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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Lundberg Legislative Report

May 31, 2010

1. Berthoud Day Parade Is This Saturday

2. Letter to Colorado’s US Senators


1. The first parade of the summer is this coming Saturday!

Please join me for the Berthoud Day parade. The parade starts at 11, but meet me at 9:30 to blow up balloons and decorate the float. The float will be on 2nd street, north of Mountain Avenue. Look for Lundberg signs and red, white, and blue! I will have my own float, but we will try to line up right behind the Republican Party float. Please help us make a big splash as we launch the campaign for this important election season. If you think you can join us, please call Laura at 970-691-0231.

Berthoud Parade Saturday, June 5th meet at 9:30 AM 2nd Street, Berthoud

2. Last week, on Monday, May 24, I sent a letter to Senators Udall and Bennet, urging them to resist yet another bailout. Here is the body of the press release the Senate Republican office sent out:

DENVER—State Sen. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud, today called on U. S. Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet to oppose an additional $23 billion in bailout money for state governments. “It’s time to stop spending money we don’t have, ” Lundberg said. “It’s time to make hard decisions and engage in real reform that yields better results with the resources that we have. ” U. S. Senator Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, announced last week that he would attach legislation to a military spending bill creating a $23 billion state stabilization account modeled after a component of last year’s stimulus package. The fund would provide money to states for education, helping prop up state budgets for another year. Sen. Lundberg sent a letter to Udall and Bennet opposing the state bailout fund. In the letter, Lundberg voiced his opposition to having Colorado taxpayers subsidize states like California and New York. “This $23 billion fund will only encourage states to make more reckless budget decisions, knowing that Congress will keep bailing them out when times get tough, ” Lundberg said. “Showering states with money like it’s fairy dust will not fix a weak economy. ” Lundberg also expressed concern about growing federal debt and the burden being pushed onto future generations. “Democrats are borrowing money from our children and grandchildren to pay for things today that we cannot afford, ” Lundberg said in the letter. “Congress has already spent trillions on stimulus and bailouts, ” Lundberg added. “When will this out-of-control spending end? ”

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