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In a press release to the editor (following) Cory Gardner uses an old technique to twist the truth, nay, even lie. He introduces as truth something which is not true or is only his opinion. Introducing such a statement is called using a “strawman.” After making the statement, in this case that the Obama administration discriminates against oil and gas, he then uses the statement to attack the administration. This seems to be a tactic of the current crop of Republicans. Since they do not have actual grounds for criticism they fabricate issues out of whole cloth. Trying to promote renewable energy sources for the future is not discriminating against gas and oil, unless you are getting large campaign donations from the gas and oil industry. See Oil-backed politicians hold conference call to push new handouts to oil companies to see how Gardner works for the oil companies instead of the voters of the 4th District


Here is Garder’s statement. Once you are aware of what he is doing and the pejorative language he invokes, it is quite easy to see the fallacies in his statement.


Gardner hopes Biden learns about energy policy from visit to Greeley 

GREELEY, COLO. – Congressman Cory Gardner (R-CO) released the following Statement on Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to the 4th Congressional District today:

“As the Obama Administration continues to pick winners and losers with its national energy policy, I hope that Vice President Biden’s visit to Greeley today will teach him why discriminating against oil and gas is the wrong approach. I hope that he will go back to Washington and tell the President what he has learned from the people of Weld County, and how that industry and those jobs have made a difference here.”

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