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Bruce Bartlett: ‘My Life on the Republican Right And How I Saw It All Go Wrong’


By Brad Friedman on 11/27/2012, 3:33pm PT

BruceBartlettWe’ve been quite remiss by failing to offer the The BRAD BLOG’s much-sought yet rarely-bestowed “Intellectually Honest Conservative” Award to Bruce Bartlett, Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser and George H.W. Bush’s Deputy Asst. Secretary for Economic Policy.

We were reminded of our delinquency again today upon reviewing his candid assessment of the downfall of modern Republicanism and its central core of pretend conservatism as published in a must-read article for the December 2012 issue of American Conservative. The confessional includes, among many on-target money quotes, this one: “Living in the Fox News cocoon, most Republicans had no clue that they were losing [in 2012] or that their ideas were both stupid and politically unpopular.”

Bartlett begins by detailing his decades-long list of unquestionably rock-solid conservative credentials, all of which have earned him exactly nothing from today’s clueless, brain-addled, incurably propagandized Fox “News” “conservative” crowd. In fact, he has garnered their utter contempt by attempting to tell them the truth over the past decade or so, finding himself tossed “under a bus” along with The BRAD BLOG’s very few other past “Intellectually Honest Conservative” awardees and dissident, reality-based Republicans such as David Frum and Andrew Sullivan.

“To this day,” Bartlett writes, “I don’t think they understand that my motives were to help them avoid the permanent decline that now seems inevitable”…

His entire treatise, entitled “Revenge of the Reality-Based Community: My life on the Republican right-and how I saw it all go wrong”, is very much worth reading. It includes his frank admissions that he was wrong about Keynesian economics,

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