July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Crystal Fire: April 14 update

From Larimer County Emergency Informatin

The following information update has been made for: Crystal Fire

Well hallelujah and better late than never: we have finally gotten some real moisture and more than just enough to make the dirt roads slightly muddy. In Fort Collins we generally have (as of around 2:30 p.m.) from between 2/3 of an inch to over one inch of water from rain and slushy snow. I will not have stats until tomorrow on the area around the burned area but it’s good enough to seriously start demobilizing this fire. The current “Type III” management team will turn operations over tomorrow with the Forest Service taking the Incident Command as lead agency. There will be two engines and one crew still assigned to work on mop up with other resources available to assist if necessary. If it’s true that, “It ain’t over until the Fat Lady sings”, I’d say she is warming up now. The Crystal Fire started not quite two weeks ago and it’s probably safe to say good riddance. This may be the last report on the situation and resources being used.

One another matter: we are confirmed for a citizens meeting at the Big Thompson Elementary School next Thursday, 4/21 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. This is a public meeting but we ask that only those who have been directly affected by the fire as property owners or renters attend due to limited seating. We will go over the response to this incident and field questions about the current situation. Agencies such as United Way and Red Cross will attend as well as other local agencies and officials and a representative or two from the State. Rebuilding issues will also be on the agenda and the Health Dept. will brief people on the hazards involved and the necessary costs of clean up. If you were affected by the fire, please try to attend.


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