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By Paul Sedkowsk
Julian Assange is not a US citizen, and yet some influential Americans are calling him a “traitor” and trying to pin “espionage” on him. WikiLeaks has published information about virtually all the major governments and corporations around the world, and yet he’s portrayed as specifically “Anti-American,” without a shred of proof to that effect. He’s a publisher, yet they insist on calling him a whistleblower. He’s an eloquent advocate for transparency in government, and yet they call him a terrorist. Even though his (carefully redacted) WikiLeaks releases haven’t seriously harmed any of the wrong-doers they exposed (sort of makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?), he’s nevertheless accused of having blood on his hands! So why is America so dead set against him? Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
 Hell Hath No Fury…
And as if all that wasn’t enough, Assange has been accused by two one-night-stand lovers (furious, once they found out about each other) of having unprotected sex with them. This, in the media’s eyes is enough to decry him as a “sex offender” and occasionally even – get this – gay!. Because that’s what gay people do – have sex with multiple partners of the opposite sex. Hence the gaiety.
And yet, he’s not been charged with any crime – sexual or otherwise – and is, ostensibly, “only” wanted for questioning. He immediately agreed to the questioning. In the UK. But they ignored that request. When he previously showed up for questioning – in Sweden – they released him without charge, dismissing the case as meritless. … Read More
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One thought on “Julian Assange-Wikileaks

  1. presidential candidates [O or R] – neither is good for USA and/or for those countries who want peace for world instead of the self-serving controllers of oil/wealth/food of world. Monsanto [seed company] who by "appointment" now controls our FDA has said – he who controls the food controls the world. Big Banks have said – he who controls the money controls the world. Big Oil has said – he who controls energy/oil controls the world. that's OIL MONEY FOOD – US gov is going for one world order with "Cherchez la femme" being your clue for who to watch.
    If I had my choice for what person is best for USA Pres for world peace I would vote for Julian Assange.
    ???Now wouldn't that be interesting!!!

    Take the corruption out of governments and we can have world peace, end starvation, educate all, population controls [no children shd be born to starve to death or malnourishment producing BRAIN starvation & birth defects, stop births for FREE government paychecks [>$1k month per child] to not work [& buy votes], [there is good in all religions – keep the "good" through out the "bad"] stop religion controls harmful to children/girls/women/education for all – religion shd NOT be in education [freedom to worship or not worship honored by all peoples & countries, health-care for all.
    Education for all – free college courses for all must produce good grade for subsequent courses.
    Teaching grads must teach same # of years they received free education – same as other degrees & Ph.D. & medical degrees – leaving still those FREE college courses for all with good passing grades for subsequent courses without degrees.

    To kill Assange is also to kill all Freedom of Speech for all journalists worldwide – putting their lives in danger and the lives of their families.
    Thank you for reading.

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