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Tuesday, Sept. 22
- A set of unclaimed keys left at Home State Bank was taken into custody by the police department.
Wednesday, Sept. 23
- Police were called on to assist when a child was locked in a running vehicle in the 300 block of Fifth Street.
- A child leaving Berthoud Elementary School ran between two parked cars and into the street and was struck by a car. She was skinned up and bruised but the injuries were not serious.
Thursday, Sept. 24
- Police assisted Thompson Valley Emergency Medical Services at the scene of an unattended death on Sunnywood Place.
- A caller reported a red dump truck with silver stripes speeding down County Road 14. He also reported the truck had run two stop signs.
- Police took a longhaired dog without a collar into custody after a woman brought it to the station.
- After receiving several calls of a car going the wrong direction on Highway 287, police stopped the vehicle, which had turned around by the time they arrived. The driver seemed dazed and police called for an ambulance. The 71-year-old Longmont man was apparently diabetic and suffering from low sugar. He was transported and an IV was started.
Friday, Sept. 25
- A north Fourth Street caller reported that three or four males dressed in black were out and about at 1:30 a.m. and seemed suspicious. They were gone when police arrived.
- Police gave several written warnings for code violations of parked vehicles along Franklin Avenue and Fifth Street.
- A large barking dog was reported in the 400 block of Colorado Avenue at 8 p.m. The officer on duty handled the situation.
- The complainant reported that a male driver in a blue Honda Civic cut her off on Highway 56 and then made a U-turn into her. The vehicle was parked in the 100 block of Mountain Avenue when she called, but was gone when police arrived.
- It was nearly midnight when police received a report of three males arguing outside a house in the 100 block of Keep Circle. Then the caller reported up to nine people there and then all quiet. Police contacted the individuals and a check showed them all clear. They were arguing over a girl, but the issue was resolved and the parties went back in the house.
Saturday, Sept. 26
- Police were back on Keep Circle at 3 a.m. This time there were four or five intoxicated males on the front porch. One individual was reported in custody and another drove off and was stopped and charged with DUI.
- A resident in the 400 block of Bimson Avenue called to report very loud noise coming from a white pickup parked across the street. Actually, the noise was coming from a unit in the apartment house. The caller later canceled the complaint after her husband went to ask that the music be turned down and it was.
Sunday, Sept. 27
- Police made eight early morning traffic stops but everyone got off with a warning.
- Another early morning incident involved a dog tied to the porch in the 900 block of Seventh Street. It was 4 a.m. and the caller said the dog had been barking all night. The owner was given a written warning.
Monday, Sept. 28
- A caller reported losing his Blackberry phone. He said he lost it on Sept. 4.
- Police stopped a motorcycle for careless driving on the north side of Berthoud. The owner did not have a motorcycle endorsement on his license and said his brother was driving. The police report says, “He lied.”
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