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September 1 – 8

Sunday, September 1

Nothing of significance to note.

Monday, September 2

Theft: Weld County Road 44 – A RZR that was stored on a trailer was stolen along with ramps and two batteries. The trailer was not stolen, but the lock on the tongue was cut off. The RZR was recovered within Larimer County along with a stolen Yamaha Raptor ATV. The homeowner, where the items were located stated That his friend had dropped off the RZR the other day. Both vehicles were recovered, and registered owners were notified. The investigation is ongoing.

Tuesday, September 3

Cold Theft: Wild Honey Drive – A female reported an inflatable slide valued at approximately $600 was stolen from her boat.

Wednesday, September 4

Graffiti: 7th Street – An unknown suspect painted graffiti on a concrete patio at a park. The graffiti appears gang related. No leads or video.

Protection Order Violations: Center Park Way – A female contacted a male, whom she is restrained from. A warrant is forthcoming for her arrest.

Felony Eluding/Reckless Driving/Speeding/Driving Under Suspense/Unregistered Vehicle: East Highway 56/County Road 5 – A traffic stop was initiated on a male driver for speeding 95 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone and not having plates affixed to the vehicle. The male driver attempted to elude deputies and a Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver was attempted on Highway 56 then again successfully on I-25. The male driver was safely taken into custody without further incident and booked into the jail.

Thursday, September 5

Unsafe Shooting: Southview Road – Roofers at this address thought they were being shot at. During a canvas of the area, a resident was contacted who was shooting on steel targets. He agreed to build his backdrop up to increase safety. t

Protection Order Violation: Megan Circle – A female alleged another female violated a civil protection order through various comments and messages sent via fake TikTok accounts. This investigation is ongoing.

Friday, September 6

Stolen Vehicle Recovery/Forged Vehicle Title: 3rd Street/Mountain Avenue – A male was contacted in a Ford Raptor truck driven from Texas to be purchased by a resident as he was meeting to sell the truck. The truck had multiple VIN areas altered, an altered Texas title, and a large amount of cash was located on his person. The truck was towed to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office for additional processing, the cash was confiscated and logged, and a cell phone that had a significant amount of evidence for a chop shop ring likely out of Texas was seized. Phone warrant to follow. The male was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Fraud: Sparrow Hawk Lane – A female reported that she had three accounts hacked over 28 days and is out $44,000. This investigation is currently ongoing.

Driving Under Revocation/Defective License Plate Lights: Berthoud Parkway/Woodcock Street – A male was stopped on a traffic infraction and was found to be driving on a revoked license. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Accident/Rollover: East Highway 56/Interstate 25 – A semi-truck hauling bagged sand was in the roundabout when the load shifted tipping the truck over and blocking the onramp to the Interstate. The onramp remained closed for several hours while the trailer was unloaded by hand before it could be lifted back onto its wheels. Great teamwork by several tow companies to get the road back open.

Child Abuse: Tundra Avenue – A female mother assaulted her 14-year-old daughter during an argument over a cell phone. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, September 7

Family Warrant Arrest:  1sr Street – A male was contacted on a welfare check and found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He was booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident/Leaving the Scene of an Accident/Careless Driving: East Highway 56 – A male driver collided with another semi as he attempted to back into a spot. He fled the scene prior to law enforcement’s arrival. The driver was identified after dashcam footage captured the company and truck number. The driver then returned and admitted to fleeing. The at-fault driver was issued a summons to court for careless driving and leaving the scene of an accident without providing the required information.

Mental Health/Family Problems: Pyramid Peak Street -A female with a history of chronic medical and mental health issues woke up from a nightmare in a frantic state. The family was able to calm the female down; however, they requested additional resources and were referred to the Mental Health Co-Responders team.

Theft: East 4th Street – A home builder reported $3000 worth of siding was stolen. This investigation is currently active and ongoing.

