenger with serious bodily injuries.

Thursday, September 29

Felony Warrant Arrest: E. Hwy 56, a 25-year-old Ft. Collins man was contacted and arrested on a felony warrant. Booked. 

Vehicle Crash Non-Injury: Berthoud Pkwy. / Woodcock St., a driver tried to pass another vehicle in the round-a-bout and merged into him after aggressively trying to pass. They both reported by phone after the crash occurred. Summons to be served to the first driver. I’m late, I’m late I gotta get past this other car. Oops now I’m really late. How did that speeding work out for you?

Friday, September 30

Vehicle Crash – Property Damage: CR 13 and E CR 6C, a driver could not stop for the stop sign at this intersection and ran off the road into a ditch. No injuries. 

Vehicle Crash – Hit and Run: 3rd / Massachusetts Ave, a driver reported that a passing vehicle hit his mirror causing damage. He reported it was a later model, white, Chevy truck with an unknown driver. The suspect vehicle continued north and was not located.

Vehicle Crash / Failure to Yield: N Berthoud Pkwy / N Hwy 287, a driver turned in front of another vehicle at this intersection. No injuries and the first driver was cited for failure to yield. 


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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