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Representative Gardner Votes to Let Lawmakers Take Vacation & to Block Middle Class Tax Cut

 Press Release

Representative Cory Gardner (CO-04) has the wrong priorities. Gardner voted to let Washington lawmakers leave for a holiday vacation and also voted to block the bipartisan Senate plan for a $1,000 payroll tax cut for 160 million middle income taxpayers.  By going on vacation without passing the payroll tax cut, Gardner is responsible for $1,000 payroll tax hike that begins on January 1, 2012.

“No wonder Americans have lost faith in the Republican Congress—Representative Cory Gardner voted allow lawmakers go on vacation and to block a $1,000 payroll tax cut for the middle class,” said Jesse Ferguson of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “After 39 Republican Senators voted to compromise, Representative Gardner voted for the radical Tea Party Republican plan to hike taxes on 2.5 million Colorado middle income families.”

While Gardner has relentlessly voted to protect tax breaks for the ultra wealthy and Big Oil, he voted today to hike taxes on middle income families.


Gardner Voted to Allow the House to Be Adjourned After December 16, 2011.  Gardner voted for a resolution that allows for the House of Representatives to be adjourned after December 16, 2011. [H Res 493, Vote #926, 12/14/11; H Res 493, 12/13/11]

Gardner Voted to Block a Bipartisan Senate Plan for a $1,000 Payroll Tax Cut to 160 Million Americans. Gardner voted to disagree with a bipartisan Senate Plan that would have extended a $1,000 Payroll Tax Cut to 160 Million Americans. [HR 3630, Vote # 946, 12/20/11; CBS News, 12/20/11; ABC News, 12/20/11]

Gardner’s Vote Makes it More Likely Workers Will See Their Payroll Taxes Raise in January. According to The Hill, “The move also raises the likelihood that workers will see their payroll taxes rise in January when the current tax cut expires.” [The Hill, 12/20/11]

39 Senate Republicans Vote for Payroll Tax Compromise. “The Senate voted Saturday to temporarily avert a Jan. 1 payroll tax increase and benefit cutoff for the long-time unemployed […] With the still-reeling economy serving as a backdrop, the Senate’s 89-10 vote belied a tortuous battle between Democrats and Republicans that produced the compromise two-month extension of the expiring tax breaks and jobless benefits and forestalled cuts in doctors’ Medicare reimbursements. […] Senate Republicans voted 39-7 in favor of the payroll tax measure. ” [AP, 12/17/11]

Tax increase for 2.5 Million Colorado families. In Colorado, failing to pass the payroll tax cut would mean 2.5 million families would face an average of $1,000 tax increase. In 2010, a two percent payroll tax cut was signed into law, providing an estimated $108.6 billion in tax relief to roughly 159 million workers. If Congress fails to extend this tax break, it will cost the typical American working family $1,000 per year. [Office of Tax Policy – Treasury Department, 11/30/11]



 Rep. Gardner speaks on the House floor regarding payroll tax issue
WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) spoke on the House floor today explaining why it is better to pass a 1-year payroll tax holiday extension rather than a 2-month extension as the Senate would like to do.
“I thank the Gentleman from Michigan for yielding time.
“This argument seems a little bit confusing, I’m sure, to most people in America today. Several months ago House Republicans were accused of disagreeing with the president because, oh jeez, the idea was the president’s so we wanted to disagree with it. Well here we are today agreeing with the president on a one year – [a] 12 month extension – of the payroll tax holiday.
“Let me read a quote from what the President said: ‘This Congress cannot and should not leave for vacation until that — until they have made sure that that tax increase doesn’t happen. Let me repeat: Congress should not and cannot go on vacation before they have made sure that working families aren’t seeing their taxes go up by a thousand dollars and those who are out there looking for work don’t see their unemployment insurance expire.’
“We’ve passed a bill. The House bill that we passed with bipartisan support would provide $1,000 a year. I’ve heard it many times, on the house floor, as people come and say this is a thousand dollar tax relief to the middle class. Not under your plan.
“The plan that the Democrats have put forward in the Senate, the plan put forward in the House by our Democratic colleagues, would provide 160 – would provide $160 worth of tax relief.   A $160 worth of tax relief is what they are fighting about today. So, let’s talk about real reform. Let’s talk about real certainty that our economy needs. We’ve argued for a thousand dollars worth of tax relief to America’s working families. You’re talking about $160 worth of tax relief. You’re willing to risk unemployment insurance, willing to risk a payroll tax increase because you’re insisting on a $160 tax break when we’re sitting here [saying] lets provide a thousand dollar tax holiday.
“We can get our economy going again if we have the willingness to work with each other. And I would hope that after today, there is willingness by our friends in the Senate to get the job done, to get the economy moving again and to make sure that this country focuses on the real priorities. That is the men and women in this country looking for work, finding ways to make ends meet and making sure that they’re doing what’s right for their families. I urge this body to do what is right, appoint conferees [and] get to doing the business of this country.”

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