Sunday, September 8

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: Mountain Avenue – An unknown female left her car while arguing with an employee. The vehicle rolled into a parked vehicle which didn’t cause any damage, and then she fled. The investigation is ongoing.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://NOCOAlert.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County.  `


September 9 – 15

Monday, September 9

Protection Order Violation: Ten Gallon Drive – A man violated a protection order by texting the protected party. He was contacted and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Tuesday, September 10

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: 10th Street/Mountain Avenue – Two-vehicle accident in a parking lot. Very minor front-end damage to one vehicle caused by another vehicle backing into it.

Wednesday, September 11

Cold Assault: Spartan Avenue – A woman reported that she was assaulted by her friend. Charges forthcoming

Thursday, September 12

Driving Under Revocation/Warrant Arrest: North Highway 287/County Road 8 – A male driver was contacted for driving under a revoked license. He was also found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest. The man was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Theft/Harassment: East Highway 56 – An unknown male stole approximately $150-$200 of items from a business. As he was leaving, he pushed the manager and blocked his egress. The suspect left on foot and was not located.

Found Horse: A paint horse was on a walkabout in Berthoud and was wrangled by deputies. The owner of the horse was located, and the horse was safely returned home.

Friday, September 13

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Speeding: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A male driver was contacted for speeding and found to be under the influence of drugs. Booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Motor Vehicle Accident/Driving Under the Influence: South 9th Street – A female driver collided with a parked car. She was subsequently arrested for Driving Under the Influence and booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, September 14

Felony Theft: Art Drive – Approximately 65 sheets of siding panels were stolen from a construction site.

Lost Property: Highway 56/County Road 5 – A woman reported losing her iPhone 13 Pro at this location. The phone was entered as lost.

Felony Theft/Fraud: Tabor Street – An unknown suspect opened a fraudulent company gas card and has been using it for approximately six months with over $20,000 in charges. The Investigation Unit was consulted.

Felony Vehicular Eluding: Highway 287/County Road 8 – A neon green sport bike eluded deputies northbound on Highway 287. The pursuit was terminated at 42nd Street Southwest due to public safety.

Sunday, September 15

Driving After Revocation Prohibited/Unlawful Possession of Fentanyl/Driving Uninsured Vehicle/Warrant Arrest x6: Grand Market Avenue/Berthoud Parkway – A female driver was contacted for known warrants. Deputies discovered that her vehicle was unregistered and uninsured, and her license was revoked. Suspected fentanyl and paraphernalia were found in the vehicle. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Felony Theft/First-Degree Criminal Trespass: Interstate 25 – A male driver, who owns a jewelry store in California, stated he was returning from a gem show in Denver. The man reported his van got a flat tire and a tow truck company responded to assist. The tow truck driver sent the man to a gas station to purchase the tool needed to retrieve the spare tire. When the man returned, the tow truck driver was gone along with an Aquamarine stone valued at $19,000. This investigation is ongoing.

Driving Under Revocation/Speeding/Expired Registration: Highway 287/Berthoud Parkway – A male driver was stopped for speeding and expired registration tags. It was discovered his license was revoked and was subsequently booked at the Larimer County Jail.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://NOCOAlert.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. `

September 16 – 22

Monday, September 16

First-Degree Trespass/Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance: 1st Street – An adult male was contacted living in the condemned property. Eight fentanyl pills were located during a search incident to arrest. The suspect was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Assist to Colorado State Patrol: East Highway 56 – Deputies assisted the Colorado State Patrol with a DUI/Warrant arrest. A search of the vehicle yielded a loaded firearm and open alcoholic containers.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI): Highway 287/County Road 10E – A male driver was stopped on traffic infractions and subsequently arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Speeding 20-24 MPH Above Posted Speed Limit/Drove Vehicle Under Revoked License/Displayed Expired Number Plates: North Berthoud Parkway – A male was stopped for driving 75 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. The driver had a revoked driver’s license and the vehicle’s license plates were expired. The male was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Tuesday, September 17

Identity Theft/Theft: Petrel Drive – A male reported somebody used his identity to open a Verizon account and charge $210 under his name. The male was supplied with information to freeze his credit, set up fraud alerts, and further protect his identity.

