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Over $26,000 was raised by the Colorado Eagles at their first “Pots of Gold” fundraising event this past Saturday. The money was donated to the Addilyn Hawks Foundation.

Addilyn Hawks is the daughter of Larimer County Jail Deputy Aaron Hawks and his wife Krystin. Born on December 19, 2010, Addilyn was diagnosed with Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis-Type 2,  a liver disease for which there is no treatment and for which a transplant is the only lifesaving procedure. With the cost of a transplant often exceeding $500,000, most transplant families need help to pay for the operation.

When Martin Lind, President of Water Valley and an owner of the Colorado Eagles became aware of the Hawks family’s needs, he said, “Why shouldn’t the Eagles help the Hawks.”  Lind then went on to coordinate the event with the Eagles as well as to obtain matching donations from the corporate partners mentioned below.

Sheriff Justin Smith extends his sincere thanks to the Colorado Eagles and Eagles’ fans for their donations and to the following companies for matching contributions:  Water Valley/Pelican Lakes, American Eagle Distributing, Otter Box, Eagle Rock Remax, Front Range Energy, and the Monfort Foundation.

Sheriff Smith said, “We appreciate so much the community’s generosity in helping out one of our deputies and his family during their time of need.”

Donations can be made at  www.COTAforAddilynH.com .

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