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Living Under the Gun

At least 12 are dead in Aurora, Colorado, gunned down by a mad man at a showing of the new Batman movie filled with make-believe violence. One of the guns the shooter used was an AK-47 type, assault weapon that was banned in 1994. The National Rifle Association saw to it that the ban expired in 2004. The NRA is the best friend a killer’s instinct ever had. See Video


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Thank You NRA!

By Martha Rosenberg

If Jared Lee Loughner’s Tucson rampage last year that killed six people, including a US district court judge, and almost killed former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz) didn’t give lawmakers the resolve to check the gun lobby, Friday’s movie theater massacre certainly won’t. Already gun extremists are saying the real reason 70 plus people were shot was that no one shot back. Did they think they were going out for a night at the movies? We need more guns not less! Read More





Did You Hear About the Shooting?

By Russ Baker

We live in a country where firepower, both that held by individuals and by the state, is, frankly, pretty deranged. No other country on earth so bristles with means of killing–and no other country thinks it is quite so healthy an entertainment for us and our children to sit at a console for hours and try to “kill” other people–including civilians. Read More

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3 thoughts on “Living under the gun: Bill Moyers

  1. It's the person behind the device not the device… So tired of hearing the same old story over and over. How about the parents that don't give a hoot about what their kids are doing? Seriously automobiles and doctors should be the first to go as they kill way more people. Look closely at the problem folks, quit following the rest of the sheep and think about the problem for a change. I'm sure my thoughts will will miss their point to this audience….

    1. The number of deaths by "gun" is not so inconsequential as this commenter suggests. From Answers. com. Question: How many gun deaths are there in the US every year. Answer: Per the Center for Disease Control, latest figures (2005) show 30,694 firearm deaths (all races, all ages, both sexes) in the United States.
      Since a firearm is an inanimate object, it can not be the sole creator/ root cause of a death as it must be handled by a person in order to be fired.
      A more accurate description is approximately 16,000 suicides using a firearm
      Approximately 12,252 murders by firearms 80% of which are caused by felons/career criminals/gang member activities. USDOJ National Gang Threat Assessment annual report 2009
      Approximately 600 justifiable defensive shootings by both police and citizens.
      The remainder in accidental firearms discharges.
      According to Wikipedia, there were 32,885 deaths by automobile accident in 2010. In 1980 there were over 50,000. Regulation has reduced the number of vehicle fatalities by nearly 40%.

      What is your source that doctors kill more people or are you expressing an opinion? Editor

  2. So, suicide bombers who kill dozens at a time in other countries are so much nicer? And those countries are so much safer? And drones are just not even seen? So many mixed up people, who can't see the forest for the trees.

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