Criminal Mischief: South County Road 21 – A male was contacted and issued a summons for criminal mischief after he broke a door to a house where he did not reside.

Wednesday, September 18

Trespassing: Weld County Road 44 – A male was issued a summons to the Berthoud Municipal Court for trespassing after he was warned multiple times not to park his RV and camp at the Park and Ride.

Thursday, September 19

Cold Theft: 2nd Street – A male reported that two batteries were stolen from his Recreational Vehicle (RV) while it was in storage at Berthoud Secure Storage over the past 2 weeks.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: 4th Street – A two-vehicle motor vehicle accident occurred when one vehicle backed into another while exiting a driveway. No injuries and moderate damage.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Berthoud Parkway/Grand Market Avenue – A male reported he was involved in an accident at this intersection at approximately 1615 hours. Both parties left the scene without notifying law enforcement and neither exchanged any information. The male called in because he was concerned the other driver might blame him. No other information on the other driver or vehicle.

Fraud/Theft: Preserve Drive – A male reported he was defrauded out of $16,000 in an online crypto-currency investment swindle.

Friday, September 20

Suspicious Circumstances: 5th Street – An adult male was reported at the school carnival walking around and getting his face painted. Several staff members and parents were alarmed by his presence. No criminal acts occurred; however, deputies were present at the community event.

Harassment/Domestic Violence: Hollyberry Street – A female reported that her husband grabbed her phone and attempted to hit her with it. He also grabbed the female by the shirt and the shoulder. The male was arrested and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Scam: Sun River Road – A male reported an unknown individual contacted him four times and then sent images of mutilated bodies, demanding that if the male does not pay $5,000, they will kill the male’s family. Unfortunately, this is a common fraud, and the male is not out any money.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident/Careless Driving: County Road 6C/1st Street – A driver turned eastbound onto County Road 6C from 1st Street. The vehicle spun 180 degrees and slide down the embankment on the driver’s side of the vehicle. The driver stated she was traveling between 30-40 MPH and was intentionally “drifting” by oversteering, causing her vehicle to go side to side. The driver was issued a citation for Careless Driving.

Saturday, September 21

Third-Degree Motor Vehicle Theft: Woodcock Street – A stolen U-Haul truck was located parked in front of Building I in the Heron Pointe apartment complex. A subject was observed entering and exiting the cab before going into an apartment. She was contacted in Unit 8 and identified, and admitted to possessing the vehicle, that she did not rent it, and was not paying for it. She was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Sunday, September 22

Cold Theft: East Highway 56 – A business reported a cellphone was stolen from a known individual. The individual was contacted and returned the phone to the owner.


September 23 – 29

Monday, September 23

Traffic Offense/Revoked License (Habitual Traffic Offender): East Highway 56/Weld County Road 44 – A male driver was stopped for traffic infractions and discovered his license was revoked for Habitual Traffic Offenses. He was booked into the Weld County Jail.

Tuesday, September 24

Drugs:  Mountain Avenue – A male dropped a baggie of methamphetamine on the floor inside a local business. Surveillance video was reviewed, and the male was identified by deputies, summons issued. 

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Bunyan Avenue/1st Street – Two drivers were involved in a motor vehicle accident at this intersection. The at-fault driver was cited. The other driver was also cited for failing to provide proof of insurance. 

Cold Theft – East Indiana Avenue – A male reported a campaign sign was stolen out of his front yard valued at $25.

Missing Juvenile: Berthoud – A male juvenile was reported to have not come home since the previous Friday and has been absent from school since then as well. The juvenile was entered as a missing person into law enforcement databases.

Wednesday, September 25

Warrant Arrest x3: Mountain Avenue: A reported transient was contacted at Fickel Park and found to have three outstanding warrants. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail. 

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: 6th Street – A male driver advised his parked trailer was hit by a red Dodge Ram at 1245 hours, causing damage. The Ram truck left the scene without providing information.

