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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

‘Opinion/Commentary’ Archives

A letter from Rep. Jared Polis

A letter from Rep. Jared Polis

Please forgive the length of this letter. There is simply so much happening and I have heard from so many of my constituents in the last couple of weeks with a range of questions and concerns. I wanted to share with you a letter about the future of our democracy and suggest a few ways you can help shape it. Like so many of you, I am scared, outraged, and sad. Every day seems to bring a new terrible action from President Trump that runs completely counter to who we are as a country and ... Full Story

A DUI In Colorado Is Now Even More Expensive

A DUI In Colorado Is Now Even More Expensive

  Average impaired driver in the state is more than twice the legal limit  DENVER, CO – The financial impact of a DUI is now even higher in Colorado.  The average cost of a first time DUI offense increased to $13,530 in 2016, that’s up nearly a third (32%) from the previous DUI calculation.  The new total comes as holiday parties and celebrations are ramping up, and law enforcement throughout the state is increasing patrols for impaired drivers. A major factor in ... Full Story

No on Amendment 71

  Amendment 71 benefits special interests with financial backing while shutting out average Colorado citizens from the initiative process. It is predominately funded and promoted by the oil and gas industry. Corporations and special interests hungry for more political control are trying to rig our democracy. If the amendment passes, it will become almost impossible for citizens to put ballot initiatives on many issues including education, healthcare, taxes, and protecting the ... Full Story

Buzz Sweeney Challenging Perry Buck for Colorado

Buzz Sweeney Challenging Perry Buck for Colorado District 49 House Seat

By Judith Powers Buzz Sweeney is challenging Republican Perry Buck for the District 49 House Seat in the Colorado Legislature. “You deserve a choice,” he says, referring to the fact that his opponent was unopposed in the last election, which gave progressives no choice at all. “I want to be your Representative because you deserve a choice between someone who might or might not represent your values, and me, a social progressive who is an economic conservative,” said Sweeney at ... Full Story

Hastert Dysfunctional as Speaker

Hastert Dysfunctional as Speaker

Now, Dennis Hastert Seems an Architect of Dysfunction as Speaker On Washington By CARL HULSE MAY 2, 2016 WASHINGTON — The book jacket for J. Dennis Hastert’s 2004 memoir, “Speaker,” proudly notes how little known he was by the public despite being one of the most powerful people in America. “Not because he has anything to hide,” it says, “but because he doesn’t care who gets the credit.” It turns out that John Dennis Hastert did have something to hide, something ... Full Story

Another choice for Senator from Colorado

Another choice for Senator from Colorado

Meet The Senate Candidate Challenging The Corporate Takeover Of Democracy MINNEAPOLIS — The ballots may say Democrat or Republican, but this election cycle, it’s felt more like “imperialist neocon” or “racist fascist.” The corporate-aligned, two-party duopoly is dominating airwaves and screens. And in turn, the corporate-funded mainstream media is selling only candidates whose agendas don’t disrupt commercial fundraising. Donald Trump has turned out to be an ... Full Story

Lundberg letter: May 2016

May 3, 2016 Immunization Exemption Forms Senate Bill 150--What it is, What it is Not _____________________________________________________________ State Health Department Makes Laws Without the Legislature House Bill 1164, a bill that would have required parents to register immunization exemptions for their children online was killed on second reading in the House on April 25. This bill was a bad idea for many reasons. To read more, click here. One might breathe a sigh ... Full Story

Lundberg Report: March 2016

Cruz Wins Colorado! Caucus or Primary? Prayer Rally at the Capitol Half-Way Through Session Cruz Wins Colorado! Last week, on Super-Tuesday, there was a great turn-out at the precinct caucuses in Larimer County. I talked to 19 precincts at threes different locations. Even though there were some complications with so many people attending, overall it was a very successful night. The Republican party in Colorado did not conduct a state straw poll of presidential ... Full Story

WAAAHHHH…but we don’t wanna get arrested!!

WAAAHHHH…but we don’t wanna get arrested!!

By Mike Ferner As the macho, gun-toting, testosterone-addled cowboys who took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon call it quits, their pitiful whine can be heard all the way to Florida: “Waaahhh…but we don’t wanna get arrested…” So much for the rugged-individualists and badass proponents of personal responsibility. Let’s see what happens as their armed insurrection winds down.  How will the system treat the militant bullyboys? Will they get pepper-sprayed in the face as ... Full Story

How to Tell If Congress Is Working Again

How to Tell If Congress Is Working Again

By Lee H. Hamilton There have been encouraging signs that the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill wants to make Congress function again. They’ve talked about using conference committees more, allowing a more open process for rank-and-file members, enacting separate appropriation bills rather than using omnibus bills, and letting committees lead on legislation rather than hoarding all power in the leadership offices. Perhaps most important, they’ve acknowledged that Congress has many ... Full Story

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