Felix Castillo Lara, 86, beloved husband, father, and friend, left this earth peacefully on February 19th, 2020 while at home with his family. Felix was born in New Braunfels, Texas to Jose and Manuela Lara on January 21, 1934. He met and married Frances Ornelas in Fort Collins, Colorado. They were married 66 years and resided in Berthoud. Felix served in the US Army and was stationed in Japan. Felix worked agricultural farming for many local farmers, built overpasses along the front range for Hensel Phelps, and worked 21 years at Hewlett Packard in the machine shop before retiring and building a vacation home in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico where he served as “tour guide” for family and friends. Felix also served as President of Valley Dirt Riders motorcycle track for 30 years.
Felix is survived by his wife Frances, son Adolph (Gale), son Stan, daughter Ella (Jeff), brother Agapito Lara (Texas), brother Ramon Lara (Loveland); grandchildren Sasha Hartshorn, Shawna Lara, Tegan Hollen, Paxton Cockrell, Bri Cockrell, and Trevor Lara. He also had great grandchildren; Greg Medina, Megan Medina, and Selena and Gabby Lara. He was preceded in death by son Lenny, siblings Louisa Aguirre, Santiago (Jimmy), Dora Molina, and Jose (Chepo), as well as his parents Jose and Manuela.
A funeral service will be held at 2:00pm Wednesday February 26, 2020 at Allnutt Funeral Service, Hunter Chapel. Family and friends may visit the online memorial tribute at www.allnuttloveland.com to leave condolences or a personal note for the family.