Dear Editor
Today I joined protesters outside Cory Gardner’s Ft. Collins office. Until now, I have limited my civic duty to voting and writing letters to politicians. I stood in a line to speak with a representative for Cory Gardner. Other’s in line complained about the “rudeness” of the representative, however, I would call it a condescending attitude, for I felt we were viewed not as constituents, but as merely uneducated-in- politics voters. I can’t help but wonder – is this attitude of superiority the very evil that is destroying our country? Do we not believe that all men are created equal? Is this why the idea of common good to promote the general welfare is a forgotten tenet of our country? I think the staff of Mr. Gardner forgot they represent us, the people in his district.
LuAnn Hoxeng
I have met both types (condescending, and rude)when dealing with Congressman Gardner's staff.
I was there also. However, I would like to say I thought the young man I spoke with listened well and seem to care to hear the opinions. He was approached with some passionate people on the issue and I thought handled himself well. He was asked for his opinions and did give them but I thought he did so politely.
I have called Congressman Gardner's office and received the same type of
condescending treatment. They don't want to hear that 67% of the American public
wants to increase taxes on the upper 10% as well as the corporations while cutting
wasteful expeditures.
The tea party may have put him in office but not representing the other 80% will
definetly help to remove him if he doesn't represent the majority.
The problem with Cory Gardner and his staff and all Tea Party related types is that they actually believe the economic theory that if they destroy the government and get rid of nearly all taxes and regulation the economy will prosper. No evidence supports this theory and the current state of the nation seems to scream to the contrary yet they hold steadfast to their discredited beliefs. That's why they are arrogant and act like they actually know what they're talking about. What else do you expect from people in Paul Revere hats who are still grappling with evolution?
Of course Gardner is rude and lude toward rank and file people. He like most members of Congress represents his contributors interests. He is just another corporate selected, voter elected pawn of the rich and powerful.
Just two days after the passage of HR 2021 – The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011), on June 23, 2011, submitted by Republican Congressman Cory Gardner (Co-4th), Shell Oil says it wants to get busy, get permits and drill offshore in Alaska. This bill has proved Gardner has proved he is just another energy industry selected, voter elected corporate puppet who works for them while tromping all over future and health of average working men and women of both his district and the United States of America.
Totally money his campaign received from the Oil and Gas industry in was $172,324 That money includes:
$16,550 from Anadarko Petroleum that along with Kerr-McGee Corporations and their affiliates agreed to paid $16.375 million plus interest to the United States for violating the False Claims Act by knowingly underpaying royalties owned on natural gas produced from federal and American Indian leases.
$10,000 from Koch Industries, whose recently released corporate documents revealed that the company is participating in the unregulated derivatives markets as a financial player, buying and selling speculative products that are increasingly contributing to the skyrocketing price of oil. Unregulated derivatives are the same kind of financial products Hedge Funds, Commercial, and Investment banks created, loaded up with sub prime mortgages and sold as Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CM0’s), and Credit Default Swaps (CDS’s), to public pension funds and private investors. Cory Gardner, candidate for Congress, took campaign contributions from cretins, like the Koch brothers who are engaged in these crooked business practices.
$6,000 from Halliburton that in march of 2007 moved its U.S. Corporate H.Q. from Huston to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-N.H., called the company's move "corporate greed at its worst." He added, "This is an insult to the U.S. soldiers and taxpayers who paid the tab for their no-bid contracts and endured their overcharges for all these years. At the same time they'll be avoiding U.S. taxes, I'm sure they won't stop insisting on taking their profits in cold hard U.S. cash."
Congressman Gardner's claim that his bill (HR 2021), would allow an extra 1 million barrels of oil a day to be pumped from Alaska is B.S. on the level of Bush‘s assertion that Iraq had WMD. On October 26, 2010 the U.S. Geological Survey lowered it’s 2002 estimates of 10.6 billion barrels of oil reserves in Alaska’s NPRA and adjacent state waters down to just 896 million a reduction of nearly 90% (1).
USGS Oil and Gas Resource Estimates Updated for the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPRA).