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There has been a change of plans for Commissioner Tom Donnelly’s  November public meetings in Estes Park and Berthoud



The Estes Park meeting at the Senior Center would normally take place on Wednesday morning November 16. Since the Commissioners’ proposed 2012 budget hearing in Estes Park takes place the night before (details follow) Commissioner Donnelly is cancelling  the Wednesday morning meeting and inviting you all to the live, televised budget hearing. There is also a budget hearing in Fort Collins non Nov. 21

The Wednesday, November 23 public meeting in Berthoud is also cancelled as Commissioner Donnelly feels that you made need that time for other things since Thanksgiving is the next day

Following are the Budget Hearing details:


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 – 6:30 P.M.  – Televised – Estes Park Cable Chan. 12, Email)

  • Estes Park Municipal Building, Town Board Chambers Room, 170 MacGregor Avenue, Estes Park, Colorado. Citizens can ask questions or make Budget comments by e-mailing the County Commissioners live on Monday evening at BOCC@larimer.org.
  • Viewers can email questions or comments to BOCC@larimer.org


Monday, November 21, 2011 – 6:30 P.M. (Televised, Live Call-in, Email, Internet Streamed))

  • Larimer County Courthouse Office Building, Commissioners Hearing Room-1st Floor, 200 West Oak Street, Fort Collins.
  • Televised on Fort Collins Cable Channel 14, LaPorte and Wellington Channel 16, Loveland & Berthoud Cable Channel 16.
  • Viewers can call-in with questions or comments by dialing 970-498-7016.
  • Viewers can email questions or comments to BOCC@larimer.org
  • Viewers can stream audio&video at http://larimer.org/bcc/broadcast.cfm
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