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Tuesday, March 17

  • A resident of the 300 block of Turner Ave. reported that a neighbor came to his house and told him that his dog had attacked her dog two days before. He went on to say that she “threatened the lives of his dogs.”
  • A passerby found a credit card in the hedgerow by the old rose farm and turned it over to the police.
  • A caller reported a peacock 100 yards north of mile marker 325 on U.S. Highway 287. The peacock was not in sight when police arrived.
  • Police arrested a Berthoud woman on a warrant. She requested that she be allowed to take her medications with her. Her son retrieved several different prescription medications along with over the counter medications. Officers also identified some other substances at the house and charged her with two counts of possession of a controlled substance. The judge established bail at $50,000.
  • Police contacted a group of juveniles at the Ivy Stockwell Elementary School playground at 8:15 p.m. The kids said they were just going to swing on the swing set, but the officer explained that because of mischief occurring at the schools that no one was allowed on the property after dark.

Wednesday, March 18

  • AgriPro reported the theft of a trailer from their Second St. location. Police found fresh tire tracks and are investigating.
  • An unknown oily substance was reported spilling out on the street in front of the Indigo Sky Trading Post. Police determined it looked like drain oil.

Thursday, March 19

  • A 22-year-old female called to report being followed by a black truck which then pulled up in front of her house. The license plate report showed an earlier report of reckless driving but no record on the driver.
  • Police assisted at the apartment fire at 619 Mountain Ave.
  • A Berthoud woman reported to police that she received a text message about a shooting at a WalMart store. Several law enforcement agencies also received the message and Loveland Dispatch described it as a nationwide hoax.
  • A Bunyan Ave. business reported unauthorized use and possible theft of credit cards.
  • Up to four dogs running loose and being aggressive on E. Third St brought a visit from police, but the animals were gone when they arrived.
  • Two Berthoud officers assisted Greeley Police in apprehending a man who was known to be residing in Berthoud. Officers covering the rear entrance of the house on Keep Circle reported seeing the man and his girlfriend inside the house, but when the officers at the front door announced their presence the couple fled upstairs and refused to come to the door. Police finally got the woman to come out and she denied anyone else was there. Police found the suspect hiding in the attic. A further search of the house uncovered some stolen motorcycles, apparently taken by another friend of the woman’s. Police are seeking felony warrants for her as an accessory to a crime.
  • Berthoud firefighters reported suspicious activity near the Kwik Korner shortly after midnight. A man in a red jacket was “messing” with the electrical box on the light pole.

Friday, March 20

  • K and K painting on Bunyan Ave reported a break-in.
  • Police received several reports of vandalism involved spray painting the sides of buildings. The vandalism went from Third St. to the LDS Church on Spartan Ave.
  • Police received a noise complaint about roosters crowing in the 800 block of Longview Ave.
  • A Go-cart was reported stolen from the area of First St. and E. Welch Ave.

Saturday, March 21

  • Large dogs were running loose on E. Third Street again, but this time they were contained by a resident until police could come.
  • A caller reported a Great Pyrenees dog waking on Fifth St. without a collar and thought it “one of the chief’s dogs.”
  • A complaint about loud music in the 300 block of Second St. brought a visit from a Berthoud Police officer and the music volume was turned down.
  • An officer noted a male acting in a suspicious manner in the alley south of Mountain Ave. at 11: 45 p.m. The man was intoxicated and was taken to a friend’s house and was warned about public intoxication.

Sunday, March 22

  • Big, black, furry dogs were reported running loose in the 300 block of Iowa Ave. Police were unable to catch the dogs.
  • A noon call reported a man lying in the alley near Sixth St. and Franklin Ave. The caller thought the man might possibly be naked. The police found a man sunbathing in proper attire.
  • Dogs at large on Third St. again. The officer secured them in their home yard and left his card for the owners.

Monday, March 23

  • Staff coming to work at Berthoud High School found obscenities written on the west wall of the school.
  • A builder reported another occurrence of trash being dumped on the property in the 100 block of E. Colorado.
  • The report to dispatch said “construction workers yelling at vehicles.” Police found Larimer County Road and Bridge personnel cutting trees beside the roadway without proper signage. Police advised the crew to get some signs up to let drivers know what they were doing.
  • A Chevrolet Blazer was reported stolen from a residence on Bruce Dr.
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