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Secretary Salazar Announces New Appointments

to Colorado’s BLM Front Range Resource Advisory Council

Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced the 2011 appointments to the Colorado Front Range citizen-based Resource Advisory Council (RAC), which advises the Bureau of Land Management on public land issues.

“I want to welcome our new RAC members and commend them for their commitment to public service,” said Secretary Salazar. “Their counsel will serve the BLM well as the agency carries out its multiple-use mission.”

Five members were appointed to the Front Range RAC, which advises Colorado’s BLM Front Range District including the Royal Gorge and San Luis Valley Field Offices. For more information about this RACs, log on to: http://www.blm.gov/co/st/en/BLM_Resources/racs/frrac.html

The Front Range RAC is 1 of 29 Councils composed of 15 citizens chosen for their expertise in natural resource issues to help the BLM carry out its stewardship of 245 million acres – the largest land portfolio of any Federal agency. The BLM has established RACs across the West, where most BLM-managed land is located. Each RAC consists of members with an interest in public land management, such as conservationists, outdoor recreationists, ranchers, Tribal officials, state and local government officials, academics, and others.

BLM Director Bob Abbey said, “The diverse membership of RACs results in a balanced outlook that the BLM needs in managing the public lands for current and future generations.” The BLM, an agency of the Interior Department, is responsible for managing various uses of the land – such as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production – while conserving the land’s natural, historical, and cultural resources.

Below are the newly appointed members of the Colorado Front Range RAC:

· Stephen Oswald of Cotopaxi is a new member representing Livestock Grazing. He is the owner and operator of the Oswald Cattle Company.

· Greg Labbe of Westminster is a new member representing Dispersed Recreation. He is a business manager with a history of working with various citizen-based responsible recreation groups.

· Ted Hoefer III of Longmont is a new member representing Archaeological and Historical Interests. He is the Senior Vice President for Cultural Analysts, Inc.

· Dean Sandoval of Cañon City is a new member representing the Public-at-Large. He is the owner and practitioner of a private general dentistry practice.

· John L. Stevenson of Florence is a returning member and represents the Public-at-Large. He is a retired engineer and commercial contractor.

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