Dear Editor,
For the past 11 years I have had the privilege of directing operations for the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum. My tenure with the organization ends as of January 2, 2010.
I wish to thank the citizens and merchants of Berthoud, the Town of Berthoud, and the members and volunteers of the Berthoud Historical Society for the support they extended to me and our museum during this time. It isn’t possible for me to thank every individual, but I especially need to recognize everyone who participated on the Berthoud Historic Home Tour committees, the farmers who allowed me to document their lives, the docents, the vintage base ball team, the town staff, my assistants, the Main Street Committee, the Historic Preservation Committee, the Trails Group, the calendar design committees, the program speakers, the exhibit committees, and the researchers who all made my time in Berthoud fun, uplifting, and very educational.
Berthoud treated me well. I hope in return that I contributed to a better understanding and interest in the history of the Little Thompson Valley and its rich and myriad paths. I hope that I have helped to foster an enthusiasm, respect and reverence for Berthoud’s heritage, its buildings, streets, trees, and finally as one local historian said, “The history beneath our feet.” It’s been great!
Tom Vaughan
Museum Director
1998 – 20010
Thank you Tom for all the programs you set up to help me and my children know and understand the history and architecture of Berthoud. Our museum and its programs owe so much to you.
January 15, 2010
Things I'll miss about Tom Vaughan:
1. His approachability. Tom always made time for whoever walked through the door in spite of what his schedule allowed.
2. His humble demeanor. Tom had a way of imparting his knowledge and experience in a manner that didn't leave one feeling sorry for having asked.
3. His expertise. Tom's experience in research methodology, archival organization, artifact storage and conservation were exemplary.
4. His accessibility. Tom could be seen at any point along Mountain Avenue conversing with any of Berthoud's entrepreneurs or citizens. He (and his hat) became somewhat iconic to the character of Berthoud.
5. His genuine interest. In our museum, in our history, in our community and its people.
While I'm sure that his replacement chosen by the capable hands of the BHS board will duly perform all necessary tasks, Tom's absence will leave a void in our town. At the risk of this sounding more like a eulogy than it already does, you will be sorely missed Mr. Vaughan. Thank you for your service to Berthoud and good luck with your future endeavors!