Thursday, September 26

Identity Theft: 4th Street – A fraud report was received from a credit union that an online credit application was received and denied due to possible fraud. IP address tracked to New York. The female victim has been a reported victim in several fraud cases. 

Driving Under the Influence of Drugs/Child Abuse/Speeding/Minor in Possession of Marijuana: Highway 287/County Road 4E – A male driver under the age of 21 years was stopped for speeding 103 MPH in a 65 MPH zone with his one-year-old child in the car. The driver was found to be under the influence of Marijuana and booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Assist to Johnstown Police Department/Felony Vehicular Eluding/Revoked (Habitual Traffic Offender)/Fatal Motor Vehicle Accident: Exit 254 Northbound I-25 – A blue Corvette passed stationary deputies at Highway 56/I-25 Northbound at a high rate of speed (100+). Deputies attempted to catch up to the vehicle but were unable to locate the vehicle. No pursuit was initiated. Approximately 2 hours later, a citizen located a blue Corvette that had crashed through the guardrail at the off-ramp of exit 254 northbound on I-25. The driver was deceased. Johnstown Police Department is the lead for the investigation

Friday, September 27

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Murrlet Street – A male juvenile was riding his electric scooter eastbound on Murrlet Street when a male driver did not see the juvenile and started to turn into his driveway. The driver swerved and struck a parked car causing damage. 

Domestic Violence/Criminal Mischief/Criminal Tampering: County Road 14 – A male and female were in a verbal argument at their apartment. The male broke her makeup container, storage bin, and flowers he gave her earlier in the day. He also threw her belongings around in the apartment and out of their vehicle. The male was booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Warrant Arrest x4/Felony Possession of Fentanyl/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: Grand Market Avenue – A female was contacted and found to have four outstanding warrants for her arrest. A search incident to arrest yielded drug paraphernalia and a small zip top baggie with 8 blue fentanyl pills. The female was booked into the Larimer County Jail.

Saturday, September 28

Assist to Colorado State Patrol: I-25 SB, Mile Marker 248.5 – Deputies assisted Colorado State Patrol (CSP) on a road rage incident. A white male driving a Blue 2010 Honda sedan that brake checked other drivers while in stop-and-go traffic while traveling southbound. During this event, the male exited his vehicle with a knife and threatened the victim, including striking the victim’s vehicle with the knife. CSP is handling all charges. Deputies responded to assist and look for the suspect who fled the scene.

Sunday, September 29

Suspicious Circumstances: Berthoud – A 17-year-old male was injured at a Homecoming after-party overnight while roughhousing with another juvenile and attempted to “sleep off” the injury. Friends called 911 in the morning after he was not better, and the juvenile was transported to the hospital with serious bodily injuries. Interviews were conducted and video of the incident was obtained leading Deputies to conclude that the injury resulted from an accident and not a criminal event. Investigations responded to assist with interviews.

Hit and Run Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 56/Highway 287 – A female driver reported that at around 0530 hours she was run off the road on Mountain Avenue near Highway 287 by a white truck, damaging her vehicle. 

Domestic Violence/Harassment: Tabor Drive – A male called to report that his ex-wife pushed him at his home after an argument. When Deputies arrived on the scene the female had left. Deputies then contacted the female by phone and agreed to meet with Deputies at the Berthoud Town Hall to be taken into Custody. The female was then booked at the Larimer County Jail.

Found Property: Mountain Avenue – A wallet and phone were found near Town Hall and turned in to Deputies. The items belong to a male who has two misdemeanor warrants. Contact was attempted with the male at his home unsuccessfully. The items have been logged into the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office Evidence Room for safekeeping.

Violation of a Protection Order: Iowa Avenue -A male reported his soon-to-be ex-wife has been sending messages through their Talking Parents application in violation of his Protection Order. The female would not answer calls or the door at her house. Her attorney stated she would turn herself in tomorrow. 

