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Tuesday, Sept. 15

  • Police took an intoxicated male into custody at 3:30 a.m.
  • A vehicle parked at Berthoud High School was sideswiped by a hit and run driver. The collision left maroon paint on the parked vehicle.
  • A woman found a brown wallet lying in the street and turned it into the Berthoud Police. Ten minutes later the wallet was being returned to its owner at Berthoud High School.
  • Police again responded to the barking Chihuahuas on east Nebraska Avenue but once again it was “Quiet on arrival.”

Wednesday, Sept. 16

  • A Poudre Valley REA employee called to report that someone had shot a 22-caliber bullet through an electrical cable at a business on Weld County Road 7.
  • A Second Street resident reported she thought she heard what might have been gunshots south of her location. Police found nothing.

Thursday, Sept. 17

  • A 16-year-old Loveland girl was cited for careless driving when she ran into the rear end of a car waiting to make a left turn from County Road 17 onto Bunyan Ave.
  • A man came into the police department and reported weeds at the house on the southwest corner of Fourth Street and Evergreen Avenue and the house on the opposite corner. He also reported weeds at the house on the northeast corner of Eighth Street and Mountain Avenue.
  • Police responded to a noise complaint on Bimson Avenue. One of the parties involved had a felony warrant outstanding and was arrested.
  • A police officer handled the situation when he responded to a report of a verbal disturbance on Third Street.
  • Police issued a summons when called to a complaint about a large barking dog in the 600 block of Munson Court.
  • When police responded to a call of suspicious circumstances at the Habitat Thrift Store at 11 p.m., they found someone “Dumpster Diving.”

Friday, Sept. 18

  • A customer at the Berthoud Conoco observed some suspicious activity there and flagged down a passing police officer. He had seen two men dispose of some backpacks at the business dumpster and had also taken a description of the men’s truck and the license plate number. After retrieving the backpacks, the Berthoud officer asked Loveland PD to check the registered location of the truck. The truck was not there but the retrieved objects matched items take in a vehicle trespass in Loveland earlier in the day. The evidence and the case were turned over to Loveland police.
  • Parties unknown burglarized an apartment in the 1000 block of Third Street and took a laptop computer.
  • A loud vehicle was reported at Berthoud Park.
  • Drivers in the alley between east Nebraska and east Iowa avenues reported that skateboarders would not get out of the way when a car wanted through. Police had a talk with the kids and they agreed to let traffic through.
  • Police had to deal with more juveniles just before 11 p.m. The kids were hanging around in Fickel Park after hours and were given a verbal warning.

Saturday, Sept. 19

  • Shortly after midnight police receive a complaint about noise at 110 Bunyan Avenue. Police called the manager and told him to turn down the volume.
  • A group of juveniles making a lot of noise on Bimson Avenue at 1 a.m. brought a visit from police and a verbal warning.
  • A hit and run incident at the post office occurred in the early afternoon. 
  • A 20-year-old female visiting her parents on Keep Circle discovered that her car had been entered and the stereo taken.
  • Police warned another group of juveniles about being in the Town Park after hours and the kids left the area.

Sunday, Sept. 20

  • The officer responding to a 2 a.m. call of suspicious circumstances at First Street and County Road 8 found a hapless motorist with a broken down car. He was waiting for a ride.
  • An employee at Berthoud Conoco reported a possible counterfeit $10 bill, which she refused to accept.
  • Kids on a Go-Kart riding around Willow Ave. were given a verbal warning.

Monday, Sept. 21

  • A suspicious circumstances (cold) in the 600 block of Fifth Street was the first call of the day. Little is known at this time and a report is to follow.
  • In an otherwise quiet day, police made two traffic stops, did one welfare check, intervened in a verbal disturbance between a 15-year-old and his mother and responded to a false burglar alarm at a local café. 
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