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Larimer County adopts fire restrictions

Upon recommendation by the Larimer County Sheriff, the Board of Larimer County Commissioners today voted 3-0 to adopt fire restrictions in unincorporated Larimer County since the danger of wildfire, forest and grass fires are great due to above-normal temperatures, lightning strikes, and windy, dry conditions.

As of noon, June 29, 2022, restrictions on open fires for the unincorporated portions of Larimer County go into effect. These restrictions stay in effect until noon, July 29, 2022.  Also in effect are restrictions on the use of fireworks, combustible devices, public firework displays and incendiary devices. This is not a fire ban.

Restricted today:

  • Open fires, including camp or cooking fires
  • Smoking in the open is not allowed, including on trails, parks and open spaces.
  • Fireworks or firework displays.
  • Incendiary devices including sky lanterns, exploding ammunition, exploding targets, and tracer ammunition.
  • Welding

Not Restricted:

  • Contained open fires in permanently constructed stationary masonry or metal fireplaces specifically designed for the purpose of combustion.
  • Gas or Liquid Fueled Fires fueled by bottled gas or pressurized liquid shall include but are not limited to portable heaters, cooking stoves, heating stoves, hiking/camping         stoves, grills, fire pits, fireplaces, etc.
  • The use of an internal or external combustion engine with a spark arresting device properly installed, maintained, and in effective working order and meeting published           standards.
  • Fireplaces or wood stoves located inside permanent structures.
  • Fires in commercially operated wood and/or charcoal-fired grills designed for cooking.
  • Charcoal-fired grills when used at a private residence and location on a non-combustible surface of at least ten feet in diameter.
  • Welding and other torch work within an enclosed building.

About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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