Theft/Suspicious Circumstances: Canyonlands Street – A female reported an Amazon package was stolen off her porch by a white male wearing ski goggles. The female stated that the package did not belong to her and that she did not know the contents of the package or its value. The female stated there were more victims that reported similar circumstances on Facebook. No other reporting parties as of now. If you are a victim of a crime, please contact law enforcement.

RECEIVE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR CELL PHONE. Please visit https://NOCOAlert.org and register to get emergency notifications on your cell phone. Reverse 911 does not work on cell phones, only on landlines. Berthoud has the lowest registered numbers in Larimer County. `



Scam Busters! Be in the Know.

4 Utility Scams and Where You’re Most Likely to Encounter Them:

  1. Overdue Bill Threats

By far the most common utility scam at the moment is the bogus threat to disconnect your power supply because you are supposedly late with your bill payment. The crooks usually say your power will be cut within a matter of hours unless you send a wire payment — causing victims to panic into paying, even though they know they are up to date.

Sometimes, the scammers supply another phone number you are supposed to call and give you a reference number to use before paying by credit card. This is even worse because you are also running the risk of having your card details stolen and used for other purchases.

Utility firms simply do not operate this way. They do not cut you off without writing several times and then providing written notice of disconnection. So, if you get a call like this it is 100% a fraud. Hang up. But if you feel uneasy about it, call the utility company using the number you will find on your latest bill.

  1. Bogus Assistance Offers

Scammers use a whole host of tricks to try to convince victims they can save money on their utility bills. For instance, they may claim:

  • You are entitled to a grant — but you will be asked to pay a fee upfront. There are no such grants and, even if there were, you would not be asked to pay a fee.
  • You can save money by paying a lump sum in advance — that goes straight into the scammers’ pockets. As far as we have been able to tell, no utility companies offer this type of discount deal to private homeowners or renters.
  • You can cut your bills by switching to another supplier (in areas where more than one supplier operates).

Sometimes, these are legitimate calls, but the offers often do not stand up to scrutiny. Do not make rash decisions on the spot but check details carefully and speak to your current supplier for genuine comparisons.

  1. Equipment You Don’t Need

Another doorstep trick utility scammers use is to claim you need some special equipment, such as a water filtration or power monitoring system. In reality, they are just sales reps. They pretend to be from the utility company to make their deal seem genuine and their offer more convincing.

They may well be selling a legitimate product but if they lied to you about who they are or who sent them, the chances are the equipment they are selling will be overpriced, under-powered and probably unnecessary.

Avoid this swindle by shutting the door on these pushy salespeople. Utility firms simply do not sell equipment door-to-door or even by phone. If you do want to know if you need special equipment, ask the companies themselves, not the guy on your doorstep.

  1. Power Outage Rescue

Finally — and this is a new one on us — we have picked up reports of scammers exploiting power outages. These opportunist crooks visit homes in areas where power supplies have been interrupted. They pose as officials from the affected utility company, offering to reconnect victims for a fee.

They might claim that only a limited number of homes can be reconnected, and you can get priority treatment by paying their fee. But once you pay them, they disappear and, sadly, you are left in the dark. Once more, utilities do not operate this way. They do not offer preferential treatment for re-connection, and they do not charge a fee.

September 30 – October 6

Monday, September 30

Motor Vehicle Accident with Injuries: East Highway 56/North County Road 13 – A two-vehicle accident occurred when one vehicle ran into another that was stopped at the County Road waiting for cars to turn south. Both drivers were taken to the hospital. The at-fault driver was cited for Careless Driving.

Non-Injury Motor Vehicle Accident: Highway 287/West County Road 8 – A female driver reported a rake fell from the vehicle directly in front of her causing damage to her car. The other driver did not stop, but the woman was able to obtain a description and license plate. The investigation is ongoing.

Sexual Assault: Berthoud – A woman reported she was sexually assaulted by her roommate. An initial interview was conducted, and Investigations have been notified.

Driving Under Revocation: Highway 287/Valley View Road – A male driver was contacted during a traffic stop and found to be revoked due to alcohol convictions. He was booked at the Larimer County Jail.





About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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