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Date:   October 5, 2011

Larimer County Jail deputies successfully ended a plot by inmates making sharpened metal pieces, commonly known as shanks.  Yesterday, while on a routine check in one of the outdoor recreation areas, a Larimer County Jail corporal heard the distinct sound of metal scraping on concrete coming from another recreation area.  Upon investigation, deputies discovered several inmates involved in trying to sharpen metal pieces approximately five to six inches in length and a quarter-inch in diameter.  Four metal pieces were recovered, two of which had already been sharpened to a point.

Following the discovery of the potential weapons, the entire housing area was locked down and searched thoroughly.  No additional contraband was discovered.

The investigation revealed that the metal used in making the weapons had come from a metal guard over a clock in the gymnasium.  Subsequently, all of the missing pieces from the metal guard were accounted for.

A review of the video surveillance from the recreation area revealed that five inmates had participated directly in sharpening the metal pieces or acted as lookouts. The security level of the five inmates was immediately increased and each of the inmates was assigned to a higher-security area of the jail.  All of the inmates involved are pending sanctions for violation of jail regulations as well as additional criminal charges.

The identities of the inmates involved are being withheld pending the filing of charges.

The charge(s) are merely an accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.





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