Anonymous Park Rangers Speak Up
We have been recently treated to the Congressman who told a Park Ranger in DC that she should be ashamed of herself. (Because of the government shutdown he and his party had worked so hard to bring down upon us all!)
She did not have the liberty to mouth off at his small-minded, mean-spirited willful ignorance. The National Parks Conservation Association has just released a video which shares the words of Park Rangers. Turns out their thoughts have much more to offer than that elected nitwit know-nothing Randy Neugebauer from Texas.
Text to describe the post, which just went up this afternoon. It only had 27 views when I discovered it – it deserves many more:
For nearly 100 years, national park rangers have dedicated their lives to protecting America’s most precious places and the millions of people within their boundaries. But when Congress closed the national parks, angry visitors criticized the Park Service for keeping people out. As federal employees, park rangers can’t share their personal views publicly. So we offered anonymity in return for their testimonies. This is what they wrote.
Transcript below .