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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘History’ Archives

The Banning of Books

The Banning of Books

    By Michael Cavna Art Spiegelman sees the new ban of his book ‘Maus’ as a ‘red alert’   Click on image for Wikipedia article on this book Art Spiegelman didn’t set out to write an educational aid for young-adult readers. A half-century ago, he simply wanted to better know his own origin story, discover more about his parents’ histories — and hear from his father, a Polish Jew and a survivor, how some of their relatives were killed in the ... Full Story

Jefferson County’s Assault On U.S. History

‘A Tale Of Two Countries’ — Jefferson County’s Assault On U.S. History By Leonard Pitts Jr. This is a tale of two countries. The first country was built on a radical new promise of human equality and a guarantee of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That country made it possible for even those born in the humblest and most meager circumstances to climb to the pinnacle of prosperity and achievement. It helped save the world in a great global conflagration, fed and ... Full Story

The invasion of Afghanistan, a disaster

The invasion of Afghanistan, a disaster

Wasted Blood and Treasure: The Futility of Invading Afghanistan   Every single war in Afghanistan, whether waged by the Soviets, the British or the Americans, has wreaked havoc on the country . OpenDemocracy / By Rodric Braithwaite February 21, 2014  | On 16 December 2013 David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, told British soldiers in Helmand in Afghanistan that they had accomplished their mission, and that they could come home in 2014 with their heads held high. He ... Full Story

U.S. Drone murders innocent Yemenis

U.S. Drone murders innocent Yemenis

      Turning a Wedding Into a Funeral: U.S. Drone Strike in Yemen Killed as Many as 12 Civilians Investigation reveals that 12 civilians were killed when a U.S. drone targeted a wedding procession in Yemen. By Amy Goodman & Juan González Human Rights Watch has revealed as many as 12 civilians were killed in December when a U.S. drone targeted vehicles that were part of a wedding procession going toward the groom’s village outside the central Yemeni city of Rad’a. ... Full Story

US Killing Children around the world

U.S. Has Nothing to Say About 10-Year-Old Killed in Drone Strike By Cora Currier Officials refused to comment on a June 9 drone strike in Yemen that allegedly killed a 10-year-old boy. On June 9, a U.S. drone fired on a vehicle in a remote province of Yemen and killed several militants,  according to media reports. It soon emerged that  among those who died was a boy – 10-year-old Abdulaziz, whose elder brother, Saleh Hassan Huraydan, was believed to be the target of the strike. A ... Full Story

On This Day, December 29, 1890

On This Day, December 29, 1890

U.S. Army massacres Indians at Wounded Knee   On this day in 1890, in the final chapter of America's long Indian wars, the U.S. Cavalry kills 146 Sioux at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. Throughout 1890, the U.S. government worried about the increasing influence at Pine Ridge of the Ghost Dance spiritual movement, which taught that Indians had been defeated and confined to reservations because they had angered the gods by abandoning their traditional ... Full Story

On This Day: December 27, 1941

On This Day: December 27, 1941

Office of Price Administration begins to ration automobile tires On this day in 1941, the federal Office of Price Administration initiates its first rationing program in support of the American effort in World War II: It mandates that from that day on, no driver will be permitted to own more than five automobile tires. President Roosevelt established the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply in April 1941 to "stabilize prices and rents and prevent unwarranted increases in them; to ... Full Story

On This Day: December 26, 1610

On This Day: December 26, 1610

Bathory's torturous escapades are exposed On this day in 1609 or 1610 (sources are not conclusive), Count Gyorgy Thurzo makes an investigative visit to Csejthe Castle in Hungary on orders from King Matthias and discovers Countess Elizabeth Bathory directing a torture session of young girls. Bathory was already infamous in the area for her torture and murder of servants and peasants, but her title and high-ranking relatives had, until this point, made her untouchable. Her bloodthirsty ... Full Story

On This Day, December 25, 1776

On This Day, December 25, 1776

Washington crosses the Delaware During the American Revolution, Patriot General George Washington crosses the Delaware River with 5,400 troops, hoping to surprise a Hessian force celebrating Christmas at their winter quarters in Trenton, New Jersey. The unconventional attack came after several months of substantial defeats for Washington's army that had resulted in the loss of New York City and other strategic points in the region. At about 11 p.m. on Christmas, Washington's army commenced its ... Full Story

On This Day, December 23, 1982

On This Day, December 23, 1982

Road contamination prompts evacuation of Times Beach On this day in 1982, the Missouri Department of Health and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) inform residents of Times Beach, Missouri that their town was contaminated when the chemical dioxin was sprayed on its unpaved roads, and that the town will have to be evacuated and demolished. By February, the federal and state governments had spent $36 million to buy every house in town except one (its owners, lifelong residents of ... Full Story

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