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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘Political & Politicians’ Archives

Senate Passes Responsible Budget Balancing Measures

Budget measures support Coloradans’ priorities and protect important programs DENVER— February 11: Today, the Senate passed a series of bills to balance the current fiscal year budget for the state of Colorado. Since the most recent revenue forecasts, the Joint Budget Committee has worked to prepare the bills, known as “negative supplementals,” in order to adjust the state budget to account for diminished state revenue. Currently, the state is facing a budget shortfall of $342 million, ... Full Story

Coffman: Time to End Military Draft Registration

Coffman: Time to End Military Draft Registration (WASHINGTON) – United States Representative Mike Coffman (R-CO) today announced his proposal to abolish the United States Selective Service System and end the requirement for young men to register for the draft.  Current law stipulates that all male U.S. citizens and legal residents are required to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday. “The time has come to end the registration requirement and ... Full Story

Senate Minority Leader Mike Kopp’s Statement on

Today Senate Minority Leader Mike Kopp issued the following statement on the appointment of Ellen Golombek as Executive Director of Department of Labor and Employment. “Governor-elect Hickenlooper’s appointment to the Department of Labor may certainly take some of the air out of the bipartisan atmosphere he has promised to promote as Governor. His selection of a noted progressive activist and union boss in Ms. Golombek, certainly will raise plenty of eyebrows in Colorado’s business ... Full Story

Hickenlooper names more directors

Over the past week, Governor-elect John Hickenlooper announced several appointments. Reeves Brown will be Executive Director of the Department of Local Affairs. Brown is now Executive Director of CLUB 20, a non-profit political advocacy organization representing the interests of the 22-county Western Colorado region. He will use his working relationships with local governments and his experience in collaborative decision-making to assist local governments across Colorado deliver services in ... Full Story

Nikkel to Serve on Redistricting Committee

Rep. Nikkel Takes Leadership Role on Congressional Redistricting House Speaker-designee Frank McNulty, R-Highlands Ranch, today announced that he will be appointing Rep. B.J. Nikkel, R-Loveland, to serve on a special committee tasked with overseeing the congressional redistricting process during the 2011 Legislative Session. “B.J. has a demonstrated ability to build consensus and tackle tough issues,” McNulty said. “These traits will make her a strong and fair voice in the congressional ... Full Story

Federal Judge rejects Miller’s challenges in

U.S. District Judge Ralph Biestline today rejected all of Joe Millers claims of election fraud. He also lifted the restraining order on certifying Lisa Murkowski as the winner of the Alaska election. It has been a long road as the Alaskan courts had already ruled against Miller and the federal court said he raised no issues applicable to the federal courts. In spite of the chain of losses, Miller still is contemplating his next step in his legal battle. The Anchorage Daily News has the story ... Full Story

Senate votes to repeal “Don’t Ask,

Senate votes to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Udall Successfully Helps Lead U.S. Senate on Final Bipartisan Vote to Repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Senate Passes Bill Allowing Department of Defense to Responsibly Implement New Policy Today the U.S. Senate passed a landmark bill, cosponsored by Mark Udall, that will repeal the law known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and will task the U.S. Department of Defense with implementing the new policy in a way that protects our national security.  Earlier in the day, the Senate had ... Full Story

Udall supports Dream Act

Today, Mark Udall urged his Senate colleagues to follow his lead and vote for the DREAM Act. While the bill failed because it was filibustered by opponents, Udall will continue to support efforts to pass it so that all young people can earn the opportunity to realize the American dream. Udall released the following statement: “This is an important issue that affects the lives of so many young people who only want the opportunity to live the American dream – and know of no other home than ... Full Story

Bennet a No-Show at 92% of Senior Citizen Hearings

Bennet skips Social Security, senior hearings--even when they're in Colorado Press Release by Owen Loftus | Press Secretary Buck for Colorado DENVER—Senator Michael Bennet has trouble with attendance.  Yesterday, it was revealed that he wants to limit debates with Republican Senate candidate Ken Buck. Now Coloradans are learning that Bennet is ditching work. Bennet is a member of the Special Committee on Aging, which tackles issues such as Social Security and other important matters ... Full Story

Ken Buck supports policies to ship Colorado jobs

Ken Buck supports policies to ship Colorado jobs overseas

KEN BUCK SUPPORTS POLICIES TO SHIP COLORADO JOBS OVERSEAS – SO DOES HE BACK TODAY’S SENATE BILL TO CREATE JOBS AND END OFFSHORING? Senate Voting Today To Close Tax Loopholes For Companies That Ship American Jobs Overseas, While Providing Incentives To Keep Jobs In America Buck Should Tell Colorado Voters Where He Stands On The Creating American Jobs And Ending Offshoring Act With the U.S. Senate set to vote today on the Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act, the Democratic ... Full Story

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