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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘Letters to the Editor’ Archives

The importance of Census

The importance of Census

Dear Editor, The 2018 election season is upon us and terminology related to the election can be confusing - two being apportionment and districting. Apportionment determines the number of representatives to the U.S. House of Representative allotted to each state based on population. Each state gets two senators, but population determines the number of representatives. Districting is the process of drawing the lines to establish the population each U.S. House member will represent. ... Full Story

Beat the Budget Vultures: Demand Medicare for All

Beat the Budget Vultures: Demand Medicare for All

Driven to lower taxes on the wealthy, Congress prepares to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Lowering what the Federal government spends on health care allows for lowering the taxes on the wealthy. Never mind that this will push costs onto already strained state budgets and drive more Americans into bankruptcy. The budget vultures are circling.  Americans have come to depend upon the good that the ACA has accomplished. The problems that remain are based on its being built upon ... Full Story

Sweeney for HD49

Sweeney for HD49

To the Editor, As an Independent voter, I decided to review my options for leadership in the Colorado House of Representatives for District 49. As the Internet seemed to be the best source, I found a debate between the two candidates that was compelling enough to support my voting decision. The Estes Park League of Women Voters sponsored a Candidate Forum on September 22 that conveyed the platforms of both candidates. What was most concerning in this opportunity to hear the ... Full Story

Tom Donnelly for Commissioner

Tom Donnelly for Commissioner

Tom Donnelly is the proven choice for Larimer County Commissioner. Tom’s record of achievement as our county commissioner clearly supports his re-election. Tom is a husband and father of four and from his farming roots to his current service as Larimer County Commissioner, Tom is a hard worker. He demonstrates respect for you and I by his day to day commitment to what’s important to us – lowering the cost of government while providing significant positive impact by local ... Full Story

Amendment 69: Opportunity for Change

Amendment 69: Opportunity for Change

To the editor: I support ColoradoCare-Amendment 69 because it will provide access to affordable, quality healthcare for all Coloradans. This matters to the families of Coloradans who die each year because they don’t have health insurance; to those declaring bankruptcy because they can’t pay medical bills; to those who pay ever higher premiums for increasing deductibles and more limited benefits; to healthcare providers who deal with more paperwork and red tape to provide patients the ... Full Story

Buzz Sweeney for District 49

I am running for Colorado House of Representatives District 49 because you deserve a choice. Two years ago my opponent ran unopposed.  The differences between us is like night and day. I am absolutely sure women should receive equal pay for equal work and make their own health care decisions. Science, not intuition, tells me why the polar ice is melting and why our trout streams are warming. In 2004 Colorado adopted the forward thinking goal of 30% of our electrical power coming ... Full Story

Sweeny for HD 49

Sweeny for HD 49

Dear Editor, Adrian “Buzz” Sweeney is running for Colorado House of Representatives in District 49. He supports equal pay for women and believes in a livable minimum wage. He’s an environmentalist who encourages wind and solar energies, which preserve our rivers and reservoirs. He knows fracking is potentially dangerous to our water supply and that climate change is a serious problem that must be addressed. He wants single payer health care and believes women’s decisions are their ... Full Story

ColoradoCare fills physician RX for broken health

ColoradoCare fills physician RX for broken health system

Dear Editor, Soon Colorado citizens will decide whether to support the current insurance system or muster the courage to change the entire system. The Colorado Medical Society has been dedicated to advancing the profession of medicine and to caring for the people of Colorado. In 2006, the CMS House of Delegates recognized that: "The health care system in Colorado is broken and the entire system needs to be reformed. Working only on one part will cause problems in other areas." The ... Full Story

Kirby Carpet Cleaning Scam?

Kirby Carpet Cleaning Scam?

  I just want to alert people to a carpet cleaning scam here in the Loveland/Berthoud area. The caller said that they were a new carpet cleaning company getting started in Northern Colorado and wanted mouth to mouth referrals. The offered to clean a room to demonstrate their service. When they arrived, the first gentleman came into the house to see what room was to be cleaned. He went out to the car and he and another man came in with a new Kirby vacuum cleaner in a box. They then ... Full Story

Green Party candidate for US Senate

Green Party candidate for US Senate

I’m Arn Menconi and I am a candidate for U.S. Senate for the Green Party. I am running, because as a dad of two young children, our generation must take back democracy back. I want to represent the people, not corporations and the top 1%. I will fight to end the military industrial dominance of our government with it's endless greed and killings, end our dependence on fossil fuels by 2050, providing single payer healthcare for all as a right not as a privilege and break up the Big Banks ... Full Story

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