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Monday, Dec. 29
A Berthoud woman reported that her ex-boyfriend apparently posted photos of her on a Web site, along with her phone number, and now she is receiving lewd, harassing text messages and photos from people she doesn’t know. The report says that police took necessary action.

A woman in the 1000 block of Welch Ave. found a man in her garage. He told her he was at the wrong house and walked off. She wisely went inside and locked the door before calling police and her niece. Everybody come to the house to make sure she was safe.

A leaning power pole and an arcing power line near Turner Middle school required the services of the Berthoud Fire Protection District (BFPD) and Xcel Energy.

At 11:30 p.m. an officer noticed a tree down and blocking the road at Ninth St. and Mountain Ave. Two officers teamed up to use a tow rope and the BPD Trailblazer to clear the blockage.

Tuesday, Dec 30
Officers were busy before 1 a.m. assisting the BFPD at Berthoud Elementary School.

At 12:43 a.m., the on-duty officer reported an odor of something electrical burning at the police station. Subsequent investigation the next day led to the replacement of several fluorescent light ballasts.

Several traffic-related incidents kept the on-duty officer busy between the hours of 4:30 and 6:15 a.m.

A girl’s bicycle was found on the ground behind Grandpa’s Café.

Two dogs, a Saint Bernard and a Scottie, were reported running loose in the 100 block of South 10th St. at 9:50 a.m. Police were unable to locate the dogs when they arrived at 10:58 a.m.

A day sleeper in the 300 block of E. Colorado Ave. called to complain of noisy kids in the front yard of a nearby residence. He said nothing was wrong; they were just making a lot of noise. All was quiet when police arrived an hour later.

Police were on scene to assist BFPD at a residence in the 900 block of Wilshire Dr. There had been a report of smoke inside the home.

Wednesday, Dec. 31
An axle valued at $350 was taken from a shop in the 200 block of Versaw Ct.

Although they responded quickly to a 9:37 a.m. call, police were unable to locate the dark brown Pit Bull reported running loose on S. Ninth St.

Police spoke with the owner of a business on Second St. after neighbors reported trash and building supplies “blowing all over the place.”

At 2:50 p.m. a lady called from the area of S. Ninth St. and Redwood Ave. to report that the Pit Bull from this morning was running loose in a field and the owner was having problems catching it. Police were unable to locate the owner or the dog when they showed up 15 minutes later.

A lady picked up two dogs running loose in the vicinity of Fourth St. and Bunyan Ave. These dogs were apparently not strangers to police as the report states, “This is Zeus and Apollo and Susanna will be right down.”

Police received two reports of revelers shooting off fireworks in Mary’s Farm as the New Year approached. Neither party could be located.


The Berthoud Police Department has changed over to Loveland Dispatch and is unable to print dispatch reports until new printer connections are made. This edition of the police files will end with the end of the year and we hope to be able to bring you up-to-date in the next report.


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