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Reuters is reporting that a local military commander in the city of Misrata, where the forces which captured Gaddafi took his body, said “over-enthusiastic” fighters took matters into their own hands when they came face to face with the man they despise.

“We wanted to keep him alive but the young guys, things went out of control,” he said speaking on condition of anonymity.

-Reuters Clues to Gaddafi’s death concealed from public view


Situation Report
October 20, 2011
Prepared by: Libya Outreach Group
Executive Summary


Article 1 ; Article 2

Maummer Gaddafi was caught and killed in Sirte, Libya on October 20, 2011. After a prolonged 8 month battle to oust Gaddafi, the people of Libya can now start to heal and move forward. Maummer Gaddafi was 69 years old when he died and came to power as a young man in September of 1969 and ruled Libya as a brutal dictator for 42 years. During that time his regime was responsible for horrific human rights violations, embezzlement and an international reign or terror. Maummer Gaddafi’s son Muatassim Gaddafi has also been confirmed dead and there have been rumors that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi may have been caught or killed but no confirmation of this has been released by the NTC. Gaddafi and Muatassim were captured alive but Maummer Gaddafi was fatally wounded on the way to the hospital, his body was taken to Misrata. The city of Misrata was almost completely demolished by Gaddafi forces, and has many crimes against humanity grievances against the defunct regime. The bodies were examined by a corner and the cause of death, bullet wounds. Videos of both Gaddafi and Muatassim have been posted on the Internet. Both were captured alive and later died. The exact circumstances of their deaths remain unknown. Further, it is not yet clear where they will be buried but NTC says they will be buried according to Islamic laws.

Gaddafi’s death signifies an end to an era and the beginning of a new dawn for the Libyan people who are full of hope and trepidation. As Libya heads forward towards implementing a democratic government, it faces many social, political and economic, technical, operational challenges and opportunities, especially with a country of only 6 million that produces 2% of the world’s oil supply. Further, by the estimates released the country that may take 10 years to rebuild. The events manifesting in Libya have not yet been seen in the MENA region and set a precedent for this type of rebirth. Although the Tunisian and Egyptian governments are still in transition, Libya’s situation differs, because its previous institutions, were few and centralized., and after a very violent conflict, the political transformation to democracy is much clearer than more heavily bureaucratic countries, that have inherited legacy of institutions, but also vital civil society. Libya is only just starting to build it civil society, and will need to design new institutions to correspond to the new structures of a democratic government.

How will Libyans ensure their unity does not disintegrate in the wake of Gaddafi’s demise? The question that remains unanswered is how will the NTC move forward, establish a constitution and hold valid and transparent elections in the most inclusive way possible, and deliver on its social contract with the people? Now more than ever, all Libyans must work together under one umbrella, to build a democracy in Libya. The assistance of the international community is integral to this process. Establishing rule of law that respects human rights, transparency, and justice is critical to ensuring safety and stability in the country. Stability in the country requires a valid, reliable and relevant National Army, whose primary focus should not only be on national security and defense, but also rebuilding and reconstructing the country, similar to an army corps of engineers. The current National Transitional Council is to declare Libya’s liberation on Saturday. Although many Libyans have already begun to celebrate the liberation, they cannot lose their eye on the prize: freedom, democracy and justice.

Reactions from the Libya Outreach Community

“Jebril’s resignation will be a huge red light to further delay the unfreezing of the assets. He’s played a pivotal role in gaining support of the International community, if he’s replaced with Islamists, or someone less credible in the eyes of the west, all bets are off I’m sure of it. Those who’ve called strongly for his resignation merely did so for their own political gains, and are making a costly mistake.” – Anonymous

“Back after 28 years….and still can’t believe that I am here and he is gone” – Zeidan Ali Zeidan

“I’ve been away from my motherland for 35 years, and it wasn’t until today, that I realized I missed her like mad. My ignorance was bliss. Knowing what I know now, would have utterly devastated me. How beautiful she is Libya, so diverse and dignified, so strong and resolute, just like the people who died for her, who saved her, we saved her, and with it, ourselves. My people, my country, I can’t wait to reset, reconnect, recharge, and transform!” – Asma Ramadan

“Thank you to the all Libyans, especially the youth, who worked so hard to sustain the Arab Spring! You have not only left a legacy for Libya, but for the region and the world. Your struggle is everyone’s struggle, a global struggle for peace, freedom and justice! In the words of Nizar Qabbani, the great Syrian poet, Oh children of the Arab Spring, “you are our spring of hope …our rays of sun” – Asma Ramadan

“It feels so bittersweet eight months and our lives were like a roller coaster of emotions. In one day subhanallah everything changed not only are we a free country but we are no longer under the iron fist of a dictator who ruled for more than 42 years. No longer under the shadows of fear from his family and his supporters, and no longer ashamed or afraid to show our pride in that we are Libyans. I honestly can say I love my country, I love my fellow Libyans and most importantly I love each who sacrificed their life to make this happen to the ones who past and to the ones here THANK YOU!!” – Ghada Elkhammas

“The world has seen the beginning of the end of the time of dictators, the Libyan people bravely stood up for their rights with nothing but determination and the faith that the time was now. So many lost their lives and so many more wounded but those sacrifices will not be in vain. I can’t wait to experience freedom in Libya and to see how high we will soar.” – Nadia Hamed-Maddox

“Yes, the nightmare of this brutal chapter in Libya’s history is over. We do not rejoice in the death of Qaddafi but in the definitive end of his reign of terror. Nothing will compensate Libyans for the loss in human life, but I know we will never take this precious freedom for granted.” – Asma Yousef

“I am here in Argentina working. I feel a bit shocked and a bit guilty to be so far away from Libya right now. I cannot tell you I feel joyous. Because I don’t. Somebody else’s misery and misfortune does not make me happy. Even if it’s Gaddafi and his family. I don’t know what I feel; however, I am relieved that hopefully death and destruction is no longer an option for Libya! The only thing that I can think of right now is that we have one less evil person with power in this world. Love to all of my lovely friends and thank you for your support.” – Taher Deghayes

Additional News

  • NATO mission in Libya could end as early as Friday. Article ;
  • Oil Industry on Libya still facing challenges which could delay pre-conflict oil production levels. Article


Born in the wake of the 17 February Revolution, the Libya Outreach Group is dedicated to raising awareness, facilitating outreach, and providing stabilization and transition support for Libya Libya Outreach Group has recently changed the format of the Situation Reports. We will provide a highlight of the day’s events with a more in-depth comment of the highlight. We will continue to have hyperlinks of daily events. Thank you for your patience with us during this time. You are valuable to us.



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