July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Editorial: All Voices Considered

By Jamie Folsom, Managing Editor
Berthoud Recorder

As a true reflection of the community, this paper has changed over the years. New families, new businesses and new ideas have come to Berthoud, and at times, it’s a challenge to have our pages include the new along with the existing voices in the community. But we feel a great duty in our role as history keepers and that means listening and watching for those changes.

To bring news that’s balanced, fair and non-partisan, we have to go the extra mile to find other voices. Every week, we actively seek out stories and issues that are not mainstream, that show a diversity of thought and are not simply based on what we receive by e-mail. And when we get requests or complaints that we have only shown one side of an issue or an event, we are excited to respond with more efforts to get those other points of view.

One area of particular concern is the political realm. Things have certainly changed here. What were once overwhelming Republican elections now have a different flavor to them, but it’s not a clear-cut influx of Democrats either. The two major parties have undergone significant shifts in the last 20 years, and our region’s politics have also shifted and diversified. As a truly non-partisan publication, that’s good news for us and, we hope, for our readers as well.

The recent requests from our non-Republican readers for more points of view on our Voices & Thought page have been well taken. We’ve talked with politicians and other citizens about adding their comments to our pages, and we hope to continue saying we have truly reached out and that the community has responded.

And as they say, we can’t publish what we don’t have. Keep sending in your ideas, your criticisms, your letters of thanks and your photos. Add your voice to the mix.

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