“Today former Qwest CEO Joseph Nacchio voluntarily filed a motion with the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to dismiss the appeal of his criminal conviction and sentence. By withdrawing his appeal, he will no longer contest the length of his incarceration. If the Court grants his request and dismisses his appeal, that dismissal will also result in lifting the hold on money Nacchio paid for his fine and forfeiture, which has been held for years in escrow during his appeals. The government will then be able to take steps to direct those funds to the purpose permitted by law, including compensation to victims of Nacchio’s crime.
It is our hope that with the action taken today by the defense, the criminal prosecution of Joseph Nacchio has effectively drawn to a conclusion, giving some closure to victims and others impacted by this crime. It is appropriate to recognize the FBI and Postal Inspection Service, along with the federal prosecutors and staff from the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Justice Department’s Criminal Division who helped bring Nacchio to justice.”