Dear editor,
After spending 20 years in the US Army defending our Constitution, I feel I must speak out. The upcoming impeachment trial must be fair. Witnesses must be allowed for an honest and fair trial. Senators must base their decisions only on the evidence. The House must be allowed to present its full case — calling necessary witnesses and allowing all evidence from the impeachment inquiry into the trial record. The American people deserve to see what this administration has done by being transparent with witnesses and public documents.
Jane Clevenger
Dear editor,
I’m a voter in boulder county. I live under the rights of the constitution and expect the same from my government. Senators must base their decisions only on the evidence — and cannot under any circumstances accept fundraising help from Trump or coordinate with his defense before or during the trial.
Thorough: The House must be allowed to present its full case — calling necessary witnesses and allowing all evidence from the impeachment inquiry into the trial record. The American people deserve to see what is happening, limiting transparency only to protect classified information and whistleblower anonymity,
Our Senators must vote for a fair trial with witnesses and public documents.
Meril Jean Price
Dear editor,
I have just retired after working till age 70 as a technical editor for a company that cleans up a little bit of Colorado every day and have been a Colorado residence for 45 years. As an older adult, I have seen changes in how people act on or believe in our civic duties as citizens, as Americans, as elected officials, as members of our local, national, and world communities. This is why having an open, fair, transparent impeachment trial is necessary, we are a country based on the rule of law. That is what has made America work for 220 years. Senators must base their decisions only on the evidence — and cannot under any circumstances accept fundraising help from the White House or coordinate with the president’s defense before or during the trial. The trial requires calling necessary witnesses and allowing all evidence from the impeachment inquiry into the trial record. The American people deserve to see what is happening, limiting transparency only to protect classified information and whistleblower anonymity. This matters to me because this is the basis of our republic, our democracy, and our institutions.
Deborah Stewart
Demand Trump’s impeachment and removal at impeachmentinquiry.org.