Courtesy of EarthSky
A Clear Voice for Science
One of my favorite constellations, little squarish Corvus the Crow, can be found in the south after sunset at this time of year. It is not far from the bright star Spica. You will recognize Corvus for being near this star and for its boxy shape.
Corvus is small and compact, and so it is an easy constellation to pick out in the sky. In Greek mythology, Corvus was seen as the cupbearer to Apollo, god of the sun. In ancient Israel, Corvus was not a crow. Instead, it was seen as a raven. In China, this grouping of stars had more distinction as an Imperial Chariot, riding on the Wind.
Corvus is a friendly sight in the heavens. Along with all the stars, it will be rising earlier in the coming weeks and months as Earth moves around the sun. Check it out now and watch for it in the coming months. The bright star Spica – near Corvus on our sky’s dome – will always be there to guide your eye.
Written by Deborah Byrd
Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA/JPL
U.S. Naval Observator Astronomical Information center