We were saddened to learn that our friend and colleague Doug Nicols passed away this afternoon. Doug had taken a fall in December and suffered a broken leg. He seemed to be recovering when he suddenly lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital where he remained in a coma until today. The preliminary report indicates a blood clot in the brain. Nichols was a retired micropaleontologist who volunteered at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and wrote the column “Our Natural World” for the Berthoud Recorder.
Nichols, more properly, Dr. Douglas Nichols, Ph.D, was an internationally known and respected scientist and was the author or co-author of many scientific papers and books. According to his wife, Jan, the emails and telephone calls are pouring in to the Denver Museum from all over the world. She plans to have “a celebration of his life” at the Museum next month on his birthday anniversary.
Our sympathy to his wife Jan and his many friends, us among them, who will miss this delightful man. As soon as we have more details on where we can pay our respects, we will let you know.
Gary Wamsley
Rosalind and I are saddened to know the untimely demise of Doug. We were friends and colleague since the day he was at Chevron, Denver, in 1970s and I was at Chevron, La Habra, California. It is a great loss to the world of palynology. Doug was meticulous palynologist and he has contributed enormously to palynological literature. We pray that his breaved wife Jan gets strength to bear her loss. With respect, Satish and Rosalind