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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘Letters to the Editor’ Archives

Karen Stockley for Larimer Commissioner

Karen Stockley for Larimer Commissioner

          Karen Stockley for Larimer Commissioner, the candidate we need. My neighbors and I are concerned about fracking near  our properties. Industry representatives tell us this practice is safe. We hear about millions  of gallons of our precious water chemically poisoned and pumped into wells, never to be returned to the hydrologic cycle. Is this water purchaser from municipalities? We're told that we must build water storage because the front range is ... Full Story

Support for Donnelly

Support for Donnelly

      To the editor   I am writing in support of Tom Donnelly who is running for re-election in District 3. The election is countywide so we all have the opportunity to vote for him. He has held several citizen meetings every month and listens to all concerns. He has led efforts to ensure Larimer County places a high priority on openness and accountability. I know Tom and can vouch he has worked long and hard hours to conserve our tax dollars and will continue to work for ... Full Story

Do nothing congressman: Cory Gardner

Do nothing congressman: Cory Gardner

        If you were watching the Rocky Mountain PBS "Colorado State of Mind" Forum on Friday evening, then you also heard Congressman Cory Gardner state, "Nobody understands agriculture better than I do." As a farmer in Weld County, it's not just the arrogance of that statement that offends me - it's saying that and then letting the Farm Bill expire that really bothers me. When I traveled to Washington DC earlier this month to talk to members of Congress about passing this ... Full Story

Don’t forget your ‘neighborhood shopping

Don’t forget your ‘neighborhood shopping

With all the national campaign ads flooding our airwaves and media streams, don’t forget there are important local races going on too.  In fact, these local, often unheralded, campaigns are where the daily impact on our own personal lives is most felt in the future – where the rubber hits the road. In Larimer County, we have historically embraced strong, conservative traditional values of family, friends, individual freedoms, free enterprise, and quality, locally controlled  education to ... Full Story

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I'm writing to support Larimer County Commissioner Tom Donnelly in his campaign for re-election.  Donnelly has done a great job, providing great constituent services for the citizens.  He goes out of his way to listen to the needs of the people.  He holds monthly citizens meetings in multiple locations in his district, plus he goes to lots of public meetings.  He's also provided great leadership with balancing the county budget.  I would definitely recommend Tom Donnelly for ... Full Story

Preserving or dismantling Medicare

  Working as a rural family doctor the past 30 years, it is most disheartening to see someone who has worked hard all their life have a catastrophic illness which throws them into bankruptcy. We must ignore the negative TV ads and campaign rhetoric to determine which political party will preserve Medicare. The U.S. House has passed the Ryan budget, (which Romney endorsed) which will fundamentally change Medicare as we have known it since 1965. The plan replaces guaranteed defined benefits ... Full Story

Voter fraud rarer than shark attacks

Voter fraud rarer than shark attacks

            "I want people in Florida to want to vote as bad as that person in Africa who walks 200 miles across the desert. This should not be easy." -- Florida State Senator Mike Bennett   If Mike Bennett has anything to say about it, Florida's HB 1355 will surely make voting much harder for that state's minority residents. HB 1355 (now under legal challenge), changes the rules for early voting and voter registration, all in an attempt to combat alleged ... Full Story

Tribute to Gwen Hawley

Tribute to Gwen Hawley

        I was privileged to know Gwen Hawley in her capacity as a trustee for the Berthoud Public Library, and came to count her among my friends. Gwen was a library trustee from January 2000 - December 2007. These were years of great change and challenge for the library and Gwen's calm and intellect were greatly valued by her fellow trustees. The Hawley's contributions to the library did not end in 2007, though. Gwen's son John was the chairman of the election committee ... Full Story

What price jobs, Romney wants peons

What price jobs, Romney wants peons

    To the Editor,     Improvements in information technology have made it easy and profitable for American corporations to shift jobs overseas to the emerging (BRIC) countries . Our two major candidates for President have very different approaches to increasing jobs here. Both approaches will create jobs, but the jobs will be quite different. ROMNEY: Bring American salaries and benefits down to a level competitive with those in the BRIC countries. Eliminate any ... Full Story

Biosolids Use is Not a Common Agricultural Practice

Biosolids Use is Not a Common Agricultural Practice

        Nitrogen fertilizers have been used for hundreds of years. Cover crops and legumes to enrich the soil, as well as manure have been used for at least a thousand years. But the residuals from waste water treatment plants, located in industrial urban centers, have only recently been applied to land and have caused serious problems beyond nuisance issues. Hundreds of sludge-exposed rural neighbors have gotten sick, some with life-threatening illnesses; entire dairy ... Full Story

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