July 2024


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News for Norther Colorado and the world

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Larimer County Wood Collection Yards Opening Dates


Larimer County, Colorado – The Larimer County Woody Biomass Collection/Sort Yards are set to open.

Larimer County Forester Dave Lentz says the sites are meant to assist the public, “The sort yards began in 2008 to assist the public in removing downed timber from their forest health projects such as fire mitigation and pine beetle tree removal.” A partner of Peak to Peak Wood, Larimer County operates two sites:

  • The Red Feather Lakes site is located along the Creedmore Lakes Rd. and is just north Chipeta Rd.  The Red Feather Lakes site will be open on Saturdays only, from May 7 through July 2.  The site will reopen on Saturday September 17 and will close for the season on October 8, again, Saturdays only.
  • The Stove Prairie Site is located south of the Stove Prairie School along Co. Rd. 27 on the Colard property.  The site will be open on Saturdays only from Saturday June 4 through June 25.


Hours at both sites will be 9:00am-4:00pm. What will be taken:

1.      Logs 8ft. 4in. or longer are preferred though shorter logs will be accepted.

2.      No stumps or rotting logs will be accepted.

3.      Branches are to be cut flush with the logs.

4.      No slash will be accepted at either site.

For further information contact Dave Lentz, Larimer County Forester, at 498-5765 or at dlentz@larimer.org.  For information on Peak to Peak Wood go to http://www.peaktopeakwood.org.





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