July 2024


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Residential Historic District for Berthoud?



Do you enjoy the tree-lined streets and stately homes of Berthoud’s Old Town?

Do you know of friends and neighbors who moved to Old Town just to own an older, historic home?

Is your home over 50 years old?

The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee of the Town of Berthoud is trying to determine what interest there may be in forming a Historic Residential District in town.

Informational Meetings will be held

Saturday, Sept 21, from 9 – 11 a.m.

and Monday, Sept 23, from 6 – 8 p.m.

at the Community Center, 248 Welch Avenue.

Town of Berthoud

Historic Preservation

Supporting a

Residential Historic District in Old Town

Berthoud is lucky to have in its residential areas a wonderful stock of well-kept homes dating back to the early 1900’s. It makes sense for the community to celebrate these historic homes that remain intact after over a century of local development and modernization. Berthoud’s Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (HPAC) is beginning the process of asking homeowners whether or not they wish to move forward and designate their home, a block, a few streets, or even neighborhoods as part of a Historic Residential District.

What is a Residential Historic District?

A Historic District is a geographic area where a group of buildings have been designated as historically or architecturally significant. Buildings are normally grouped into 2 categories: contributing and non-contributing.

Contributing buildings are those that are 50 years or older where the property owner chooses to have their home be part of the District. That contributing building can then enjoy the benefits of being in the District while meeting the District responsibilities. Property owners who wish to be in the proposed Historic District must make a choice to “opt-in”, or contribute to, the District.

Non-contributing buildings are those where the property owner does not wish to be in the District. There are no changes to that property, no District benefits come to it, no District responsibilities need be met, and nothing changes. An owner who wishes to not be a part of a proposed Historic District need take no action at all.

Why a Residential Historic District?

Local historic districts have often been used to save the character of the towns where they are created. They provide protection from demolition, prevent inappropriate exterior changes to buildings, and ensure that the historic environment of the District is available for future generations. A strong Historic District provides a visual sense and record of the past, helps stabilize neighborhoods, provides educational opportunities, and often, increases the value of the homes within the District. For the Homeowner of a Contributing structure, benefits include:

  • —  State Income Tax deductions of 20% of renovation work
  •             (for both interior and exterior work)
  • —  Low interest loans and grants for renovation work
  • —  Owner has complete control over interior of the house
  • —  Home prices compare favorably with those not in District
  • —  Design Guidelines help protect owners’ home investment

Where the Historic District could be formed.

The HPAC is focusing its outreach effort on an area bounded roughly by:

– Capitol Ave. on the north                            – Bimson Ave. on the south

– 9th Street on the west                                    – a mix of 3rd and 4th Streets on the east

– Welch Ave. between 1st St. and 9th Street

In the area identified above, HPAC members are going “door-to-door” in September to visit with homeowners about the idea of creating a Historic District. If there is enough interest, the committee will go into detail about how it applies to your property and begin the process with the State of Colorado and Town Trustees to form the Historic District. The earliest any District could be formed is in the spring of next year.

There’s always a “catch”… what’s the catch?

For a contributing structure in a Historic District to receive Colorado tax credits, low interest loans, etc., the renovation work on your home has to follow design guidelines that address the exterior of the home. Essentially, new exterior renovation to the street-side of the home has to be compatible with the existing structure and new work needs to protect the historic integrity of the property. The HPAC would have a role in reviewing and approving any exterior renovations seen from the street and would work with homeowners to help their proposal meet the guidelines. For contributing structures, this would be an “extra step” before a building permit would be issued.

Public meetings, open house, questions and concerns!

The HPAC is hosting two open house events at the Berthoud Community Center at 248 Welch Ave. Please try to attend one that fits your schedule and visit with the committee about this idea. All are welcome and you can drop by anytime during either open house!


Historic Residential District

Community Open House(s)

Both held at Berthoud Community Center, 248 Welch Ave.

Saturday, September 21, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


 Monday, September 23, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

 If you are interested in learning more please contact Tim Katers, Town Planner at (970) 532-2643 or by email at tkaters@berthoud.org to discuss this idea or schedule an appointment with one of the committee members.

It’s an exciting venture to preserve the feeling and essence of Old Town Berthoud for future generations. Few communities on the Front Range have the clearly bordered, neatly kept residential areas that Berthoud can boast of. Fewer still have the rich 125 year old history found in this community. By forming a Historic Residential District, we can honor those who came before us by preserving, improving, and enjoying the homes that help make Berthoud a very special place.

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